《Taking Her Home》Just One Night


Vincent couldn't believe that Enzo had disappeared. He didn't know what to do know. He thought about his choices as he pulled Rebecca along to the car that was waiting for them. He helped her get into the car sliding in after her he took a deep breath. Taking his phone out he saw a text from his father but he ignored it. He needed to think and his father would somehow just add more stress. He was sure of it.

"Vincent, is something wrong?" he heard Rebecca ask from beside him. He turned to look at her and could tell by the look on her face that she was genuinely concerned. He sent her a small nod before he grabbed her face with both hands and pulled her closer to him.

Rebecca looked into his eyes and saw a flash of emotion, but it was gone before she could fully understand what the emotion was exactly. She watched as he looked at her lips then back at her eyes. The next thing she knew, his lips were on hers and she was moaning into his mouth.

"What am I doing?" Vincent asked himself as he deepened the kiss. It wasn't that he wasn't enjoying the kiss. He was pretty sure that it was the best kiss he had ever had. He didn't even know that it was possible to have lips as soft as hers, but he had promised he wouldn't lead her on tonight. Pulling away from her to catch his breath he looked at her face and noticed how flush she was. He looked down at her chest watching it rise and fall as she tried to catch her breath. He couldn't stop thinking about sleeping with her. He wanted nothing more than to continue kissing her until she couldn't take it anymore and begged for him to take her.

Sighing he looked at her and tried to figure out what to do. He had to protect her! He ran his hand through his hair before looking back at her. "Any chance I can convince you to spend the night with me," he sent her his best smile and sent a silent prayer that she would fall for it like every other girl.

Rebecca folded her arms over her chest and watched Vincent look down quickly. She rolled her eyes at his action, "I thought we both agreed that we weren't looking for anything serious."

Vincent shrugged, "I didn't ask you to marry me, Rebecca. I won't lie, it won't go past tonight," "I just need time to find Enzo," he thought. "But seeing you in this dress," he motioned to her, "has really got me going. We both have needs and I don't see why, as long as we are both under the same agreement, that we fulfill them with each other. Just tonight. One night," he held up a single finger to make sure that she understood what he was saying. He wanted no chance for a misunderstanding.

Rebecca bit her lip as she thought about it. She wasn't a virgin but she didn't have much experience. She was pretty sure that Vincent was more than experienced for both of them. She looked up at him through her eyelashes and studied the way he was looking at her. She honestly would have thought that he was the type of man that would look at her like he wanted to devour her, but he almost looked scared. Not like a child who stares at the closet door waiting for a monster to come out, but like he just may lose it all if she said no. For some reason, this made her smirk. She liked to think that she could have some sort of power over this man who practically oozed power. She noticed that he was tapping his foot, waiting for an answer, she decided to put him out of his misery. "Okay," she finally looked him in the eyes and smiled.


Rebecca watched his face light up and she giggled a little before slapping her hand over her mouth. Vincent watched and burst into laughter making her blush. She was sure she was as red as a tomato. When he had calmed down, he looked to his driver, "James, home please," he waited for James head to nod before he slid back beside Rebecca. He placed his hand on her leg and rubbed it with his thumb. Rebecca could feel herself heating up. His touch was light, but she could feel the heat it was leaving behind. It was like his thumb was made out of lava. She shuddered and Vincent sent her a sideways look before turning back to look forward again.

Ten minutes later, the car came to a stop and Vincent opened the door before James had even gotten out of the driver's seat. "I won't need you anymore tonight, James," he said to the man turning to offer his hand to Rebecca. She took his hand and stepped out before looking up at his building. Her gasp was very audible and she cringed knowing without a doubt that he heard her.

Vincent laughed as he placed his hand on her lower back and guided her towards the door. Smiling at Frank the doorman as they passed, he opened the door and followed her in. He led her to the elevator and pushed the up button. They stood beside each other quietly while they waited for the doors to open. Rebecca couldn't help but wonder how many other girls he had done this with. She wasn't like them she told herself. She hadn't been with anyone in years and she deserved it. "Like he said, you have needs," she told herself. She saw Vincent look at her from the corner of her eye and she turned to him and smiled. He sent her a smile back but said nothing. Hearing the ding they both looked towards the door before walking onto the elevator.

Rebecca followed Vincent off the elevator and to the door to what she assumed was his apartment. She could feel herself getting more and more nervous. She looked down at her feet and bit her lip. She was starting to have second thoughts when she felt him grab her hand and pull her through the doorway.

She watched him take off his jacket and untie his tie. Throwing both on the back of the couch, he walked towards her with an eyebrow raised. Their eyes connected and neither looked away for what seemed like forever. Finally, Vincent cleared his throat and smiled. "Are you okay?" he asked her lifting his hand toward her face. He saw her blush and stopped halfway. Lowering his hand back to his side, he turned and walked to a bar in the corner. "Would you like something to drink?"

