《Land Before Love.》CH4-Bound in Blood
Jaida's words gave me hope that the man I am about to marry wasn't the 'savage' I was picturing in my mind. From arriving, my ideal of these people were slowly changing. I had received hostility from them, but they have made no move to harm me.
There was a sound silence when I left the tent. The mask made me feel hidden away from judgment as people could not see who I was. Although not true, as my skin tone was completely different, as well as the elaborate clothing I was wearing. Both differences meant I was probably a beacon.
Jaida walked in front of me through the weaving tents, leading the way. I could feel the energy when we got closer. The murmuring of people reaching my ears, and the heated blaze of torch light blurring my vision. As my feet were bare I hadn't got use to the texture of dirt between my toes.
Figures started to appear, wearing masks like mine, all with unique designs from the white paint now dried on my body. Many wore furs over their shoulders, and I envied them in my short sleeves amidst the cold weather.
The murmuring went away slowly, although quietly it still remained. The figures became less scattered, and formed in a clearing to create a pathway.
Suddenly Jaida stepped to the side, in alarm I stopped for a few short seconds. But her eyes met mine as she stood there, tilting her head ever so slowly to the front. I forced one foot in front of other, keeping my gaze mainly on the ground, peeking up every so often while the covered faces all stared at me.
As I got closer and more people were gathered to where my wedding took place, a man caught my eye. The reason was his skin tone was as pale as mine. His facial features pointed and shaped, less rounded and angular then the people surrounding us. He was old, grey hair and wearing normal tailored pants and a heavy brown fur around his shoulders. His blue eyes watching me, until they caught mine and he gave me a encouraging yet teasing smile.
I forced myself to look away, confused as to who he was. I had never seen him before, and I knew my father had not sent anyone to escort me here or to remain. The tribes people did not want any outsider but myself to be allowed in their haven. They had sworn no harm would come to me as no one from my lands would be witness to the marriage. But maybe this man was an emissary? All those thoughts were over as an elevated wooden stage came into view directly in front, two men standing on top.
One was a man I recognized as Chief Kono, the other I had to crane my neck to see his full figure. This man wasn't facing me; he was side on, staring blindly at the people around him. He could have been carved out of stone by the way every part of his tanned body seemed to be made of muscle. He wore brown pants, a narrow sheet of intricate fabric hanging between his legs on either side dyed with red, browns and yellows. His upper part of his body was bare; painted with similar designs as mine. His jet black hair was probably shoulder length, but I couldn't tell for sure for it was tied in a tucked bun on his cranium.
Chief Kono wears a welcoming smile as I approached closer. He makes a slight gesture with his hand holding his spear to join them on the platform. I walk forward slowly, lifting my dress up as I take a knee-bending step up to their level.
I feel the wood creak under my feet as I stand their moving myself to stand facing the man soon to be my husband. His stare does not waver under his mask as I stand in front of him. My hope grows dimmer as he, Zachan, doesn't seem to want to look at me.
Movement beside me catches my eyes and Chief Kono takes the spear in both hands, holding it high in the air horizontally. A hush falls over the crowds of people; only the forest noises can be heard in the night.
Lowering it he starts talking, his language rapid and rhythmic as it leaves his mouth. I had no idea what was happening for the rest of what seemed like to me a marriage 'ceremony'. A lot was said by the Chief, and not once did Zachan lower his gaze to look at me. Chanting happened, the crowds creating an eerie symphony that sent shivers up my spine.
When it stopped, I didn't know how much time had past before Chief Kono was gesturing towards the crowd and a man came forward, object in hand. I studied it for a moment, a round wooden base with a diamond pointed edged rock... it was a knife. I became slightly nervous as the Chief stepped forward to take it.
He looks to me." Your hand, Lady Aleenia." It was the first thing I understood all evening and felt reluctant in complying to his demand. But I did, lifting my left hand to him. He turned it, palm facing up and before I could protest the knife's point sliced through it, causing a pained hiss to leave my lips.
