《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 14



Jungkook decided to separate himself from the Omega's hug and went to bath. Taehyung went to the kitchen to look for anything to eat as he was already hungry.

Few minutes passed until Jungkook walked down to find the Omega preparing breakfast. He looked so tiny in the big apron that belonged to the Trueblood.

"What are you making?", Jungkook said behind the Omega so softly. However, as much as he said it softly, he still scared the Omega who almost dropped the dough he made for the pancakes he was planning on making.

"I'm making pancakes, I hope you will like them". "I'm sure I will love them", Jungkook said giving Taehyung the bowl he almost dropped. The Trueblood was currently behind the Omega, breathing down his neck unaware, or was he?

However, Taehyung was on high alert. He could feel the soft breath of the Trueblood. He could smell the intoxicating scent of the man behind him, his body started becoming weak.

'Taehyung, get your act together. This is your boss you damn hoe', his inner self shouted at him making the Omega shake his head and focus on making pancakes.

However, he missed the amused smile on Jungkook's face. The alpha knew exactly what he was doing. He could feel the strong pull towards the Omega, but he knew he shouldn't act on it, not yet.

It was frustrating for Jungkook because he wanted the Omega. He wanted to feel him close, talk with him, go on dates and just be at peace with him.

However, he couldn't. As much as he wanted the Omega by his side, it was not yet time.

It wasn't long until the Omega finished making pancakes and the two sat down to eat while conversing.


The two males finished eating, Jungkook washed the dishes and they started working.


Taehyung was busy focusing on his work, while Jungkook was also doing his work separately.

Taehyung was constantly yawning, something he does quite a lot if he didn't sleep enough. Jungkook stood up and went to make coffee for himself.

While at it, he made hot chocolate for the Omega hoping it will keep him awake. It wasn't long until he came back and placed the hot chocolate in front of the Omega.

The Omega was honestly not expecting that but he gladly accepted it with a big smile. "How far are you with your presentation? Have you started".

"I only have five slides for now, I don't know how to structure it". "Let me see then", Jungkook said leaning towards the omegas seat as they were sharing a couch.

"He placed his laptop on the coffee table and moved closer to the Omega. His hands moved toward the mouse that was held by the Omega.

He touched Taehyung's hand, which made the Omega immediately look at him with some kind of widen eyes.

The Omega had so many questions but quickly looked back at the laptop screen as he started to bite his lips. Jungkook didn't miss any of those actions at all.

"How about you show a summary of all the cases you worked on, like use this smart art to show it. Then you can choose to break them into groups so that you can talk about all of them".

"For example, you have done 3 rape cases, and you can say under all those rape cases, what was the common reason for it and then verdict for each one of the. It should be one slide, don't put too many words in the presentation, more diagrams, and fewer words".

The Omega nodded his head and he couldn't help but look at Jungkook with dreamy eyes. Jungkook was explaining but Taehyung was daydreaming, when did he start liking this man, he wondered.


It wasn't long until Jungkook finished and their eyes locked. Normally the Omega was quick to look away, but at this very moment, he couldn't. Especially since the Trueblood alpha was caressing his hand so softly.

"Once you finish, let me know so that I can review it". Taehyung nodded and that is when he looked down, with red cheeks and ears.

The Omega quickly removed his hand under Jungkook's finger and stood up, making his way to the bathroom. "You don't know how much I want to kiss those swollen lips", the alpha mumbled after the Omega left.

Taehyung's lips were swollen due to his constant biting of them. "I need to stay focused, we have a bigger goal", the Omega said immediately after arriving in the bathroom.

"I think he is sending me signals though, but why will he? He is my boss and I'm just a little inexperienced wolf", he sighed.

It made sense why he thought about himself in that manner, I mean who will even believe Jungkook liked Taehyung?

Jungkook was not an ordinary man, he was the Owner of Hyper Corp Law Firm and Taehyung? Well, the Omega was a nobody, maybe we can say he is the brother of the ruling alpha of the BTS pack but it still doesn't hold enough to be liked by Jungkook.

The way things looked, Jungkook didn't date any weakling or even people who are not in power. He dated in his league, that is CEO, CFO, company owners, not a nobody like Tae.

The Omega sighed just thinking about Jungkook's type, only if he knew.


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