《Taking Her Home》The Gala


Vincent felt himself stop breathing the moment Rebecca opened the door. She looked amazing. She looked more than amazing he just didn't know what the word for it was. Starting at her head, his eyes slowly trailed down her body. The light pink dress that was form fitting to just before her knees, fanned out in large pleats at the bottom. If he remembered correctly his mother and sisters had called it a mermaid dress. He could understand why. Her dress was definitely making her look mythical. The sleeves were lace in the form of flowers from her forearms up to her shoulders where it looked like it may wrap around to her back. He sucked in a breath. It was going to be hard to keep his hands to himself tonight. He adjusted his jacket and looked up at her only to see that she was staring at him and looked to be in deep thought.

Rebecca couldn't believe how he had managed to actually look better than he did the day before when they had met up at the coffee shop. He was standing in front of her in nothing more than a simple black tux with a bow tie, but he looked like he stepped right off a magazine cover. It was obvious to her that he worked out by the way his jacket tightened around his arms when he moved to adjust it. As soon as that thought crossed her mind, she started envisioning it.

Vincent watched her eyes roam his body. He figured her mind went the same place that most women did. Something told him she wasn't like others though. Not that it mattered to him, this wasn't going further than tonight. He cleared his throat to get her attention and to stop before his mind began to roam places, he didn't want it to. Her head shot up to look at him. "Are you ready?" He asked her. He noticed her blush.

"Yes, she is," Joni said popping up behind her and pushing her toward him. Rebecca turned around and glared at her which caused Joni to giggle, "you two have fun, "she winked. "Oh here," she handed Rebecca a clutch that matched her dress and waved.

Rebecca turned around when she felt Vincent's hands on her waist. She froze when she noticed just how close they were. "We should get going," he said and she could feel him warm breath roll over her lips. She mindlessly licked her lips and Vincent's eye shot down to them before looking back up into her eyes. She nodded her head. Vincent turned and offered his arm to her which she took and they walked to the elevator.

The drive to the venue was pretty silent. Vincent had some emails to answer and when he was finished with those, he pretended that he wasn't and watched Rebecca from the corner of his eye. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and run his hand along her thigh, but she wasn't his to do that to. He wasn't planning on anything more than taking her as his date tonight. He would show his father that he was at least trying to find someone to settle down with. He figured that if he saw that, he would be able to still get the family from him even if he wasn't serious about someone when the handoff happened. His plan had to work because the other options were not options to him.

The car stopped and the door opened. Vincent stepped out and turned offering his hand for Rebecca to slide out, she stared up at Union Station. She had gone to a party there once with Joni. She hoped this night didn't turn out as that one had. She felt Vincent tug on her arm and she looked at him with an apologetic smile. "Are you okay?" he asked with a raised brow. The look on his face made him look even more handsome, if that was possible, so she just nodded her head not trusting her voice.


They walked into the room where the gala was being held and Rebecca couldn't help but gasp in awe at the room. The lights were low and gave an almost romantic feeling the tables were beautifully decorated with big candelabras in the center full of candles. Rebecca looked around with her mouth hanging open. She felt Vincent's hand on the small of her back and she shivered from his touch.

Vincent looked down at her and smirked, "feeling okay?" Rebecca nodded. She could feel the blush spread across her face. Vincent thought her blush was cute, but he didn't have time for silly thoughts right now. The room was filled with members of his family and other families. He had to socialize with the most important ones. His father wasn't the only one that he had to prove himself to.

"How is it that I kissed her, but you get the date," Domenico asked Vincent slapping his hand onto his shoulder. Vincent chuckled pushing his hand off his shoulder before wrapping his arm around her waist.

"She just realized that I'm better looking," he smirked. Domenico smiled down at Rebecca and she blushed. She felt Vincent's grip tighten around her as he pulled her impossibly close to his side.

"The names Domenico, but you, pretty lady, get to call me Dom," Domenico held out his hand and Rebecca placed hers in it.

"Rebecca," she said as Domenico bent down and kissed the top of her hand and Vincent growled at him. Domenico let go of her hand and stood up straight holding his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry man," he said "I just thought I would introduce myself since we have already been to first base," he watched as Vincent's jaw ticked causing him to laugh. He knew what was happening to Vincent. He also knew that Vincent was going to deny and ignore it. He figured he would at least have fun with him. He looked at Rebecca who was blushing. "No need to get so red Sweetheart. The kiss was phenomenal," he laughed some more as her face got even redder.

"Amazing my brother still can't seem to find a girl that hasn't been with his brothers," Lidia said walking up handing Domenico a glass of champagne before turning to look at Rebecca as she drank from her own glass.

Rebecca looked at the women whose bright blue eyes were glaring at her. She looked like she could be a model just like Vincent. What was with the genes in his family! Lidia was at least a half foot taller than her and her jet-black bod made her look mean. Rebecca would like to say that you can't judge a book by the cover but she had a feeling that with Lidia that just wasn't true.

