《Land Before Love.》CH2-Sacrifice
From the unexpected shock of my father's announcement it took me a while to recognize the actual meaning. But I figured the words "marry" and "Southern lands" didn't sound like they should go in the same sentence. It didn't make any sense.
"What?" I let out in a breath. My father didn't seemed fazed be my reaction, or even Natalie's for that matter.
"We have created a treaty with The Ukan Tribe of the Southern Lands. The son of their leader is requiring a wife. As for us, we do not have great farming conditions, and I don't have to remind you how many we lost last year through winter..."
I bite my lip, wanting to protest, but I remember looking out my window, across the ground outside the small church where there was a white sea of sheets, the waves created by the deceased bodies.
"So..." Father sighs, seeming tired of the conversation" Natalie will marry the leader's son in exchange for monthly transports of their food and goods to Fellshore."
Natalie whimpered, her tears pouring freely again. Yasmane seems just as shocked as me, and holds Natalie closer.
"But why an arranged marriage, surely you could have offered something else in exchange." I mention, from my father's tone and attitude towards this it seems like he doesn't care, it makes my blood boil.
"This is for the long term, war was brewing, Aleenia. To ensure peace between our lands a long term agreement such as marriage was the only option that we could take."
"War?" I ask, intimidated by the notion." There has been no act against us father, and I am certain we have given them nothing to indicate we intend to fight them..." My patience was running thin, my anger growing." How could you do this? How could you do this with out telling us-"
"You think I wanted this." My fathers voice booms, causing his voice to echo into a now silent room. He drags his hand across his face." This is the only way that will create an ever lasting peace."
"But we know nothing about these people, what they could do to Nat-" I shriek.
"You know nothing about these people. But I have every hope they will up hold their agreement. Natalie must be brave and make this sacrifice for her people... she will be leaving tonight."
"Tonight." I hiss, my worlds slither out in an icy tone. It causes my father's face to drop in complete offense." Not only do you make this arrangement behind our backs, but you give us only a few hours of day light for us to say goodbye to our sister, How. Dare. You."
My father lashes out to me, his hand pinches my chin painfully. Yanking me forward I am forced to be face to face with him, and I can see the fury in his eyes. I crossed a line, however wrongly drawn the line was.
"You, daughter." He seethes, face burning red." Need to remember that you have no place to talk to me like that. Women think with their hearts, not with their heads, which means their decisions cost others more pain then needed. So remember that when you ask me why you can not be involved in politics. You may be older but you certainly have not learned anything more on how not to disrespect me!"
His fingers released me in such a forceful manner it nearly makes me stumble, but I hold my balance. My cheeks are inflamed in embarrassment as I step away from him on unsteady feet. I gather Yamane and Natalie loosely in my arms, indicating for them to rise for us to leave.
Natalie was still crying as we exited the hall, and I couldn't look back at my father.
We were all in shock as we entered our bedroom. I closed the door, so we were not disturbed as I realized that time was becoming precious for all three of us.
"Why would he do this?" Natalie cries, and the first time in my life I cannot comfort her. I do not know what to say because I know nothing for what is to come.
Yasmane sits on her bed beside Natalie, a protective arm around her shoulders. My youngest sister looks to me, seated on the opposite bed. But I have to give her an empty look, meaning I do not have the answer this time. Or one that she wants...
Natalie is short of breathe as she continues sobbing." We know nothing of those man, there said to be savages!"
"We don't know that, sister." Yasmane consoles her quietly." Its just old rumors-"
"But what if there true!" She wails, using the back of her long sleeves to wipes her eyes.
My sister was falling apart in front of my eyes and I had nothing to say. We had stuck together through everything. I knew Natalie before she was even born as I use to press my ear to my mothers stomach to hear her heartbeat. I was there to hold her hand as she walked her first steps, sang her first song and fallen for her first man. And I knew deep down I would never see her again if she left. She was too young, too much potential...
I stood, my body somehow catching on before my brain could think it through. Yasmame startled for a second from my abruptness watched me with wide blue eyes.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"I'm stopping this." I state, determination already pumping through me.
Yasmane's jaw hinges open, only to close into a confused tight line." How? you can't convince father other wise."
I didn't reply, but I could see for that brief second before I turned around my youngest sister already knew the answer. It was written all over her face.
I exited the room; the beginning of an orange glow leaking into the corridors meant the sun was setting. It also met that from the limited time I only had the one option.
Walking to my father's study I knocked on the door. I waited for the hoarse reply to come before I opened it.
