《Land Before Love.》CH3- Exchange
I thought I would have been stronger that night. I told myself I wouldn't look back as I rode off to me new life but... I did.
I watched my homeland fade from my sight on the boat. Even though it was dark I tried to capture every little detail I could of the land until the mist concealed it.
Then I felt the tears unleash their misery. I contained myself, even though I felt like full-on sobbing and retching off the boat from the anxious feeling pooling in my stomach. Every time a wave bobbled under the vessel it only made it worse.
The boat was small compared to the large ships that we posses. They didn't want to alert the tribe with a full on military ship delivering me to them. However the Commander didn't say anything as I was crying and lead me to the boats small compartment to sleep. It was cramped but I didn't care, as the narrow bed became my sanctuary for those hours at night.
I didn't know how long I managed to sleep, but flickering my eyes open I could tell it was light outside. The dust from the compartment went whirling in the stream of light through the crack in the doorframe.
Even though for years I was curious about the Southern lands, right now I didn't want to see it. I dreaded it. Deciding I would stay in my sad excuse of a bed until there was a knock on the door.
Resting up on my elbow I watched Commander Emersin poke his head in. " We are all most there, Mi Lady."
"Alright." My voice sounds all scratching from sleep and crying." I'll be out, thank you."
The door closed and I sat up further, rubbing my eyes frantically as if it could help wake me up. I put my shoes back on and pick up my bag, sorting though until I find my comb. I run it through my hair a few times, I thought it might be better to look a little more presentable.
After adjusting my bodice and ruffling out my skirts I stand in front of the door, hand hovering over the handle. I knew I wasn't ready for this, but I forced myself to be. Thinking of my sisters, their futures, gave me strength.
My eyes close instantly from the harsh light I wasn't use to as I opened the door. At first in my mad blinking all I saw was dark silhouettes of mountains in the blank horizon. Then the tall trees starting forming, their color a dark green.
I don't know what I was expecting, a village, a town, a city like Fellshore on the banks of the land but it was just forest... endless forest.
I was naïve to think there would be anything familiar to home here. Commander Emersin had told be about the differences. I hadn't really being paying attention at the time since I was concentrating on keeping the tears at bay.
He said firstly, that the obvious was their language was different from ours, but her reassured me people on the island could speak English. He secondly said these people lived differently, and I realized how different it was as we approached even closer to the land.
Once the small beach was begging to be noticeable is when figures begin emerging from the think boarder of trees surrounding it. Their skin was the same as the man I saw many years ago. A deep honey brown, their hair mainly black or a rich mahogany.
The one man my eyes were instanlty drawn to was the one wearing a mask made of stripes of bark battered together to cover the top half his face, his eyes peering out in the two little holes. White dots dance in patterns over it as red, blue and yellow feathers fan out on top of his head like a crown. His robes of rich red and brown were covered by furs. Raccoon and fox tails were dangling over his shoulders. He held a staff, but when looking closer I realized it was a spear.
Other men and woman dress likewise, however their masks did not posses as many or as colorful feathers. Men wore simple brown pants some with a sheet of fabric hanging between their legs over the top of their trousers. Woman wear skirts that had slits running up to show their toned legs, their tops sculpted of leather and short to show a slither of skin. Their braids were tight on their scalp, some with flowers or feathers woven between the strands.
I had never seen such clothing, such people before, they seemed so...wild.
"Lady Aleenia." My name being called draws me back and I meet Commander Emersion's gaze. " We have anchored the boat, we will use a row boat to reach the shore."
I nod and stumble on to the little wooden boat, the Commander helping me on. Two guards accompany us and they do the rowing. I hear the splashing of the ores entering and exiting the water, but as we get closer the sounds of voices join them.
Compared to our language there's was rhythmic, the sounds of clicking and hissing out of their mouths flows like water in a stream. It was almost like music, strong yet calm.
