《Land Before Love.》CH1-Fellshore
I didn't know this would be my last morning staring out of my window, of any window to be exact. The ocean out side was agitated, as the waves were short and frisky as they lapped on the sands of Fellshore. White birds dipped and dived towards the water, swooping up with silvery fish in their beaks that glint in the morning sun. The boats tied to the piers rocked on the ocean, unsettling fisherman as they loaded their vessels with nets.
All of it seemed normal as I brushed the ends of my light brown hair with my turtle shell comb. Making sure it was smooth as I braided the last strands and tied it off with a blue ribbon. Turning from the second story view I had looking out to sea I noticed my two younger sisters sleeping forms on their single beds, unmoved from when I last looked.
Placing my brush on my side table I lead myself out of our room, remembering which floorboards didn't creak as I was walking across them. I reached the door, turning the golden handle and stepping outside into the hallway. The sun leaking from the window across the way lightened the manor house's tight wooden corridors as I walked through them, approaching the stairs.
I could see the maids in the white frocks and grey aprons bustling around on the ground floor landing. I pinched the fabric up of my sky blue dress as I descended the stairs, making sure it didn't drag under my feet.
On time my personal maid, Debra was there at the landing, a gracious smile on her middle aged face. She curtsies. "Good morning, Mi Lady."
"Good Morning, Debra. Is my father in the dining hall?" I question, already leading the way.
"Yes Mi Lady, My Lord is already having his breakfast. However I do believe he has company." She informs me.
I quirk an eyebrow up."Company?"
"Yes Mi Lady, I believe it be Commander Emersin, and a few of his men accompanying him this morning." I had probably lost track of days, as I had been notified that the Commander was going to be arriving in Fellshore soon. However I felt like it was not for another few weeks. It bothered me but I didn't let it show as I continued my way to the dinning hall.
When arriving light was flooding the room from the windows that lined the top of the walls of the dinning hall. The long table that ran the length of the room was decadent in silver platters of baked breads, berries drizzled in honey, poached fruits, smoked hams and boiled eggs. Metal clanked on metal as my father at the head of the table was eating, enjoying the company of the Commander on his left and the several men situated along side the table. The right side remained empty.
My father's eyes peered up over his drinking goblet to catch me entering. Our guests must have noticed my arrival as their cutlery was placed down and they stood with the rhythmic sound of scarping chairs. I walk along side the right of the table.
"Mi Lady Aleenia." The commander addresses me." I am sorry for intruding on your breakfast, but an argent matter had to be discussed this morning."
"Commander Emersin." I give a short bow of my head, also indicating for the rest of the men to sit down once again." There is no need to apologize, I find it nice to have company for once, as I feared my sisters and I would have to be the only ones to stammer my fathers boring stories for the live long days."
The men, including the Commander chuckle, causing they're medals to clink as they rattled together over their chests. Commander Emersin was an older man, with grey hair and a short trim beard. His pale eyes crinkled at the sides whenever he would smile, it softens his looks a great deal when he had an amused expression.
"My daughter, what lies you tell. My stories are much greater then the ones of the man I sit next to." He chimes in.
"Good Morning Father." I greet him with a smile, bending down to kiss him on the cheek. Debra appears behind me, pulling back my chair for me to be seated. My father smiles at me as I sit down, taking my hand and kissing the back of it. As the years have dawned on him I have noticed the age creep into his face. However his emerald eyes are the only similar feature we share and they have stayed as focused and sharp as the day I first remember him.
" Well I would have to agree with you their, My Lord." The Commander states as I am being tucked in, and receiving a napkin to place over my lap.
"Certainly not, Commander. I am sure you have traveled far more then my father. You must have many stories of your travels." I announce, helping myself to the black berries in a large serving dish in front of me.
"Well I have, and some stories I have shared with your father." He explains, taking a sip from his goblet. His eyes pierce in thought until he seems to begin to reminisce on a particular time in his life." I remember when we traveled to the Southern lands, the shock on your fathers face when he first witnessed those savages-"
"Please Emersin, such stories should not be told in the early hours of the day." My father coolly cuts in, a tone to sound teasing yet with the hint of sharpness as a warning. I have heard that tone many times, and like always it means that my father does not wish to share something with me. Especially anything to do with the Southern lands.
As the mist clears over the ocean during midday, to the south you can see the landmass that appears in the distance. Rumors and old wives tales are my information source when it comes to learning about it. I've heard of the tribes that live there, everyone who has heard about them or have seen them call them 'savages'. I remember when I was younger, my father returned from the south and he had a prisoner. I had never seen a man like that before, he had dark skin, just darker then honey and he was strong. Built of muscle that coiled around his arms and had images in ink that stained them.
I learned that curiosity got me in trouble, so I never asked what happened to the man. Never seeing him again seemed obvious to me he was long dead by now.
The Commander forced a tight smile before changing the conversation entirely. I didn't listen in as my eyes wonder down the length of the table. Sitting down the end my eyes linger on the man with short brown hair and familiar blue eyes.
