《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 6


Third Person POV

It was a week since Taehyung started working at Hyper Corp Law firm; and it was hectic for him. Jin was treating the Omega like an errand boy. While others were learning about being a lawyers, he was made to fetch suits and other unnecessary things but he decided to study alone at home.

It was currently working hours when the Omega made his way to Jin's office to bring him his latte. "Mr. Kim your..", he never finished his words as he found Jin bending on the table with Hoseok's inside of him.

Taehyung felt oxygen leave his body and he froze. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move as if he was frozen. "Oh Tae, please excuse us for a few minutes. I will call you once we are done".

Jin said trying to regulate his breathing, not moaning as Hoseok moved with his eyes to Taehyung. "By the way Taehyung, this is what I was talking about when I said your boring in bed. You can't even bend down on a table, get the f* out of here".

The Omega moved out slowly, tears leaving his eyes. He went to the restrooms and broke down. After five minutes of crying, he washed his face, applied makeup, and fixed his eyes. He made sure that there was no trace of him crying.

He even went outside of the building for fresh air. It was 30 minutes later when he came to Jin's office. "Sorry about that little Omega, you will be seeing more of that".

Taehyung just kept quiet, "I would like you to fetch my dog at...", he didn't finish as Taehyung nodded his head as he collected the address and left.

Jin smirked knowing the Omega was sad. That was exactly what he wanted, he wanted the Omega to see that he was good for Hoseok than him( Taehyung).


What Jin didn't notice was that Taehyung was hurt more because it was Jin. Jin is an Omega just like him, he expected so much from him yet the Omega disappointed him. To top it off, Taehyung didn't even know the two males were sleeping together to begin with, so you can imagine his shock.


A month went by with Jin not teaching Taehyung anything. All he did was sleep around with Hoseok and make Taehyung an errand boy.

Currently, all the interns were presenting the work they have been doing. From the beginning until now.

Everyone was waiting for Taehyung to present, the Omega stoop up and opened a presentation. The presentation had all the pictures of the things Jin made him do.

"The first week on this internship, I learned a lot. I was tasked with fetching Mr. Kim Seokjin's suits and from that, I learned all the different colors of suits".

Everyone was beyond shocked and Jin had no words. Taehyung was presenting in front of his Employer. He wanted to stand up but Jungkook raised his hand making Taehyung stop.

"No, continue Mr. Kim, my hand was directed at Mr. Kim Seokjin", the Trueblood said. Hoseok was sending daggers to Taehyung who was busy on the presentation.

"The second week, I learned about different air freshener that helps the office not to smell bad in case you sleep with someone in the office or maybe find rotten food".

This had Jungkook boiling and Namjoon was very much aware. Jennie already knew about the presentation.

"On my third week, I was tasked to stand outside Mr. Seokjin's office to prevent anyone from entering his office while he was busy in a meeting with Mr. Jung Hoseok. It taught me to be firm in my decision and never let anyone do as they please".


"This week I didn't do much honestly, I was responsible for giving Mr. Kim's clients refreshment".

"However, on the side, I did study the law books that my cousin who works at a law firm had and I tried to familiarise myself with all the concepts".

Taehyung started breaking down everything he learned so far, "Although I will like to learn this in practical". The Omega ended his presentation and sat down.

"Thank You Mr. Kim and all the other interns, your presentations were very insightful. You can go back to your posts, our main lawyers please remain behind". Jungkook said.


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