Commander Emersin seemed tense from their talking. At first I thought it was because he understood, but realized it was the fear of not understanding. And when he told me to step out of the boat he kept a steady hand around my upper arm. I realized then in fright that he didn't trust these people. The people he was about to hand be over to...
My boots and the hem of my green dress were soaked as we walk through the shore of the beach. I nearly lost my footing when stepping on the soft sand, my legs use to the rocking of the boat under my feet. However the Commander kept me up right and I was forced to look upon the man that everyone else seemed to be focusing on.
My first thought was this was the man I was to marry, the one with the crown of feathers. But his long black hair swept back by the mask had grey tinted through it. He didn't seem like the son I was to wed, otherwise I couldn't imagine how old his father would be.
"Commander." The man says, his voice slow and very strained from his accent. He bows, holding himself up with his spear.
"Chief Kono." The Commanders voice is tight, his posture rigid. A blush forms on my cheeks as Chief Kono's eyes shift to me, his gaze taking me in from head to toe.
"You must be...." He drifts out, his eyes wondering to me. When I remain silent he looks to the Commender and the others on the beach.
"Lady Aleenia." Commander Emersin pronounces swiftly. I suppose after such a hurried engagement and the change from my sister to me, my name must not have been mentioned yet.
"I'm sorry, Lady Aleenia." He bows his head in apology, a quirked smile appearing on his face." We had not learnt your name yet... I must ask , what you think of our land thus far?"
I clear my throat, conjuring up an answer." Beautiful, I have not seen such mountains."
His eyes drift to the side as if to look at the snowy capped alps that hide beneath fog. His smile, I realized becomes distant and forced.
"Beautiful things like that we must admire from afar, for I fear dark things dwell there that not even you Lady Aleenia could change otherwise with your beauty."
My eyebrows furrow, about to unleash my flaw- my father calls- of asking to many questions. But Commander Emersin steps in.
"The Lord of Fellshore asks when the first shipment of food well be delivered."
Chief Kono turns his attention back to the Commander, distaste in his eyes. " When the moon rises full, will it be ready for you to collect."
The Commander goes tense beside me." The agreement was that-"
"We said we would supply you with food, we made no agreement on the way in which it should be taken between lands. If you wish for the supplies Commander, you will travel here to collect it if you would like it."
There's a long pause, and I had never felt like more of an object then being held back by the Commander. I was a bargaining chip, being handed around a two way table.
"My son will marry Lady Aleenia tonight, this will hopefully support the agreement I wish to upheld with your people." Chief Kono's voice has become incredibly stern, the playful tone dissolving on his tongue.
"Tonight..." It leaves my mouth in a breath before I can hold in. The shock locking up my joints in place. I am to marry the Chiefs son tonight, a man I have never met and don't even know the name of.
Luckily I am ignored as the men continue to negotiate at no end. My eyes wander to a woman watching me with curiosity. Her dark eyes piercing out from under her mask in thought as she takes in my appearance. I must seem overly dressed compared to her long slit skirt. Her arms are bare, except for rings of coloured fabric encircling them. Thin braids are tight one side of her head, red feathers dangling from the ends. Our eyes meet and I had never seen such a fierce woman before. My Great Aunt Norma I knew shortly before her death was cunning and strong minded, but this woman was power, even in the way she stood.
"Lady Aleenia." My eyes snap back to the Commander. He lets go of my upper arm, making me feel bare and stranded alone standing on this beach. It was like the connection to my past life was gone in that moment he released me. I turn to face him. " You have done an honorable thing for the people of Fellshore, and I wish you the best from now on."
I nod my head in acknowledgment, and he departs with a curt bow to Chief Kono. I watch every second as they emerge back into the rowing boat, every paddle back to the main ship. And they were gone, and I never thought I would be standing on the Southern Lands in the morning watching my home now in the distance.
A hand is placed on my shoulder and I jump, turning my head back to the man responsible. Chief Kono looks at me with such a heavy mixture of emotions in his brown eyes I couldn't tell them apart.