My father liked to read, meaning his walls were coated in shelves holding books from ceiling to floor. I enjoyed the smell of parchment in here from all the leather bound books surrounding me. In the middle of the room sat my father, behind his large cherry wood desk. His ink pen stops swiveling around a piece of parchment as he sees me. Carefully he places the pen down, giving me his attention.
"Have you come to apologize?"
I bite my tongue from it lashing back with the angry words I want to speak. Instead I roll my shoulders and squeeze my palms, about to change my future.
"I want to go to the Southern lands, I will marry the tribe leader's son instead of Natalie."
I couldn't tell if my notion surprised my father, but if it did it only flickered in his eyes for a second.
"Aleenia, It's a little more complicated then that." My father sighs, clasping his hands together before resting his elbows on his desk." The tribes men want a... younger woman."
My father had just made me feel as old as some of these books lining the walls. But I shook my head, determined for my sister to be free once again.
" Do you honestly think they would notice as much?" I argue back." I'm 27, and if it makes me vain to say I don't care, I feel I look younger then what I am. And what would they know, they have never traveled to our lands, seen what woman here look like."
I could tell I was making a valid point as my father was thinking over,not blocking, my arguments.
"And if Natalie is to stay here." He drags on." She has made quite a reputation for herself, no doubt rumors have been going around about the last Spring ball we held and the amount of men that disappeared into the gardens with her. I fear keeping her here would be a bigger burden not only for her, but for our family name if she can not marry and redeem herself."
It was only two men that had snuck out with Natalie that spring ball, but like all rumors they are mostly exaggerated. The two men where of high class and Natalie had sworn to me it hadn't gone to anything more then a few chased kisses. Yet it still gave people opportunities for their imaginations to run wild with what they thought really occurred.
But I shook my head at this." But I know father I am just as burdensome. You said it yourself I am not as young or eligible as I use to be. My future is dwindling while Natalie's is just beginning. Please father, I am willing to do this."
My father adjusts himself in his seat, leaning back on the chair and leaving his hands light in his lap." And what of General Derek?"
The question throws me off course. My jaw starts working but I couldn't make a proper answer form on my lips. From my lack of response my father's eyebrows pinch together.
"He came to me earlier today, to ask for my permission in your hand in marriage."
That part of me that is surprised is crushed by the way I had felt this morning with him caging me in as if I was a little mouse. What made me grit my teeth was the fact the second chance I stupidly gave him made him think I wanted a marriage proposal less then a day later.
"I can't- he isn't what I-" I stumble on my words, for a second thinking that if I changed my mind right now, I might not be happy with Derek but I would be safe, not heading into the unknown... But if I did that I would be selfish. I came here to protect my sister, and I am going through with it." Derek and I are not exactly a perfect match... please father, I promise you I will marry the tribe leader's son."
He holds my gaze, both of us not wavering on the intensity. He looks away first, a heavy sigh breaks out of his chest.
"You may take her place." he says, standing from behind his desk.
For the first time in my life relief and fear bloomed together in my stomach. But I do this for my sister, for her chance at a happy life. I will pay the cost for my peoples survival through having food for coming winters ... and of peace that I did not suspect would ever be disturbed by the South. But if I were to marry the leader's son, then it must ensure that no war is to come.
"You must only pack lightly, Aleenia." My fathers says, taking my hand is his." Only a small bag with possessions, I am assured you will have plenty when you arrive."
I nod slowly, pushing down a lump I didn't know was bubbling in my throat.
My father kisses my forehead. "We leave at midnight, I'll go and inform everyone of the new arrangements made."
He leaves me there, alone in his study. I stood there for what seemed like a few hours but was barely any time at all. It sadly amused me how quickly a life can change in a day, how mine had been signed off to something I knew nothing of.
The walk back was short to my room, where I would have to say good-bye to my sisters and pack what little sentimental items I owned.
There was no difference in Natalie's state as I entered back into my room. Yamane still held her, her arms tightly wrapped around her shoulders.
They both looked up when I entered, waiting. I could not muster up a smile, one of reassurance as my reality had hit me so hard on the short walk back.
"I am now to marry the tribe leader's son of the Southern lands, you are relieved of your duty, Natalie."
Except for the sniffles that came from Natalie. She pulled away from Yasemane, giving me a disbelieving look.
"Sister, what have you done?" she whispers. Her crystal blue eyes wide, as if she is pleading with me.
"What should have been done in the first place." I state." I'm the eldest."
Natalie looked down in shock, her wide eyes darting across the floorboards. Yasemane however was shaking her head, her fists clenched tight on her lap.
