《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 4


I believe y'all deserve double updates 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Third Person

A month went by since Taehyung and Hoseok broke up. While Hoseok was having fun, having the best sex of his life, Taehyung was trying to get better.

Eventually people found out about his situation and they pitied him. Man that wanted him, only wanted him for sex to see if he was indeed a chicken in bed based on Hoseok's words.

However, no one wanted to marry him. No family wanted to be associated with him and he was starting to get used to it.

He was mocked everyday when walking in the streets. When he pass some males, they would make chicken sounds to remind him of what his ex said about him in bed.

It was really hard for the Omega to leave his house. I mean how do that in this case, where you are mocked with every step you take outside your house.

It was too much, his grandparents were even thinking of moving but the Omega refused saying that it was his home and he will get through it.

Speaking of getting through it, he was currently making his way to interview at Hyper Corporation. He knew that Hoseok worked there, thinking maybe the alpha will chnage his minds seeing him.

"Good Morning Sir, how can I help you", Yoongi the receptionist asked. "Good Morning, I'm here for an interview".

"Interview for the lawyer internship?", he asked and the Omega nodded his head as he smiled lightly. "Okay, go straight on and press the lift to the third floor. Once you get out of the lift, turn right and you will find another receptionist who will assist you".

"Thank You", the Omega said with a sad smile and Yoongi smiled back. Taehyung immediately made his way to the lift not knowing there are lifts for bosses and lift for other employees.


Once the lift opened, a male alpha stepped inside the lift and the Omega followed. The alpha already pressed the 14th floor and Taehyung was confused because there was no button for him.

"Uhm Sir? Doesn't this lift go to the third floor?", he asked with a confused look.

The male alpha immediately raised his head as he didn't notice the presence of the Omega thinking it was his secretary Jimin.

"Uhm No it doesn't", the man said making Taehyung sigh loudly.

"Are you new here?" he was curious because no one dares to get into his elevator.

"I don't work here, I am here for an interview for the lawyer internship".

"OH, interesting, I'm going there myself. Let me fetch something with me and I will take you there". The Omega smiled as he thanked the alpha.

The two males reached the alphas floor, the alpha got out and the Omega followed him. All eyes were on the Omega confused and shocked.

"Mr Jeon, you have oh wait who are you?", Jimin said alert. He was already heavily pregnant, so he couldn't move fast to block the Omega.

"Don't worry Jiminshi, he is a little bit lost. Please take him with you to the interview", the alpha said.

"Okay Sir, let's go", he said gesturing to Taehyung while holding his heavy stomach.

Taehyung couldn't help but envy Jimin. It was clear that the pregnant Omega was happy, his face was glowing. "I'm Kim Jimin by the way and you are?"

"Kim Taehyung", the Omega said and Jimin's eyes widen. He only hoped that it was not the Kim Taehyung he was thinking about, the one who was engaged to Hoseok.

"I am the one who was engaged to Jung Hoseok, but I'm here for work not for a man", he said with a weak smile. Jimin looked at him sadly as they finally arrived at their interview area.


Jimin showed the Omega the personnel handling the hiring process and he made his way to the room where interviews are held.

It was couple of minutes the Omega arrived, and he decided to go to the restroom, and that is when Hoseok, Jin, Jungkook, Namjoon and their secretaries made their way to the interview rooms. In total, they were eight.


The interviews continued until the last batch was called in. They called them according to their numbers and Taehyung was in the last batch.

The Omega together with four more candidates walked in. Taehyung was very small compared to his peers as he was an Omega,as many candidates were alphas and betas.

When the Omega walked in, he saw Jennie who smiled at him, then he saw Jimin who smiled at him, then he saw the alpha he met in the lift.

He was about to move his eyes to the other panel when he had growl and a voice full of anger directed to him. "Are you fuck* stalking me Kim Taehyung? What the f* are you doing here".

Everyone in the room stilled hearing the Omega's name, especially the Hyper Corporation employees. The knew about him, and some were little bit taken back.

"As you can see Sir, I am here to look for a job since I am unemployed", the Omega said with a straight face.

"Get the f* out of here", Hoseok' s voice was commanding but the Omega did not move.

"Why should I? I came here for an interview, not everything is about you Mr. Jung Hoseok. I may have been your ex fiance, but right now I'm just a mere candidate seeking for a job. If you have a problem with that, you leave, after all, it is what your good at".

Hoseok was about to speak when Jungkook stopped him. "This is the interviews, I expect you Mr Jung to behave", the alphas voice was dripping with authority and Hoseok groan as he sat down looking at the Omega will daggers.

Taehyung finally sat down, ready to start with the questions. Although his heart was beating weirdly fast, he didn't show it or he thought he didn't.


The five males were interviewed and honestly speaking Taehyung was answering way better than the four alphas.

"Mr Kim, tell us why did it take you soo long to seek employment considering you wanted to be a stay at home father", it was Hoseok.

"I never wanted to be a stay at home father but my fiance back then suggested it and I just wanted to please him. Stupid of me, I know. They say love is blind, now I agree".

"When I went to Varsity, I had a plan and after graduation I seeked work but I was not successful due to my rank. That is when my ex fiance came to my life and suggested I become a stay at home father and it didn't look like a bad idea at that time. I hope my rank is not considered during the hiring process, only my capabilities".

"Omegas should be stay at home fathers and give birth to children. Working as a lawyer will not be easy, can you handle that", it was Hoseok.

"if he can do it, what will stop me", he said pointing at Jin who smiled at the Omega. The interview continued but throughout there were eyes that were piercing the Omegas soul and Taehyung saw them but decided to ignore them.


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