"We have a small journey to our haven, Lady Aleenia we best be on our way." His hand leaves my shoulder, extending his arm out behind him. All I manage is a nod.
"Ol Farya!" The Chief calls out and three men start making there way back through the thicket of forest. Their bare feet don't flinch as they step over roots and lose bark on the forest floor.
I follow the Chief, my eyes glued to his back as I fear if I look in the wrong direction I could be harmed. In my peripheral vision I could see the previous woman, as well as the others following behind, keeping me and their leader in the middle of their little army.
I became lost the first few minutes we emerged ourselves in the forest. When I let my eyes wander all I saw were old tree trunks and light leaking through leaves. But these people knew the land, the feet never faltering as they bounded from tree root to ground repeatedly. I on the other hand find myself stumbling on steps, my dress getting tangled and ripped from splinters and fallen branches. The hem was damp and torn by the time we made it to our destination.
Everyone slowed and I nearly face planted Chief Kono in the back when he stopped in front of me. I notice a hype in the atmosphere, voices now surrounding us in their foreign tongue.
I stepped to my left to see beyond the colorful robes of their leader, to a large clearing in the forest inhabited by many tents and houses. Some built with trees as supports for a structure of fabric walls and ceiling. Others seemed more established, with wooden supports yet still with cloth walls but a roof, thatched on top with hay and water reeds.
"Welcome to the Ukan Tribe haven." Chief Kono says to me, a proud smile on his face. I pull a small one myself, nodding my head in understanding.
The other tribe people that occupied us disband and join the throng of people bustling around the dirt pathways between tents. Some who dared catch a glimpse of me, their eyes either widened in alarm or pierce in concern.
"I am afraid you will not meet my son until tonight." Chief Kono's attention turns entirely to me." Zachan has gone to hunt for tonight's feast in..." He struggles to find a word, but it doesn't bother me, as his English is quite fluent. "Celebration of you union. Now I will lead you to Jaida for she will help prepare you for tonight."
"Thank you, sir." I bow my head again in good grace. He smiles softly before he leads the way through a maze of homes.
Children run freely, laughing and chasing one another. Women call after them in a strained yet worried tone. Men with spears walking between pathways, their eyes through slits in their masks watch carefully of all that goes around them. It seemed normal life to me yet with a few modifications. The only difference was I was an outsider and most eyes went straight to me.
We stopped once on our journey to where ever we were going, as men were carry a heavy deer that looked recently hunted. I looked down at my feet to see a boy at my side, smaller then the size of my leg watching me with wide eyes. I smiled at him, but his curious expression didn't change, he watched after me as we walked on.
From the tangle of tents we approached one that was a dark maroon, the flaps of the fabric showing very little of what's inside. With out saying anything Chief Kono walks away leaving me standing uncomfortably by myself.
Cautiously I take at step in, my arm brushing back the fabric. Inside it is surprisingly warm, although it must be because of the open pit of fire crackling in the central of the large rounded tent. Inside four women walk about, unmasked with similar clothing but looser fabric waving about after them. There is a few shells filled with water beside the fire, a low bed to my left as well as some woven together chairs from branches and vines.
One of the woman currently carrying a small clay pot between her hands looks up to find me there. Her eyes bulge and in her shock the pot drops from her hands, clay shattering at her feet.
The sound causes everyone else's heads to whip up as I wait awkwardly. Only one of the woman's eyes light up before she is approaching me. Her hair tied back in a loose braid that puffs out in definition from the crown of her head to the ends. Little daises are placed in the strands in the braid that rests on her shoulder. She was the first woman I could properly look at that wasn't hidden by a mask. He lips were full and her jaw line pronounced. Her eyes were like cat eyes, wide with a playful and curious nature as she inspects me.
"Are you Jaida?" I find my voice as she comes to stand in front of me, our height about the same.
"Yes." She smiles, her accent thick. However her tone was soothing and for once I did not feel threatened or a threat myself for the first time when arriving." You must be... Alee-n-ia."
