In Serial

Unfamiliar Faces(Completed)

8 188 30
Author: Type:Male

Live a long enough life and boredom becomes the enemy. Live a strange enough life and you start to crave a little more normalcy. Old Monty has been around for quite a while. Long enough for all his enemies to have either died off or gotten over whatever they were mad about. Long enough for all his friends to have either moved on or moved up to higher planes of existence.

For eons he slept, unbothered, unprovoked, unremembered. Now a whole new life is knocking at his door. A whole new adventure as the familiar of an intrepid but callow young mage.

Can a immortal lord of the void lower himself to being a mortal's partner-in-crime? Yes. Will there be some good stupid fun along the way? There better be...Or the whole world might be in trouble. 

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