《Halloween Vault 2》#24 | HighFantasy - The Masoleum


is ready to strap on its swords and prepare its spells during the most fantastical month of the year! Join us as were venture through the month of October for journeys and adventures beyond your imagination...


Your party has been tasked to search through the royal family's mausoleum during All Souls Night for a missing heirloom. Your adventure seems unhindered as you weave your way through the ancient passageways until you reach the obelisk deep within the center...


► Deadline:

► Word Count Max:

► All stories must adhere to .

► Only English stories will be accepted.

► Stories must be originally written for this contest.

► One entry per participant is allowed only.


All entries must be submitted using this in order to be considered for the contest.

If your entry is part of an already-published story, you must link directly to the chapter to be considered.

We encourage you to share your entry's link in the comment section for other participants to read and enjoy.


► Shoutout to all winners from on their message board.

► A sticker for the winner of the contest.

► Inclusion in 's upcoming Winner's Anthology

► Honorable mentions may be done as well, depending on the quality of entries.

Best of luck, adventurers!


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