I hadn't seen Derek in over a year since we were first acquainted. I would like to say there was something between us, as we had written back and fourth for a matter of months. I thought he had felt the same way but the letters stopped suddenly, and I was left wondering what had happened. My first thought though was he probably saw what other man were seeing in me, a lost cause. Now a woman of 27, unmarried and the eldest is a big scandal to our family name. A topic everyone liked to pick and scrape at.
I left my eyes looking too long as he catches me staring. He tilts his goblet up to me in recognition before taking a sip of his drink. I keep my lips tort and turn my attention back to the other end of the table. Although I did notice the double stripe on his sleeve, meaning he has moved up to a General now.
My father seems happy as he converses with the Commander. He is still getting over an illness he had recently, and is rugged up in white and grey furs. Overlapping them is his medallion of the crest of Fellshore. It's a sea eagle, wings spread in a glide as are seen every summer hunting over the horizon of the water.
I hear the sound of the double doors opening and in walk my sisters. Natalie waltzes in first, in a yellow and cream dress with her bodice tucked in tight. Somehow she must have realized we had company and like always made sure she looked pronounced... especially her breasts. Yasmane followed behind, being the youngest she was still small and walked behind Natalie ever so shyly in her pink flowy gown, keeping her eyes fixed mainly on the floor.
Being the oldest sister, with quite a big year gap I always felt responsible of them. Natalie being 20, and Yasmane being 17 I was the one teaching them the do's and the don'ts.
After greeting my father my sisters are seated beside me to my left. Natalie bends down lower then usual, leaning forward to be tucked into her seat and I force away the urge to throw down my knife and fork in annoyance.
"You know." I whisper to her so no one else can listen." You can leave a little to their imagination."
"Well sister, I have told you before that these men lack such a thing." Natalie raises her eyebrows at me. I purse my lips to try and hide the smile forming. Even though I tell her she has nothing to worry about with her striking ice blue eyes, fair blond hair and young age she finds the need to present herself in an over alluring way.
The conversation was light, as father never discussed business with us when we were at the table. I gave up on trying to convince him that I was old enough to help, but he believed woman had no place in war and politics. It frustrated me more than anything, and maybe that is why I was not married. I rather a man to see me as an equal, not something to own.
Yasmane did not speak a word for the entirety of breakfast, she was shy around unfamiliar people. It didn't bother me, as she was kind hearted and loyal, all good qualities to obtain. It seemed Yasmane should be putting her self out there more compared to Natalie who should restrain herself when it came to socializing with men. I realize I would sound like mother if she were still alive...playing match maker and courting for her daughters future husbands.
Soon my father, the Commmander, Derek and the rest of the men retired for there meeting. It just left my two sisters and I, finishing the last of what little food was left.
"Was that Derek at the end of the table, Aleenia?" Natalie inquires slyly, elegantly placing raspberries in her mouth as if the question was as simple as she made it seem.
"General Derek now I suppose..." I answer flatly, knowing if I show the slightest of emotion Natalie will find a way to blow it out of proportion.
"Either way he couldn't keep his eyes off you." Natalie comments and I regret giving her a cursing gaze, knowing she wasn't going to let the topic drop out of conversation quickly and quietly, as I would like. "What? I thought you liked General Derek?"
"She did, until he stopped writing her three months ago." Yasemane answers for me.
"Yasmane!"I exclaim.
Her eyes go innocently wide." I thought that it didn't bother you..."
"Believe me Yasmane, our sister keeps her queries to herself." Natalie wipes her mouth with her napkin before placing it on the table." And if you ask me it's Derek's loss, you could do better Aleenia."
My lip tilts upwards faintly in the corner from my sister's support but it soon fades. Was it sad that I was becoming desperate to have compliments to make me feel better about myself? And it seemed sadder to me that I wanted comments to be coming from Derek's mouth rather then my sisters.
I force myself to stop thinking about the overpowering topic of men and stand. I hate being sucked into the whirlpool that many woman find themselves in when it came to finding a husband. I didn't want to be a doting wife, I wished for independence... and love if I were to be honest.
"Where are you going?" Natalie asks, her fork half way to her mouth.
"Out." I reply shortly.
"Could you be more specific, sister?" Natalie asks as Debra tucks my chair back in.
"To the market place."
Yasemane turns her attention to me. "I might join you later, there were some spices Mora wanted for our dinner tonight."
My youngest sister always thought more for others than herself, even if father would frown upon a higher lady going out of her way for the head cook.
I tell her I would wait at the entrance to the market place in half an hour so we could meet. Leaving the dinning hall I stepped slowly as I walked past my father's study. But as the men seem to be arguing over one another, I could not decipher what was being discussed. That left me with another day to try and entertain myself.
Our home of Fellshore was not a well-developed town. When I was around 8 my father took the position as Lord here when the previous one died including his wife and only child. Growing up in a city, coming to such a rural area was quite a shock for me, but being a child I adapted easier to the harsh winters and dry summers.
It wasn't like we were totally abounded here on the shores of the ocean, but it seemed that way many times. Fellshore had the reputation of poor trade and bad harvests from our isolation and unnourished soil. Also having the 'savages' a boat trip away from the south was also a big turn off. Even though a person from the south never willingly traveled across the waters here to the north before.