"Lid. That. Is. Enough," Vincent bit each word out at her in a deep growl like way. Lidia sighed a rolled her eyes before walking away. She muttered under her breath something that sounded a lot like "whore and then she was gone. Rebecca could feel Vincent's breath on her ear before she heard him whisper into it, "ignore her. I do." She giggled at his words before looking up at him. "Would you like a drink?" he asked her and she nodded. Vincent turned back to Domenico who was drinking his drink pretending like he wasn't paying attention to them. "Dom. Go get her something to drink, will you?" he formed it as a question but both men knew it wasn't one.


"Vinny!" Vincent heard his stupid nickname and cringed. Turning them around he saw Roxana flying towards him just before she threw her arms around him in a huge hug nearly knocking Rebecca in the head as she did so. He happily returned it before pulling away and looking behind his youngest sibling to see his mother coming toward him. Letting go of Roxana he walked over to Rebecca who was watching the scene unfold with some confusion. He wrapped his arm around her waist again and pulled her into his side.

"Another sister," he whispered down into her ear. He noticed she was tense when he grabbed her and felt the need to explain immediately before she got the wrong idea. He knew that not only did she look nothing like him but she looked older than her sixteen-year age and most women always assumed they were a couple when they were together. He didn't want her to think that too. He received a nod of her head in response and felt her relax a little. Breathing a sigh of relief, he looked up to see his mother had joined them. "Ah, mother. Roxy, this is Rebecca," he introduced them.

"Nadia," his mother said shooting him a look for not using her name before she looked back at Rebecca with a smile.

"You are so pretty," Roxana squealed. Rebecca laughed and blushed a little. "So much prettier than the girls my dumb big brother usually brings around. Of course, they never come to events with him and they don't stick around for long if you know what I mean," she rambled her voice whispering near the end.

"That's enough, Roxy," Vincent said sternly. Roxana looked up at him and slid a bit behind their mother when she saw his glare. It was rare for him to give that look to members of his immediate family. It was meant to intimidate others. Vincent needed her to shut up before she said more than he wanted Rebecca to know though.

"My daughter is right. You are the most beautiful women he has ever been with," Nadia smiled. "Tell me about yourself." Rebecca blushed and looked at her feet. "What do you do for a living dear?" She heard his mother ask her when she didn't start talking.

"I am a nurse practitioner," she said lifting her head up and standing proudly. Vincent noticed how her attitude changed when she started talking about her job. He smirked as he continued to watch and listen to her tell her mother about her work.

After about five minutes of his mother and Rebecca talking, Vincent decided that they were nowhere near done and excused himself to the bar for a drink. As he stood watching Rebecca and his mother laughing together, he sipped his drink. If he was looking to settle down, this woman would be the one he thought. Sighing he turned as his brother, Gio approached him. He leaned forward so that he could hear him speak quietly. "Enzo's here," Gio whispered in his ear. Vincent clenched his fists and walked back to where he had left his mother and Rebecca. They were no longer there though.

Looking around the room, he tried to keep himself calm. As soon as his eyes landed on Rebecca, his eyes snapped behind her to see Enzo walking towards her. He started in their direction, pushing people gently out of the way. He reached them and heard Enzo speaking to her with a flirty undertone, "I believe you would enjoy time with me much better." Vincent snorted at Enzo's remark as he slid his arm around Rebecca's waist. Rebecca looked up at him wanting to thank him with her eyes. Vincent, however, didn't look at her. He continued to glare at Enzo with a warning glare. Enzo smirked at his rival not even caring about the glare he was receiving. He slapped his hand down on Vincent's shoulder and leaned in, "I would keep a closer eye on her if I was you. You never know when a pretty girl like her will disappear," he whispered before strolling away from them.

Vincent turned to replay but was met with his father's face. Taking a step back from the man he grabbed Rebecca's hand. "Figlio," Francesco half shouted and slapped his son on the back. Vincent knew that as usual, his father had drunk his fair share of the evening's liquor. Sighing he noticed Domenico standing behind his father and looked him in the eyes before cutting them in the direction of Enzo. Domenico understood what he was telling him and turned to follow Enzo. "Figlio, are you not going to introduce me?" Vincent heard his father ask him. Shaking his head, he put on a fake smile for his father and made introductions.

An hour later Rebecca was feeling tired. She had spoken with Vincent's father for about five minutes before his mother and Roxy had found them and lead the group to a table to talk more. Vincent had asked her to dance after a while and had led her through three dances before deciding to let her sit down again while he went and talked to the people he needed to. "Rebecca it was so lovely to meet you, she heard Nadia say as she stood up from their table. Francesco held his arm out for his wife to take before he agreed with her and nodded to say goodbye. They turned and left leaving her alone at the table.

Vincent was talking with the head of an allied family when he noticed that Rebecca was sitting alone. He watched her as she sat and played with her fingers. Domenico walked up to him and gained his attention from the beautiful women he was watching, "what?" he barked.

Domenico took a deep breath, "we lost him," he said to his cousin.

"What?" Vincent whisper yelled.

"I was following him down a hallway. Staying back so he wouldn't notice me. He turned a corner and he was just gone when I got there," Domenico shrugged and looked apologetic. Vincent ran his hand over his face and nodded. He turned to the man he had been speaking with and excused himself. He walked to where Rebecca was still sitting alone and held out his hand to her.

"Are you ready to get out of here?" he asked her. The look on her face was answer enough.

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