《Idiosyncrasies of a Shadow // (ManxMan)》~Chapter 19~
Fate presumes the predetermined state of living,
A linear time line that stretches till the time of death.
Then it stops, period.
It can't be altered, says some.
It's malleable, says some.
Either way, fate is there,
But whether or not one accepts it is another.
Life has a weird way of cupid-matching, it doesn't have to be romantic, it's just a really fucked up way of forcing people together. If you told me I would be good friends with my love interest's ex boyfriend and one of my other good friend's dad who is also a good friend of my dad is now treating me like a son, I would mentally combust. I think I still am combusting. It's barely past noon and I'm ready to blow up.
That being said, I'm not complaining about Sebastien or Owen being good friends, it's New Years Eve today and of course I'm working my ass off. I sincerely think that Owen needs to find someone he can call his own, he needs the stability in his life, after what little bits of information from that night I can't really wrap my head around the anguish he had to be put through.
Sebastien on the other hand, he is... he is a man and a half alright. No filter, power dad, and really well kept for a man of his age. My dad is the more or less the same age, a few years older and he's sporting a belly like none other. And the more background stories I hear from the group of humans I can actually call friends, the more I think my parents aren't far off. They all chose to leave their families, from neglect or... passing away. It just wasn't pretty, and from my perspective, my parents only wanted me for passing an heir down.
They really aren't far off, but I don't want to abandon them, they are the ones who put me on Earth and I wouldn't be able to put it past myself if I don't take care of them.
"Sir, there is a Mr. Cook down here."
Again, asking him which one wouldn't do it any good.
"He said he's the cool one."
I chuckle and say to send him up. I'd put my bets on the one and only, "Aaron! I brought you lunch, looking at your mess of an office, safe to say you're malnourished and sleep deprived." The one and only Sebastien Cook.
"Thank you Sebastien. You really don't have to." I motion for him to sit, he's not wearing a suit like the other night but still dressed respectably. Unlike Roman, who stomps into my office with a hoodie and a plastic bag looking downright stalker/ psycho killer.
"I'd feel guilty if I didn't feed you properly. Your father is a good friend after all." He sounds slightly bitter at that. I press a button under the desk to frost up the glass windows and lock the doors. He's the first to not feel startled by the change, guess he's used to it.
"Do... you know about the proposal between your son and I?" I feel as though I'm over stepping some lines here, we aren't that close and the man seems to be much more serious than he leads on.
"Which one?" he jokes, but quickly sighs when he sees my serious expression. "Yes, I do know of it. Unfortunately my ex wife, really likes to push my son to do shit he's not into. Not saying that he's not into you, but my son is in a committed relationship and all that..."
I can tell where the twins' rambling came from.
"Point is... I divorced her because she's putting her need to be a Solomon in-law before her son's happiness. And I- I've already fucked up one of my son's lives, I don't need another." He sighs exasperatedly, "I'm trying my best to reel in whatever damage was made. But I've always felt as though it's way too late."
I make my way around the desk, sitting next to him and placing my hands on my knees nervously. "Sebastien, if you think you are too late trying to fix the damage between you and your sons then there are people even later than that. I've been pressured to run this..." Gesturing to my office, alluding to the whole business. "Discarding my morals and smashing my dreams because I wanted my parents to be happy. I'm sure Ryland felt that way at one point, but I am more than certain he only wants your love now. He's amassed what he has now partly because of your pressure, now that he has the materialistic, he'd only want the intangible."
Sebastien smiles at me, a fatherly smile that puts my nervousness at ease. I feel as though I am cheating my parents, I feel more of a connection to this man than I do to the both of them combined. "That sounds a lot more personal than I imagined."
"You have no fucking idea." I slump in my seat, pouting like a child and huffing.
"If it means anything to you. I want you to be happy too, with or without your parents. Know that I'd be there for you in ways that your parents might not be able to." He takes the container, a homemade meal. "That being said, I'm not trying to take you out of your family, I'm just trying to treat my sons' friends right." With a steaming bowl of curry with rice, he smiles wider, "what do you say Aaron?"