The Chief doesn't say anything before turning to his son, their eyes meeting. A silent, tense conversation passes through them but Zachan finally, yet reluctantly raises his hand. In that moment I realized that maybe he didn't want this as much as I didn't want it either.
The same was done to him before his father took both our cut hands and forced us to join them. I winced at the burning sting that happened when we locked hands, our arms outstretched. And for the first time Zachan looked at me, and for a moment, probably in my imagination, he seemed surprised when he took me in. But his eyes turned to stone again, his mouth flat and bored.
Chief Kono chanted again, the people responding in time as if a prayer. I felt the blood wet on my hand, and when looking I saw it dripping, hitting the wooden stage in a timely sequence. I focused solely on that, ignoring the voice that was begging me to stop this. But I closed my eyes, seeing my sister's faces. It gave me strength.
When silence fell again, Zahcan didn't waste time in ripping his hand from mine. It caused another painful sting and I cradled my hand with the other.
Chief Kono said a short sentence and cheering began. I understood from that noise I was the wife of the man in front of me, and we both seemed deeply unpleased about it.
The aroma of tender roasting meat filled the ashy air of my wedding night. A pit of fire had been placed in the clearing, a deer hung over and was rotated by a wooden pole stuck though it, wedged between two other crossing poles. Two men operated it and laughed as they talked with their friends. Others ate from the low tables of food, crossed legged they sat on square cushions placed on the ground wedged under the table.
I watched the celebration in front of me, still a spectacle on the stage but now seated on a chair. Beside me was my husband, his built body filled up his seat. He remained natural as he looked on with me, no smile or slightly amused look wanted to lighten his face.
I had eaten little, but found myself not very hungry. The main focus to me was the women coming to greet me every couple minutes. I say 'greet', but as we had a language barrier it was replaced with smiles, more hesitant then friendly as they gave me their gifts. Long necklaces made of little round beads were placed over my neck. I admired them, all unique and carved out of wood, painted in all different colors and patterns.
As the night progressed the man I had saw earlier finally approached us. His attention turns to Chief Kono, standing beside the stage.
"Chief Kono." He bows, his voice wise with age and his ascent exactly like my fathers. A home sick feeling washes over me.
"Andrew." The Chief smiles." You have finally slithered out of your tree house I see, enjoying your night?"
The man, Andrew, laughs." I am, I thought it nice to congratulate your son and his new wife... Zachan."
I look over to Zachan, who says nothing but nods his head in acknowledgment. Looking back, Andrew's eyes had fixed themselves on me. I don't smile under his calculating gaze but finally he smiles at me instead.
"Aleenia..." It roles off his tongue, his smiling eyes wrinkling to create crows feet." A beautiful name for a beautiful woman."
"Thank you Mr...." I hesitate, forgetting I do not know his last name.
But Andrew tips his head back and hollers out a laugh. His spotted hand clutching his mid section." Oh my Lady Aleenia, never in my lifetime have I been addressed as Mister. Although coming from you I should start reinforcing it... Formality in that matter, here, is lacking, which I find pleasing... However Mr. Larkin will do."
I find myself sporting a small smile and nod my head at him, this man to me was like a little piece of home. His personality at least.
"Well I don't wish to spoil your evening any longer, I hope you have a good night." He bows his head again a lightness to him as he walks backwards and away into the midst of the party. A part of me was humbled and intrigued by the older man, the other part -I subsided- was he was one I shouldn't place my trust in at my new home.
When looking over at Zachan, his face remained expressionless under his mask, his mouth a continuous firm line.
I was starting to wonder if he knew how to even smile.
As I adjusted the beads around my neck, starting to weigh me down, my hand brushed against my sash. Then I remembered the gift Jaida had gotten me. My cheeks heated up all over again.
Discreetly as possible I slid my fingers under the fabric, pinching the small berry. I bought it carefully to my mouth, stopping half way thinking I should be more skeptical of a too kindly maid giving me something I have never seen before... But my death would break any treaties placed mere hours ago from my marriage. I ate the berry.
