《Taking Her Home》The Morning After


Rebecca woke up the next morning to an empty bed and was slightly relieved. She was pretty sure that she wasn't going to be able to fully sneak out without some sort of awkward interaction with Vincent, but at least she didn't have to have to endure the whole 'about last night' conversation, first thing in the morning.

Yawning she sat up and stretched. She looked around his bedroom. It looked the same as it did that night before, maybe even better. The view was just as beautiful. She had always loved the city she grew up in. She didn't understand when so many people left after graduation. She hadn't even applied to college's that weren't in Chicago. She never planned on leaving. Of course, that was before she started sleeping with men she didn't really know. Depending on how the pending conversation went, she may have to move. Sighing she decided not to procrastinate and just get it over with.

Five minutes later she was pulling her heels on and standing up. She walked to the door and reached for the handle. Taking a deep breath, she pulled the door open and walked into the hallway. She looked left and right trying to remember which way they had come from. To the right looked like it just led to more rooms, so she went to the left.

As she reached the end of the hallway, Vincent came into view. "You're up," he said with an obviously forced smile, "I made breakfast. Come eat and then I can take you home," he turned and walked away. Rebecca followed him to the kitchen. Vincent motioned towards the breakfast bar that had two plates and coffee cups on it waiting for them. She sat down and looked at her plate. Vincent had made eggs, bacon, lots of it, and toast. It wasn't a complicated meal but it was what he liked most mornings. "I hope you're not allergic or dislike any of this," he said pointing at her plate. She shook her head and picked her fork up taking a bite of the eggs. She was pleasantly surprised at how good they tasted.

"Thank you," she said after she swallowed her bite. "This is really good and bacon is my favorite," she sent him a smile. Vincent nodded and sat down to begin eating too. They ate in silence. Both would steal glances at the other when they weren't looking but neither said a thing until Vincent grabbed his last piece of bacon and threw it in his mouth. Turning to look at her he opened his mouth to say something before closing it and taking his plate to the sink.


"Are you finished?" He asked turning around to look at her. Rebecca looked up from her plate and nodded. He sent her back a quick nod as he walked out of the kitchen. Rebecca hopped off the bar stool and followed Vincent through the doorway he had just walked through. She found him in his living room putting on a suit jacket. She walked over to where he was standing trying to avoid looking at him and grabbed her clutch from where she had thrown it when they had come in the night before and tucked it under her arms.

Vincent placed his hand on the small of her back and led her out the door and to the front of his building where they waited for his car to be brought around by the valet. After getting in the car Vincent started the fifteen-minute drive to her place. The entire ride was silent they didn't say a word. There were no stolen glances even this time. It was as if they both knew that they felt something for one another but that neither would act on said feelings. Because of that fact, both knew that this would be the last time they saw one another.

Rebecca looked out the window and watched the buildings go by and thought about everything. A few days ago, she was complaining about how she was ready for her life to start and she wanted to date even kiss some frogs and here she was in a car with probably the hottest frog she had ever seen and she didn't really want to leave his side. Was the drive kind of awkward? Yes. But somewhere inside her, she knew it was worth it. Her sigh caught Vincent's attention who was thinking about how much he enjoyed the night before. He knew he couldn't pursue anything more with her. He may not know much about her but, he knew that she deserved better than what his life would bring her. He tightened his grip on the stirring wheel and continued the drive trying to not think about the beauty sitting beside him.

The car came to a stop in front if her building and she finally turned to look at him. Vincent looked her in the eyes and sighed before opening his door and getting out. He rounded the car and opened her door for her. She took the hand he offered and stepped out. He took her all the way to her apartment remembering, for the first time this morning, why he had taken her to his place the night before. His trained eyes looked for anything out of the ordinary on the way to the elevator and in the hallway to her door.


When they reached her door Vincent looked at her, "I hope you had a good time last night," he rubbed the back of his head, "thank you again for going with me. You will never know just how much I appreciate it," he looked her in the eyes and saw something flash when he said the words but wasn't sure what it was for sure.

Rebecca sent him a smile that was completely genuine. She felt more than happy to help Vincent if it made him happy. His words made her heart swell and she wasn't sure why and that made her nervous. "I had fun and I'm glad I was able to help you out," she smiled on him.

Vincent nodded before turning and walking back to the elevator. The moment the doors closed, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Gio, "I am going to send you an address. I need you to post men on guard there," he said before his brother even said a word. "Make sure that it isn't obvious," he added.

"Who are they protecting?" Gio asked when he was sure his brother was done with the orders.

"An innocent that Enzo threatened," Vincent answered.

"Great. You got a picture I can give my men so they know?"

"No picture. She is short. Maybe a little over five foot, she had hair that goes to her chin that is dark brown with blonde highlights and her eyes are hazel," He closed his eyes picturing her before shaking his head and to get her out of his mind. He wasn't getting attached. He was never going to see her again.

"Awe. It's the girl from last night." Vincent could hear Gio laughing. "You totally like her."

Vincent rolled his eyes, "No I don't," he gritted his teeth. He walked off the elevator. He reached his car and opened the door, "just get it done," he said before ending the call and driving away.

Rebecca was taking her heels off when her door opened and in walked Joni, "well, well, well," she heard her friend tisk at her as she walked into the living room. "Coming home the next day," Joni crossed her arms trying to look like she was Rebecca's mother. "Tell me everything," she squealed throwing herself on the couch beside her friend and losing every ounce of pretend motherliness.

Rebecca rolled her eyes. She took a deep breath and told Joni all about Vincent asking her to go home with him and how amazing his place was. Joni asked questions when she thought of them. Most were Joni trying to get Rebecca to blush, but while she normally would have felt completely embarrassed for what happened, she wasn't right now. Even when Joni asked about Vincent's size, Rebecca told her in almost a bragging manner. "So, are you planning to see him again?" Joni asked when Rebecca had finally told her every detail.

"I doubt it," she shook her head. "Neither of us is looking to be in a relationship right now. He said he doesn't date. So, I'm guessing he will never be looking for one. He's not who I end up with so no point in seeing him again." Rebecca sighed and realized she felt a little disappointed in these facts. She knew though. Vincent was upfront about it and she had felt the same way when the conversation had taken place. So, why was she so bummed now?

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