"This smells like heaven on Earth."
"When I was younger I definitely had a crush on Leonardo di Caprio. He's fucking hot." Sebastien says as he sorts my papers, even though I don't like doing this, he had to sign an non disclosure agreement in order to be around my office, and help me do trivial tasks. He insisted, and I'm just happy I have some human life that isn't scared shitless by my presence.
"I'd say the same but he's too old for me." I stretch my neck, looking at the clock, another 3 hours have passed since lunch. Time flies when I'm doing work with someone fun. Sebastien is such a dad character, but he's probably the coolest dad ever. He's bisexual too, which just adds to his coolness.
"You calling me old there?" His hands stack the papers and leave them in the designated pile. "Not my fault I have an eye for mature men. I don't work out at age 47 for nothing Aaron, I'm still looking for someone out there."
I smile at his good spirits, definitely part of who Skylar is. "Good to know you're not being a self employed widower, god knows how sad those are. I'd be gutted to see you like that."
"My wife's a bitch, can't believe it took me almost 30 years to realize. Among other things that are not my fault."
He slides a can of coke across my desk while sitting comfortably on the couch. I raise my can as a gesture of thanks, he just shrugs. Such a cool dad. "Don't you have offspring to entertain?" His eyes wander my office.
"Ryland's at work, Felix is also at work, Skylar is out with Owen apparently. Little ole' Sebastien can only handle so much Anime before he gets frustrated with the slow episodes." He's more up to date with children's culture than I am. "Besides, I've always wanted to be a CEO again, kind of reliving that right now. Granted, I could never do anything as amazing as the Solomon's."
"I'm sure you can."
"Yeah, right. I'm more like an ensemble leader when I first started Knightingale. It was a nice group of people, but can't really call myself CEO." He lays down and places his forearm on his eyes. He really doesn't give a shit, does he?
"I might be biased but I can tell you what you and your son have accomplished is not ordinary. This business I have isn't a 2 generation thing, it's been going on for more than that." I kneel next to him on the couch, "Plus, the Cook's are a much better family than the Solomon's."
"You're too kind son." He chuckles melodiously, maybe he sings too? Is that where Skylar got his voice from? "That night in the bookstore, I realized that each of you have a little me in there somewhere. I just want you to all live long and prosper, be happy. Unlike me."
"Well if you're looking for a faux-son, I'm good as yours." I say, massaging his tight shoulders.
Is this what father and son feels like? I wouldn't know because the only steady family relationship I have is with my sister, and she's overseas engaged to the love of her life. Bless her for being able to be free of my parent's grasp, at least that's one thing I can be proud of.
"If you want a spa trip, I can hook you up too... dad." I say mockingly.
He sits up, looking at me like I have 4 heads. "Spa trip sounds fucking amazing. I want the one with those little fish that chew dead skin off the bottom of your foot."
Maybe he's a dad on a mission to make the 6 of us happy.
But really, he is more like a child than anything.
"Sorry for messing with your schedule, I didn't mean to step in and act like I own the place." Sebastien apologizes, it's only 4 in the afternoon but I have important things to do. As much as I want him to stay with me, my assistant outed me on the meeting I have with my actual father and some business associates. It's about a big charity event I'm planning.
"Don't mention it. You made my job less suicide inducing for a whole afternoon. Now go and check on your children." I contemplate hugging him for a moment, he is my faux-father, but I feel as though I should take this slowly. I still haven't gauged his full personality, got to be mindful.
"Alright. Good luck with your father, wouldn't want to rub it in your face but you're always welcome to phone me." He hands me a business card, which is, of course, in an expertly decorated pouch, I assume made by none other than his youngest son.
"Thanks..." I look him in the eye, he has strange looking brown eyes, wonder how his children have the bluest eyes ever. Blue to a point where one resembles a sapphire, the other a whole new caliber of violet, like an amethyst. "Means a great deal."
"Alright, go on and be important now. Wouldn't want to take you out of work any longer." he pats my shoulder, a genuine shine of pride in his eyes as he look at me and around my office.
