《Halloween Vault 2》#22 | Dystopianapocalypse - A Very Scary Dystopian & Apocalypse Halloween


This may be our first time participating in the Halloween Vault, but is ready to bring you hair-raising scares and spine-tingling chills to keep you happy and horrified this Halloween!

To begin, here's a little something to whet your appetite...


Using one of the four images below, write a character monologue in the comments from someone living in that picture. It can be dystopian, apocalyptic, or any mix of the two, but it must include some darker/scarier elements—this is the Halloween Vault, after all!


► Entries must fit in one comment and be max .

► Entries must adhere to .

► Entries must be in English.

► Entries must be tagged #HalloweenVault2 and #HalloweenVault2D&A.


► Shoutout from .

► Best entries added to our Halloween Vault 2 book as bonus content!


After choosing an image, simply write your story in the comments while adhering to the rules above and tag your entry #HalloweenVault2D&A! Feel free to enter as many times as you would like, but make sure to add make a note of WHICH IMAGE you chose in your comment. For example, "Here's my entry for Image #3"!

Time to pick a picture and get writing!

Image #1

Image #2

Image #3

Image #4

Now that we've teased you a little with our comment contest, it's time for the main event...


Using the following prompt, write a 500-word short story!

Beyond the smouldering husk of a burned out city lies salvation, yet no one ever ventures that far. The locals know that something lurks in the darkness beyond the crumbling city walls, stalking the last pathetic dregs of humanity. Travelers and others who pass by are never seen again, though their screams are heard echoing throughout the shadowy night.

You dream of the outside world, yet the thought of leaving terrifies you. You've seen what calls the darkness its home... and it's seen you.



► Entries must adhere to .

► Entries must be in English.

► Maximum word count is .

► Stories must be newly written for this contest.

► Entries must be tagged #HalloweenVault2 and #HalloweenVault2D&A.

► Only one entry per participant.

► Deadline for entries is .


► Shoutout from .

► Winning stories added to our Contest Winners reading list.

► A winner's sticker.


After finishing your entry, which must adhere to the above rules, simply submit it via the form below. Feel free to share a link to your entry in the comments for other participants to enjoy!

Submit your entries to this .

Best of luck to all, have a spooktacular October, and keep an eye on the Halloween Vault as it continues fostering spooky community engagement!


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