"Father can't do this." She says, her voice catching on the end.
"Yasmane-" my breathe was leaving me, my throat pushing back tears.
"No, its not fair he can't send you away." Her tears dribbling down her face like rain on a window.
I walk over, my sister rising and I don't say anything as I wrap my arms around her. Her sobs come full strength on my shoulder, making my bones quake at the force. My hand rubs up her back, my other cupping the back of her head.
My youngest sister never liked the idea of changed. We all knew one day this would happen, but from the world we were living in for so long it seemed we had eternity together.
My gaze drifts from the darkening sky out the window to my other sister. Slumped on the side of the bed she is watching us with hollow eyes. I couldn't tell what was going through her head at this moment, normally I knew every detail. But I lift my hand from Yamane's back, offering it to my other sister.
She takes it before standing to join us. I manage to release my other hand and wrap my arms around both my sisters, my own tears falling as I realize I will never be able to hold them like this ever again. Tomorrow I wouldn't hear the laughter, tell Natalie her clothes are to flashy or encourage Yasemane that she should close her book and start seeing the world through her own eyes.
Everything's changed...
The ocean outside held a sheen of light from the moon overhead. It was a calm night, no heavy winds or storms to stop my journey to the Southern Lands...unfortunately.
The docks were deserted at this time at night and no-one tended to their boats. All you could hear was the creaking of wooden boats on the gentle ocean.
I wrap my shawl tighter around my shoulders, feeling the chill of a hastily approaching winter. It was a reminder of why I was leaving my life behind for this. So my people could live with out the fear of freezing to death or having hollow stomachs all season.
Lanterns were held by the guards shuffling on off the small plank of wood leading to the boat I will be traveling in. I was in a trance when I felt a forceful tug on my elbow turn me around.
In the dimness of the night I could only stare wide-eyed at the tall figure looming over me. But once my vision cleared I was staring at Derek.
I swallowed hard.
"So this is your idea of a second chance." His eyes were like daggers, yet hurt and full of betrayal.
But I was still mad at him, for his sexist nature he denies having." If you understood what love was Derek you would realize why I was doing this."
He lets go of my elbow only to place both his hands on my shoulders, his face lowering down to meet mine. His expression now softer. "Did you father speak to you of what I asked of him?"
My lips go taut and I avert my gaze.
" Then say yes Aleenia, you do not have to do this." He whispers, his voice like velvet could temp any woman to be with him. However when listening to his words I shake my head.
"So that this duty falls to my sister?" My eyes turn back to him, sharply. Although confusion is the only thing captured in his swampy blue eyes." I do this for Natalie, for my people."
His forehead rests on mine, and I thank the darkness no-one else can witness this." We can find another way, tell you father otherwise... come with me."
"No." the word comes out thankfully strong, making his face morph back into one of anger. He steps back from me, removing all contact.
"No? Aleenia, I have given you-"
I cut his off with my own angry rant." Given me what? A few love letters and a possessive attitude. You told me this morning you were not like other men, but I feel that is only in your dreams, Derek."
"So you think you will be safer over there?" He points to the south. I dare look to the mucky shadow under the moon in the horizon. I turn my attention back to him.
"Safer then I would ever be then trapped in a marriage with you." I state my eyes dead cold and dead serious." Good Bye Derek."
I was already making it closer to the docks before he could reply, my little leather bag in hand. It only contained a few pencils, portfolio books and charcoal and my mothers earrings and comb. As well as little gifts my sisters gave me to remind me of them.
Voices rose around me and when looking behind my father was approaching, a string of guards attached to his sides at all times. His face was tired as he approached Commander Emersin, talking quietly together. Finally his eyes find me and he walks over.
He spots the small bag in my hands, nodding in approval of the small size he insisted on. He cups my cheeks in both hands, his eyes gleaming in a forced smile. It was painful for him to say good-bye to me... or I would like to believe it is. It could just be an act, I tell myself, to show no weakness to those watching around us.
"Are you ready daughter?" he asks, our greens eyes reflecting off each others.
I knew if I said anything the lump lodged in my throat would come up, I nodded instead.
His arms come up and wrap around me. The furs on his shoulders tickled my nose and the gold medallion of Fellshore was cold against my rapidly beating heart. I was hugging my father for the last time.
"Be brave Aleenia." He whispers in my ear.
I pull away, the night's chill hitting me once again. My father kisses my forehead, my eyes closing in earnest.
"Good Bye Father." I whisper, as he steps back, the Commander stepping around him.