I spring forward and capture him in a hug, he's as tall as Roman, I am sure of it. Again, brings me back to how his children have such a big height difference. Perhaps they take after the mom more. "There, there. CEO on the emotional highway is not the way to go son."
The way son rolls of his tongue like a normal endearing term strums the strings of my heart, even though he makes it sound simple. It just makes me happy to hear it from someone that actually cares for me like a son. And not a demanding, heartless father. If I can even call him that. "See you soon Sebastien."
"Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say." He pulls back and starts walking away with a small smile. "I still think Ariana Grande sings better live!" he cheekily throws in, bringing back a topic we were playfully arguing over while I was working on some boring business proposal.
The rest of the meetings were boring as all hell, there really wasn't much interesting development, nor did we come to an ultimate agreement/ conclusion after all the ideas being thrown around. The one thing keeping me alive in that meeting was the constant vibration of my phone from Skylar's group chat. If it weren't for that little reminder of my existence I would've drifted to sleep in seconds.
"Son, may I have a word?" My father is a grounded man, cold hearted, merciless but he's a hardworking person. I love that quality about him but I am not about to lie and say everything about him is amazing. He is a shit father.
"Sure thing." I button up my blazer and take a seat next to him on the couch. The very same couch that Sebastien had lounged around on, Roman had cuddled me on. It seems like some kind of sanctuary, but right now, looking into my father's dark brown eyes. I can't help but see the hell he put me through.
"How are you doing lately?" I couldn't answer that, do I go with the usual 'fine, thank you' or do I dare to pour my heart out to him? I already have an answer but after today's getaway with Sebastien, I can't help but be in denial that my own father neglects my happiness. "I heard you are pretty close to the Cooks lately."
That hurt. Immensely. He's having a word, not because he cares for my health, but because of that stupid deal he had made with my mother, and further extending to Ryland's mother. Causing the fall out of his parent's. I know I can't blame my father for being a home wrecker, since Sebastien said himself, there is no family to begin with, he only stayed with the woman because of the kids.
But right now, I just wanted to be a child for once, throw a fit. I didn't have that when I was young. And now I'm almost 30.
I pretend my phone is ringing and excuse myself to pick it up in the meeting room. I scroll down, all the way to Roman's number. I know he lives close by, and if anyone can scare my father it would be him. I dialed. "Roman, I'm about to blow up on my father. Please be here to pick up my aftermath."
He whistles, "Damn, heavy stuff. Don't you have a driver?"
"Yeah, but my driver doesn't console my broken heart now does it?"
"Can't guarantee anything. But I'll try."
"See you in a bit, boyfriend."
"Right. See you."
I've done all the necessary preparations, I have someone to pull me out if I get hot headed. I have the words imprinted in my head, I have a fall back plan. Everything is fine. For some reason, I still feel a heavy weight pressing on my chest.
"Speak of the devil. It was the Cooks." I channel a false smile. One that not even I can comprehend the sincerity of. In a way, it was sincere, sincerely sadistic that I'm about to lay all my cards on the table and implode in a controlled environment.
"Ah. What a coincidence." He chuckles, almost wheezing with the amount of cancer sticks he inhales a day. It's really stinking up my office. "So about that marriage proposal? You've heard from your mother, correct? I'm sure you like Ryland. Do you not?"
"So after 10 years you decide to acknowledge that bisexuality encompasses both gender?" I throw back, readying all my wit to counter his accusations.
Stunned, he frowns. "Well yes, son. I do acknowledge that, just that it's not conventional."
"You know what else is unconventional?" My phone buzzes, telling me Roman is coming up. Luckily I've granted him access to my floor through the security guard. "Forcing a child to be a damn photocopier is unconventional. I'm not your pawn for wealth and fame. Get a grip on reality for once."
"I-I don't understand, where is this coming from?" His tone slightly impatient. I know my father isn't one for confrontation, he loves doing it to other people. But he himself, has never taken it.
"This is coming from your child. The one that still gives a shit about his parents. If I didn't care I would've run off like my sister has. Who quite frankly, is also sick of your shit." Now that I've pulled the sister card, I have to go all out.
