《Halloween Vault 2》#23 | Werewolf - A Werewolf Halloween


Welcome back to our Halloween Vault party! The profile team just put their costumes on and came back to bring you a fresh new prompt to join the party.

We challenge you to write a story between following the following prompt:


The Halloween night in the land of werewolf comes with a legend, the legend that hunts all packs, the legend that is told to every pup, the legend of the Beast of Gévaudan. A beast that came to life in 1764 and since then, it spreads on every single night of Halloween. There were a few who survived it, the formidable teeth, the immense tails and the look of a wolf, a dog, or better, a wolf-dog hybrid.

You get separated by the pack in a stupid game, a game of truth or dare, you end up wandering the woods with no one by your side. You suddenly hear a noise, all of your senses come to life and you just hope, hope that the legend you were told is not true.


► All stories must adhere to .

► Only English stories will be accepted.

► Don't submit stories that are more than 1500 words or less than 500.

► Stories must be originally written for this contest.

► One entry per participant is allowed only.

► Deadline for submitting your entry is .

► Along with submitting your entries through this , we encourage you to share your entry's link in the comment section for other participants to read and enjoy.


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