I guess this was also why whenever I traveled to parade myself in the cities for a suitor I was turned away when I was announced a Lady of Fellshore. A connection to this land was like tying yourself to a bet you know you will lose from.
And it wasn't like I was going to find a husband here, none that I would be allowed to marry anyways. Many people here were of the working class, owning their own businesses or working in trade. But altogether people in this town where trying to make ends meet. Last month we had a disappointing harvest, resulting in half our food source gone for the winter. From years of this my father is now scraping at the bottom of his pockets to pay for imported food for our town to not starve through the winter coming soon.
And I could tell everyone was already stocking up as the food market stalls I passed where carrying slim to none. I don't think I ever remembered a time I had seen this place stocked to the brim with fresh vegetables, bags of grain and juicy fruits.
Too sad to dwell on the ache for my people and the disappointment, I move along to my favorite stall. That earthy smell of parchment and heavy scent of charcoal was a comforting, familiar smell as I looked upon them on the market table.
I was no painter, as I had tired to master the art of it years ago but found colour did not want to mold and melt together for me . I stuck with sketching, with led and charcoal. My sisters say it's not as appealing, as everything I drew ranged from white to black but there was nothing I enjoyed more then to capture a moment in a picture that you could always look back on.
"I thought I might find you here."
I jump and turn around by that voice. Derek stood there, proud in his green military jacket, one he wears on formal occasion. He had three medals above his heart and I saw again the golden stripes swiped across his sleeve.
"Clever you, now if you will excuse me." On instinct I was already getting away, stumbling around a man sealing chickens as he held them all by their feet. Their wings flapping frantically, feathers catching in the air.
"Aleenia." He was following me and my face was scrunching up in utter annoyance. Him having longer legs he caught up to me as I was heading to the direction I was to meet Yasmane." Please, Alennia, I owe you an apology."
My booted feet slow down as I come to a stop, other shoppers get annoyed as I have created a block in their paths." Derek, I don't believe there is anything-"
"I'm sorry I stopped writing to you." Derek stands in front of me, his murky blue eyes pleading with me." You have every right to be upset at me, but could I explain why."
Keeping my face neutral I await an explanation. He seems relieved to capture my attention and makes a gesture so I will walk with him. I do, taking a hesitant first step as we make our way down the main road of the markets.
"Three months ago I transferred to another base camp, and from there I had to travel to the newly found Eastern lands of Gailra. There was no possible way yet to send letters back."
"You could have sent me a letter before hand, explain why you could not write."
"I know." Derek answers quickly." But the transfer was very short notice, I didn't have a chance. And with that I am very sorry... Besides I missed receiving you letters, as well as your drawings."
I sigh, his reason becoming valid, but it still does not excuse those three months of self doubt and heart ache." I accept you apology Derek, but-"
"But..." He questions, brown eyebrows creating a v." Aleenia you can give me a second chance, I plan on staying in Fellshore for a few months... so we can make up for lost time."
My ears perk up at this, not from the fact that he is staying, but for the reason why." Is there a reason your staying for such a long period of time?" By now we had walked into a quieter part of the town, somehow I was now leaning on a bumpy brick wall of a house and he had cornered me in with his body." I mean I knew Commander Emersin was arriving, but I had thought it was not for a few weeks."
Derek nods along, as if already knowing my questions." Something more urgent has come up here, and possible reinforcements might be needed."
My eyes widen in shock." Reinforcements, what could they be needed for?"
Derek looks away and sighs." I can not tell you that Aleenia."
My cheeks heat up in slight annoyance and embarrassment because he talks to me as if I were still a child. " Then I suppose that will be the extent of our conversations if you do not wish to tell me things concerning my own town."
I make an attempt to break away from him but he steps closer to me, taking my hand in his. The warmth of it is starling but the intensity in his eyes makes it impossible to look away.
"You think I am like other men." He seems hurt by my previous statement, holding our hands between us." I only do not tell you things because of your fathers wishes... but if we become more then writing partners, Aleenia..."
His words drift off, knowing what his last statement entails." If your blackmailing me-"
"No, Aleenia." Its soft, said carefully. His hand holding mine drops slowly between us. Moving closer his face is inches from mine, his lips hovering above my own. However he tilts his head, his lips angled as he kisses the side of my mouth. I wasn't expecting this but a tingle shoots thought me, yet somehow this one stings my nerves compared to pleasing them.
He pulls away, our eyes so close together I can see my own confused and apprehensive expression reflecting from them. "Will you give me a second chance?"
All I manage is a breathless nod, my back pressing so hard on the bricks I am sure dust will be scraped all over my back. He smiles, a brilliant white one but somehow I cannot smile back.
He bids me goodbye and I am left there leaning on a crumbling home. I realized then how belittled I felt in his presence, and how angry I was at him... at myself. Or maybe I was overthinking it, he was respecting my fathers wishes but he seduced me... seduced me! It made my face fume with heat that I allowed him to do that, how I was so desperate for his attention.
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I guess I'm part of the family Madrigal (Bruno X reader)
Technically the whole movie with the twist of you being there and also being Bruno's wife => who helps Mirabel along the way but it's not the complete same i have added some stuff
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