"This way Lady Aleenia, if you please." He extends an arm out directing me to the wooden plank leading to the boat. I take my first steps cautiously and begin my new life the minute I step off my home of Fellshore.
Are you liking it? The beginning might be a bit slow but I promise you it gets better. Also do you like the chapter length, I have tried to make them bigger?
Also to the right, were it says Cast I have done something a little different. As there might be names and words in this story difficult to pronounce I have done a pronunciation chart to help. So if you ever have trouble with a word or name just tell me and I'll put it up.
So please Comment and Vote!
Update will be next Saturday. Holidays coming soon so might be able to update twice a week?
Love U
- In Serial40 Chapters
Somebody Stop Her
In a world of villains and heroes, the Kilborne family moved to the small town of Saint Mary. Their new neighbors, living in the 1888 Saint Mary cathedral, turned out to be a family of supervillains. Martin Kilborne would find school perfectly mundane if it wasn't for Alexa Terranova who is: constantly bothering him with a pocket raygun, demanding he become her minion and threatening to blow up the principal's office in a series of unnecessarily complicated, wacky plots. The more Martin learns about Alexa, the more dangerous and insane his life becomes as he is dragged into terrible, misfortunate, no good adventures of doom. A wholesome, slice of life, superhero / supervillain sci-fi comedy, sprinkled with elements of horror.Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge - 55'555 words in 35 days!Dedicated to my daugher who has an unbendable stubborn spirit and my friends at the Silver Pen server who motivated me to write new things!
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Path of Righteousness
What do you desire? What are you afraid of? You run away from one, pursuing the other. Is that all you are? Conquer your fears. Dig to the bottom and confirm, what you really want... ...For you cannot escape suffering and death. You only have a little time. Use it wisely. Uru, a young boy with no talent for magic or fighting, sets out on a quest to become an avatar of order, the physical embodiment of righteousness, in a distant future, where control of origin energy allows people to defy physics and manipulate causality. Mocked by fate and broken by impossible dreams, all that's left is to stand in defiance to cruel existence. Because there is a Truth out there, somewhere. Singular, transcendent, eternal. What would you sacrifice for it? *** This is a fantastic sci-fi epic. It's going to blend both western and eastern traditional fantasy tropes – like might & magic and cultivation – with rational sci-fi grounded fully in reality, to produce a purely fictional fairy tale. I'd like to deliver something light-hearted and yet wholly serious. An uplifting adventure exploring the unfathomable reaches of humanity, free of indecency, with a healthy dose of humorous banter, legendary beings, and most importantly – lots of exciting, firework-filled mayhem! I've tried reading many web novels, but there's a fundamental problem with them – the eastern ones are annoyingly repetitive, superficial and morally destitute, while western ones are often dark, convoluted and profane. There's only so much one can do to filter out the bad and try to fill in the gaps with their own imagination. It's one thing to eat tasty fast food, but if it's moldy and filled with toxins, then it's not only poisonous, but also disgusting. The appreciation of beauty and higher values is disappearing at an alarming rate. Although there are throngs of talented people out there, none of them are creating what I want to witness – an inspiring battle against impossible odds, ending in absolute victory. A triumph of the spirit so overwhelming, it crushes the spectator into his seat and takes his breath away. I'm looking for a real paragon, so now I'd like to try conceiving one. *** The MC's name comes from Tolkien's Elven dictionary in Silmarillion, 'Uru' meaning 'Fire', and 'Dagnir an Uruloki' meaning 'Slayer of Dragons'. *** Note: I'm neither a native speaker, nor an aficionado of literature – I've never written anything before, and despite proficient English my literary prowess is abysmal. It therefore takes me a painful amount of effort to polish the chapters and bring them up to par. Last year I wrote and posted some on FictionPress, but I stopped since it wasn't going anywhere. The appalling amount of filth and mediocrity being peddled in all the media nowadays – a result of no conspiracy to manipulate the masses, but plain supply and demand – is no longer just the triumph of form over substance, but most worryingly corruption of the latter. Who wants to read about ideals anymore? And yet, masses flock together to gobble up perversion and depravity. That being said, I can't rule out pitiful exposure as the culprit to my failure, so I am now once again trying to increase it here, possibly for the last time. If there are still human beings present, hungry or in need of a detox after eating too much garbage, make yourselves heard, so I can see a reason to continue the story. Otherwise it's pointless – I'm not going to make fodder for the masses, and I'm most certainly not going to throw pearls before swine. I'll simply stop writing altogether.
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Sinbad: High King of the Seas
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