《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 12


I haven't had the type to write new chapters, that is why I haven't updated the Omeganist... The ones I'm updating were already in my drafts, enjoy


It has been a couple of months since Taehyung has started working for Hyper Corporation Law Firm.

Jimin gave birth and came back to work, and Jin was currently eight pregnant. This meant that Taehyung had only three months left before his internship ended.

The Omega was a little bit stressed, considering that they will be having the last presentations next month on everything they have learned. The presentation included almost all their cases and that made the Omega feel sickish.

It was late in the afternoon on Wednesday and Taehyung was packing his belongings and preparing to go home. "Oh Tae, your here thankfully. Please fetch Mr. Jeon at the airport for me, baby Chim is not doing well", Jimin said.

He called his baby Chim. "Oh okay hyung", the Omega said understanding the situation, and immediately went to the airport to fetch Jungkook.

Jungkook was not your typical rich male who had drivers and maids, he preferred to do things on his own unless they are tasked with fetching him and dropping him off at the airport on some days, on other days he drive himself to the airport and parked there.

Jimin gave Taehyung all the necessary information required, that is arrival time and the car keys. The best thing was that he got to drive a Mercedes-Benz, he was never going to miss this chance in his life.

The car was an automatic, making his life way better, not that he couldn't drive a manual car, but driving an automatic car, especially with a car you are not used to driving makes life easier, unlike a manual car where you need to assess if the clutch is too soft or hard.


The Omega arrived at the airport and waited for Jungkook. When Jungkook walked out of the arrival door, his heart skipped a beat seeing Taehyung's big smile waving at him. The Omega was trying to make himself visible since he was a little bean yet Jungkook managed to see him.

Jungkook's face broke into a big smile and he couldn't help but rush towards the Omega and engulfed him in a bone one-crushing.

Everything happened so fast for the both of them. The fact that Taehyung hugged back, took Jungkook off guard also. They stayed in each other's embrace until the alpha slowly let go and the Omega did the same.


Most eyes were on them, they smiled as they thought they were lovers, only if they knew.

"I didn't know you were fetching me", the alpha said. "Hyung had to take care of Chim", the alpha nodded as he pulled the Omega's hand making their way to the company car as Taehyung directed him.

Jungkook was about to drive when Taehyung told him to be in the passenger seat. "I will drive, don't make me feel bad". The alpha smiled and sat in the front seat with the Omega next to him.

"Am I taking you to your house Sir", Taehyung asked. "Please call me Jungkook for now, and yes please. I will direct you". The Omega nodded as he start driving to Jungkook's place.


It was an hour later when they arrived at Jungkook's small cottage house that was kind of isolated from the city. The cottage was standing in a very big yard that had a lot of plants.

The Omega was surprised, he expected the alpha to stay in a big apartment considering that the alpha owned a few of those.

"Do you want to come in?", the offer was tempting for Taehyung and he was very much tired, he still needed to request a cab to go home which will cost him an arm and a leg.

"Come on, I can see you could use a drink", he was not lying. The Omega sighed as he followed the alpha inside his cozy cottage. When he arrived, he loved the interior of the place, although it was a small cottage, there was security at the gate entrance.

"This place is really beautiful", the Omega said. "That is why I love it". The two sat down as they drank tea since it was a bit chilly, and they caught up on work. It was around nine when Taehyung was saying his goodbyes but he was welcomed by a very heavy rainstorm.

Jungkook came behind him, his breath hitting the Omega's neck making Taehyung stiff. "Just wait until the storm dies down then you can go home. The Omega wanted to say no but he knew it was very risky to be out there in such heavy rainfall.

He agreed, Jungkook decided to take a quick shower and he came back wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt. He looked very good, like always.

"I think you should sleep over Taehyung. I don't think the rain will end anytime soon and it's getting late".


The Omega's body became stiff, he looked at the alpha who looked at him to give him a comforting smile. "Let me tell my grandparents so that they don't worry too much".

As much as he wanted to leave, he didn't want to be reckless and end up injured in such bad weather.

Once he finished talking to his grandparents who were very much worried about him, Jungkook directed him to the bedroom so that he can shower. He took a shower and wore Jungkook's long T-shirt and shorts.

When he emerged from the bathroom, he saw Jungkook laying on the bed looking at him, his whole stomach erupted in butterflies. He looked down, not wanting to face the lustful stare the alpha was giving him.

"Where will I be sleeping?", he asked in a soft voice. "Here", Jungkook patted the side of his bed making Taehyung's eyes wide.

"Hey, don't worry. I won't do anything, I only have one bed. My other two bedrooms I turned into a study room and gym room. I never have visitors, when I do, I will take them to one of my penthouses", the alpha said.

Taehyung sighed and immediately climbed the bed. The two lay looking at the ceiling. "Do you still miss Hoseok?", Jungkook decided to ask making Taehyung surprised as he looked at the alpha.

"I used to, but not anymore. It's been a year now since he left me on our wedding day. It used to hurt, but honestly speaking, I don't think I care anymore".

"How is it that you moved on so quickly?", Jungkook just wanted to understand what goes through the Omega's mind. Plus he wanted the Omega to feel relaxed instead of being tensed.

"It's not quickly, he was the one who moved on quickly. Plus I started seeing the real him which made me thank the heavens for making him leave me", The Omega smiled.

"It was a painful experience but it taught me to be strong and learn to love myself more. I loved him more than myself, that was my first mistake. I put him first more than I placed myself, but I reached a point where I realized that I needed to put myself first. I needed to prioritize myself first".

"There is this song I love called Seasons by Lloyiso, this song helped me deal with my heartache. It help me accept that I needed to let go of the man I once loved because he was not good for me".

"Do you have the song on your phone, I'm really curious to hear it", the Omega nodded and immediately played it:

Seasons_Lloyiso(South African Singer, he is really good by the way)

"Is it because I cry too often

That you don't believe me when I say I'm hurtin'

Is it because you think I forgave you

I'm just pretending 'cause I'm hoping I will get through this

I might be mad in love with you

Even hide all the pain that I've been through

But I'm still hurtin', holdin' on to the fear of losin' you

I'm takin' ma heart, it's all I have

I'm more than you know

To love me

It's been hard to accept that season's changed and feelings fade

So all I ask, don't call me

Is it because I don't love my body

That you make me feel like you're the only one that loves me

Is because you're my mother's favorite

Though when I don't text you back you call at again me

I might be mad in love with you, even hide all the pain in front of you

But I'm still hurtin' holdin' on to the fear of losin' you

I'm taking ma heart

It's all I have

I'm more than you love

To love me

It's been hard to accept that season's changed and feelings fade

So all I ask, don't call me

I'm taking ma heart

It's all I have

I'm more than you love

To love mes been hard to accept that season's changeddangedd feelings fade

'Cause all I ask, don't call me

All I have, don't call me"

Jungkook looked at the Omega stunt, the song was powerful. It was clear that the Omega was over Hoseok. "It must have been hard", Jungkook said moving closer to the Omega and brushing a few strands of his hair.

Taehyung's eyes widen feeling the alpha touch. His eyes locked with the Trueblood alpha and his stomach started acting funny. "It was hard, breakups are always the hardest, but I survived".

The two continued looking at each other, "I think we should sleep. It's getting late", Jungkook said and the Omega nodded yet their eyes were still on each other.


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