Rebecca followed his movement as he made them both a drink. She watched him pour a brown liquid which she assumed to be whiskey, which actually surprised her, he didn't seem like a whiskey drinker. "Is whiskey alright or would you like me to make you a cocktail?" he asked her pulling her from her thoughts. She smiled and nodded.

As he poured another drink she looked around at her surroundings. They were standing in what was obviously the living room. It was done in a very modern style and contrary to what Rebecca had expected it wasn't decorated in all black. The grey and creamy tan colors that covered the walls and furniture, while still very manly, were a lot brighter than she would have ever expected. Rebecca looked down to see a glass being held in front of her. Following the arm that held the glass, she locked eyes with Vincent again.


She cleared her throat, "Your place is nice," she said looking away and taking a sip of her drink. She turned and walked to the large window that overlooked the city. She felt herself getting more nervous as the seconds went by. Vincent walked up behind her. She could feel the heat coming from him which did not help her nerves.

Vincent thought about changing his mind and offering her the guest bedroom for all of five seconds before he decided against it and reached his hand out to run a finger down her arm. He watched as a chill ran through her and she shivered. With a smirk on his face, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. He heard her gasp and tense a little before relaxing which caused his smirk to grow into a full smile. Leaning down to her ear he whispered, "are you done with your drink?" He nibbled on her ear lobe and heard her moan before nodding her head and holding out her glass for him to take.

Rebecca turned and watched Vincent took both of their glasses and set them down on the bar. When he turned around again, they caught each other's eyes and neither moved for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Vincent walked back to stand in front of her. Looking down at her he smiled. She was adorable. It was obvious to him that she was nervous as he could tell that she was chewing on the inside of her cheek and her eyes darted back and forth. He was looking forward to this even more now. He grabbed her by the hand and led her to his bedroom.

Rebecca's eyes went wide as she took in Vincent's bedroom. What caught her eye the most was the view. The floor to ceiling windows and the curve of the room allowed her to see so much of the city. Vincent walked toward a doorway that she assumed was his bathroom, so she walked to the window to look out.

Vincent started to walk out of the bathroom and stopped in the doorway when he saw Rebecca standing by the window. The way the moonlight hit her just right made her look like she was glowing and he couldn't wait anymore. He marched over to her and grabbing her he turned her around quickly and crashed his lips to hers.

Rebecca was so shocked by Vincent's actions that she felt herself stiffen. She felt him let go of her waist with and pull away from her and she realized that she may be blowing her chance to have the night of her life. She quickly threw her arms around Vincent's neck and kissed him back. She could feel him smile against her lips as she wrapped his arms around her waist again and deepened the kiss.

Vincent's hands made their way to the back of her dress and pulled the zipper down. He watched the dress begin to fall from her shoulders before she caught it at her breasts. Rebecca looked down at her hands that were holding on to her dress. She knew that this was part of the whole process but the thought of this perfect male specimen looking at her less than perfect body made her nervous and she began to chew on the inside of her cheek again.

Vincent reached out and lifted her head so that they were looking at one another, "You have to know how beautiful you are," he said before reaching for her hands and pulling them to his chest allowing the dress to fall and pool around her feet. He stepped back and looked at her from her feet all the way up until their eyes connected again. Holding out his hand for her, he smiled, "I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't believe that," he added pulling her to him and the closer to the bed.

Rebecca wasn't sure how she got her feet to move or even really realize they were until she was laying on her back on Vincent's bed and he was above her kissing her neck. She let out a low moan and wrapped her arms around his neck and threw her hands in his hair as he connected their lips again. They both were panting for air when they finally separated.

Vincent stood up and removed the rest of his clothes and Rebecca felt her breath catch. She knew that he was a gorgeous man with his clothes on, but without them was a whole other story. The man standing before her, with his tan skin was so much more than she expected. She raked her eyes over to his left arm that was covered in a sleeve of tattoos. She bit down on her lip as she looked at and counted his two, four, six, yep... eight pack. His shoulders looked wide to her in his jacket but she could see the muscles in them now and damn. Her eyes shout up to his face as he began to chuckle. "I have never had a woman whistle before," Rebecca's face grew hot and she covered it with both hands. She hadn't even realized she had done that nor could she believe it. "It's alright, Rebecca," he said removing her hands from her face before kissing her again.

Rebecca began to relax as she felt Vincent lift her up and move her further up the bed before he began to once again, kiss her neck. She could feel him bite and suck on it before making his way further down to her breasts. Arching her back she let out a moan as she felt him kiss between them before continuing further down. Her breath caught when she felt his lips on her thigh. Vincent smiled when he heard the effect he had on her. The rest of the night, for Rebecca, was somewhat of a blur.

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