"Watch your tone, boy." He fumes. If he's a volcano, I might as well be the big bang.
"I spent 30 years of my life slaving under your fucking company. I don't have an obligation to do this... but I am naïve enough to have hope that you don't see me as just a 'business opportunity'." I scoff, chuckling mockingly, thoughts running through my head at a million miles an hour. I just want the endless nights of work to stop, I want a vacation. I need one right about now.
He goes to speak again, but I cut him off. "I thought... that you and mom were a little compassionate under all that manipulation and expectation. But that conversation just now? The one where you mentioned the Cooks? That's a fucking joke. You don't give a shit about my happiness, you think having wealth is all I need? Well guess again, I don't even have time to go out with my boyfriend, let alone spend this damn money."
Fucking hell this is getting out of hand.
"The Cooks agreed, I don't see what's wrong?"
"Well Sebastien is divorcing his wife. I'm not objecting you to any sort of embarrassment by saying all this, because quite honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself, because if you aren't then you're just a right sack of bullshit." I breathe deep, trying to stable my shaking hands. "I'm no saint myself, but I know for a fact that when you have a child, you don't use them as your extension. They are not you. Remember what my dreams were in school?"
"Of course, you enjoyed... swimming."
"No, wrong. I didn't fucking have a dream because you crushed them before I can develop one." Anyone can tell that I'm crying now. And I don't give a shit, this felt good. "Wake the fuck up dad. I'm almost 30, thank god I had an interest in business studies or else you would've heard this conversation a decade ago."
My throat hurt from the growling, his speechlessness is digging himself into a grave, a grave that I am probably going to have to pay for, because that's all I'm good for to them. An ATM at their disposal. I continue calmly, "Be thankful that after this conversation I would still be feeding your asses and paying your bills. Because unlike you, I care for my family, emotionally. But don't expect me to come home for dinner anymore, not until you two realize what's wrong with the past 30 years."
I point to the door, not bothering wiping my eyes, I know my tears are beyond salvation. "And Sebastien Cook? He's a fucking legend. He might have fucked up in the past, but at least he owns up to it. Please, leave me alone now. Like you always have."
As if on cue, the door opens and in walks Roman in a suit. Looking dapper as ever, he cleans up real good. "Mr. Solomon, your car is downstairs." I can grasp his act here. Wonder how he knew which car was my dad's.
Dad just walks out, red from anger but he doesn't speak, I hope he doesn't or else I'm going to blow up all over again. I hear the elevator sound, then the door closes. I retreat from standing to laying down on the couch. I should've chosen a Saturday to do this, I'm beat.
"Good evening there Solomon Jr." He greets formally in a not so terrible British accent. If I recall, Owen did sound slightly foreign, maybe he picked it up from him when they were together.
"Cut the shit Roman, I can't deal with it." I say chuckling, feeling very good now that the steam is let out. Dissipated like a fart in the wind.
"Quite the feisty one tonight, aren't we?" He mimics my tone.
"Can't believe I did this on New Years' Eve." I sigh, "Fucking hell..."
"Well I can't say I want to get in your bad graces now. Your angry voice is quite threatening."
"Glad I'm whipping you into shape."
"Far from it."
We sit there, not really caring for conversation. "What you did the other day, with Owen. That was really mature." He says, very calmly.
"That kid is a hundred times stronger than little ole' Aaron."
"Did you pick that up from Sebastien?" Referring to the 'little ole' expression that the man loves to use.
"Guilty as charged."
"That man is something else alright." He whistles again, something that I'm guess has become habit to him.
I rest on my side, head leaning on my palm as I look at Roman. "Sorry for fucking up New Years Eve."
"Didn't have a plan originally anyway. Probably just going to watch the fireworks and facetime Paris."
I almost forgot about the little cutie. Once again, we sit in silence, I look at him, taking in his handsome features. He really does look like Thor with that hair. "Hey... you want to like go out on an actual date?" He asks slightly nervous.
"Like not pretend girlfriend but an actual get to know each other type of deal?"
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