She seems unsure of the pronunciation but I give her a short nod to say she is correct. She smiles taking me by the wrist and leading me to the gathering of woman who still have not moved from my arrival. Jaida begins to briskly order them around in her language, firstly by pointing at the shattered clay pot now oozing a white substance onto the rugged floor.
Standing closer to the fire I feel the warmth radiating from it, heating my damp feet through my soaked boots. I was entranced by the comfort of a fire when I felt hands untying my bodice with nibble fingers. I push away in protest, turning around so my back is away from them, my arms crossed over my chest.
Jaida seems wary at first, then puts on an understanding smile." Sorry to frighten you Aleenia, but we must wash you before tonight."
Finding I have no way out of this I slowly nod, once again turning my back to them. It takes no time at all for my dress to be off my body, and my feet bare. The fire no longer kept my bare body warm as I stood there shivering.
While Jaida was busy inspecting my ruined dress and how different it must seem to her the other women took glances at me. I was so pale in comparison to them.
In no time cloths soaked with warm water were used to bathe my body. They didn't have a gentle touch, and found it embarrassing when private areas had to be cleaned by them. But when it was over Jaida dried me off with a towel and brought out a dress.
It slipped right over my body, the material slightly heavier then usual but brighter in colour then anything I ever seen before. Blues, oranges, browns, reds, greens and purples. The patterns of stripes, triangles and dots twirled all overt the fabric in vertical lines. It was loose around my body, and had no sleeves, just straps over my shoulders.
Jaida smiled when seeing me in the dress before scurrying me over to the chair by the bed. She worked on my hair, using a course brush and running it through it with vigorous speed that had me internally wincing. The others took positions one on my right, one on my left and the other at my feet. The held the clay bowls of the white substance with wooden sticks and brushes at their sides.
It took hours for them to draw the intricate designs up my hands, arms, feet and collar bone. Dots and swirls and lines of white were patterned on my skin as if telling a story. Jaida doing my hair made sure every little stray strand was woven in tightly to the braids on my head. One side was intricately braided with fresh flowers poking out of my vines of hair and the ends had feathers of red and yellow dangling off.
"Sasi whowa, na kanga." Jaida says when the women finish, ushering them out of the tent.
"Thank you!" I call after them, still admiring their work all over my body.
"They will not understand." Jaida tells me, coming to my side again. Kneeling and gathering all the supplies they used.
"Where did you learn English?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.
"There is a man, here in the haven that has taught us." She informs me, standing straight once again. Before I can question her any more she continues. " I will get your mask."
She walks away, out another flap to the right returning shortly holding a wooden mask. The white paint looks very detailed on the bark, leaving little space brown.
"Why a mask?" I ask as she walks behind me.
"Our people wear masks on many occasions. The amount of feathers shows the amount of power you have in decisions. A mask with feathers means battle or business between peoples. One with out, like yours are for special occasions. Other tribes have their own decoration of shells, rocks, leaves some even with beaks or antlers."
The mask fits tight against my face, creating a darkness around my eyes when I looked out.
Jaida comes to kneel in front of me again, a gracious smile one her lips. She reaches out and adjusts the mask, causing the rough bark to scrape on my cheeks.
"I have something for you." Jaida hands over a little scrap of cloth folded over. I take it in the palm of my hand. Unsure, I open it to reveal a small purply black berry. As I never seen anything like it before, my confused eyes go back to Jaida.
"I'm sorry Jaida but I'm not sure-"
"Its for tonight... to help with pain." She whispers gently. I still wasn't grasping what she meant for several long seconds, but when it hit me I was glad the mask was covering my flaming cheeks. I had forgotten in the whirlwind of events what else is expected of me tonight. This whole new fear has me more nervous then before.
"Does it...work?" I sound less hopeful then I would have liked.
"I wouldn't know myself, but the woman I know say it was better then if they hadn't have taken it from their experience."
I nod about to place the berry in my mouth before she stops me, curling her hand around mine.
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