《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 5


Triple update 🤔

Third Person POV

Sometimes you can feel like the gods are against you, and that is exactly how Hoseok felt because Taehyung was hired at Hyper Corporation Law Firm.

On the other hand Taehyung felt happy for the first time in his life since Hoseok left him on the day of their wedding. He was finally given a chance to work and it was with none other than the most famous law firm in the country, that is Hyper Corporation.

Taehyung's POV

It was a month since the interview at Hyper Corporation that I recieved a call that I was granted an opportunity at Hyper Corporation. At first I was in disbelief, I mean we are talking about me who is mostly followed by bad luck.

If you do not believe that I am always followed by bad luck then let me give you certain examples.

My first ever bad luck was being abandoned by my parents, followed by Hoseok leaving me at the alter. That is not all, I was once almost raped by my own boyfriend before Hoseok because I didn't want to sleep with him.

There is many more, I just mentioned the extreme ones but all I can say is bad luck has been following me since fiercer. Jennie even suggested I go to the ocean to cleanse myself and who was I to disagree.

It became unbearable, but I eventually went with Jennie. The ocean couldn't help me, since Hoseok managed to leave me still even after dipping in the ocean.

I should try the warm current oceans, maybe the cold ocean currents do not have a cleansing mechanism in them.

Anyway back to the good news, i told my grandparents who were thrilled as they have seen me so happy in a while and the whole house was full of laughter again. I also called Jennie who was very thrilled that she even bought me my first suit to work.



It was Monday morning, the day I was suppose to go to work. Jennie came to fetch me as she didn't want me to be bullied on my first day based on my past experience.

"Are you excited?", Jen asked and I nodded my head. "I can not wait to make my own money and become independent".

"That is my boy, we are all about independency. It won't be easy but it will be worth it, I can guarantee you that". Jennie always had the most comforting words.

We finally arrived at the company and Jennie made sure I was with the receptionist who is responsible of hiring before she went to her work station.


Third Person POV

"Good Morning everyone, I am Park, I mean Kim Jimin. Please follow me to the boardroom", Jimin said as he walked towards the boardroom.

There were about six individuals including Taehyung that were hired. All of them were alpha males except Taehyung.

Once the six individuals arrived, they found the boardroom with six extra people. It was Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Jackson and Jaebom.

"Please take a seat wherever you feel comfortable", Jimin said and the six males took the nearest seats they could find.

"As you may all know, you are all here on an internship, only two people will be given a permanent job and that will be based on how they excel. The internship is for only a year".

The six males nodded their heads. "I will hand over to Mr Jungkook to introduce the rest of the team", Jimin said as he sat down looking exhausted due to his heavy belly.

"Thank you Mr Kim, Good Morning Colleague. I am Jeon Jungkook, the founder and share holder of Hyper Corporation", he started.

"As you all know, I do not work alone, i work with my colleagues which are currently sitting in front of you. They will introduce themselves to you. There are other colleagues that we have and Mr Kim will introduce you to them after the meeting", he said and all the six males nodded in understanding.


"I will start with the two gentlemen next to me and they are Kim Namjoon and Lim Jaebum. The two males are also the shareholder of the company and also our main lawyers".

"Then we have Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok and Jackson Wang who are our main lawyers, they are not shareholders". Jungkook said as he gestured to the males so that they know who is who.

"Lastly, this is Kim Jimin. He is my secretary", Jungkook didn't see the need to mention ranks or the fact that Jimin was married.

"Since the introduction is out of the way, I think it's fair for all of you to introduce yourselves once again, to refresh our minds. We can start with the gentleman in blue suit".

"Good Morning, My name is Mark Tuan, I hope you can treat me well", they all smiled at him.

"Good Morning, I am Byun Baekhyun. Please treat me well".

"Hi everyone, I am Park Chanyeol. I hope you can treat me well".

"Hello everyone, I am Choi Soobin, I hope we can work well together".

"Hello everyone, I am Kang Taehyun, I hope we work together well".

"Good Morning everyone, I am Kim Taehyung. I hope you can guide me and help me grow as a lawyer, thank you".

Taehyung's introduction made Hoseok roll his eyes, and some alphas that were not part of the interviews were kind of taken by surprise hearing the name of the Omega.

Actually the main lawyers that haven't seen the Omega before were kind of suprised.

"It is nice to meet you all once again, so I think it's time for the lawyers to choose who they will be working with".

"Mr Kim Seokjin, lead the way". "Uhm, thank you Mr Jeon. Thank you all for the wonderful introduction. I will chose Kim Taehyung, he is an Omega and I am Omega. I think we will work well", Taehyung was relieved internally.

Poor boy didn't know what was waiting for him. Jungkook, Namjoon and Jimin tensed since they knew why. Hoseok on the other hand smirked, because he was going to make the Omega wish he never came there.

The other chose their interns, whereas Jungkook choose Soobin and Namjoon chose Taehyun. Hoseok chose Chanyeol, Jackson chose Mark and Jaebum chose Baekhyun.


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