It was bitter and grainy in my mouth. I managed to swallow it and looking to my left to spot Zachan's brown eyes slightly observing me with his head crooked in my direction. As if he was looking at me through his peripheral vision. My guess was he had seen what I had done, what I had taken.
Not a few seconds later he abruptly stands up. Talking starts to cease as they watch the Chiefs son standing tall on the stage. Zachan cranes his neck back to me, a silent demand to follow him. I stood and followed his lead as he stepped down, me after. Like in the ceremony people parted, and by the bright smiles the men were giving Zachan I knew where we were headed. I felt my hands start shaking so I curled them into fists but winced when my cut palm dug into the bandage around it.
Soon there was no more people, and it was just tents. I felt myself become slightly dizzy, my nerves must have been kicking in. My paranoia had me looking over my shoulder, but I wasn't sure if I was searching for someone following or a way to escape.
But I had run out of time to make that decision as the density of the homes was thinning until one stood close to the forest, round and centered around a long tree trunk.
Zachan stopped at the entrance, lifting the flap out of the way and I walked in. It was a surprising high tent, although I knew it was probably because Zachan was a very tall man.
The tent was set up with a long wide corridor made of fabric. I could see entrances to other rooms but knew I had to keep moving forward where I could see a flicker of fire through the sheer fabric.
My body was no longer numb from the cold, but still numb nonetheless. It was an odd sensation, and I become light headed as I walked into what I guess was a bedroom.
Two chairs were seated in the right far corner of the room, carved out of wood and woven together with branches and vines. A full-length mirror was to my left, murky from age. A small fire was a couple meters away from the bed.
The bed was low and carved out of wood, and covering it was fluffy hides and furs. Over stuffed pillows were scattered at the top. My nerves were seizing me again, causing my breathing to hitch.
I felt the heat of Zachans body come up behind me, my lightheadedness threatening to cause me to faint. I flinched when I felt him tug on the many necklaces around my throat. He managed to gather them in his hand and lift them off of me; it helped me to breathe better, even only a little.
He walked around me, and laid the jewelry on the chair. He took his time doing it before straightening. I stood there for a small eternity... until he walked to the bed, ignoring me completely and made himself comfortable on the right side of the bed.
I stood their, watching him adjust himself on his side, letting his body sink into the furs. I must have stood there a long time, because by the time I thought about moving his breathes were coming out in even beats. He was asleep.
My shock disappeared and a wave of relief poured over me like holy water. Although I was still apprehensive as I walked slowly to the bed, sitting down on the side first with my knees pushed up to my chest.
It felt awkward to fall asleep next to him.
But I knew it would be more awkward to go back outside, and people to see me.
I carefully unfolded myself and lay on the bed, the furs comfortably soft. Tucking a hand under my head I watched the foggy reflection of the fire in the mirror across from me. It was calming but drowsiness like nothing before was running up my veins, through my blood stream. I felt my bones go tired and my head spun as I finally closed my eyes, and like water on a flame, I was out.
Hello, I hope you liked this chapter, finally got to meet Zachan! Also sorry not a lot of dialogue, but I hope you still enjoyed it.
Also I have drawn a map, and in most chapters will post where the chapter is taking place. So look back at the other chapters so far to have a look if you like.( I hope the map looks good.)
For the next update I am aiming still for Saturday, but other wise Sunday because I posted a chapter today.
SO please Comment and Vote, tell me what you think so far.
Love U.
- In Serial33 Chapters
Kind’s Kiss
MAGIC DOESN'T KILL, NOT BY ITSELF. IT NEEDS A LITTLE HELP. Jessica DeRidder is a substitute teacher and mage in hiding, her daughter Ellen a killer on the run. Their next job lands the mother-daughter team in Hellhole, a small town in the middle of nowhere. All they need to do is their job. For Mom to identify the problem, and for Ellen to... fix it. Easy. Simple. But not this time. The pair find themselves caught in the struggle between the Man-in-White and the Wicked Witch of the West. A mysterious image and the theft of a deadly flower lead the pair to a score of dead prisoners, magical drug dealers, and red-eyed assassins falling from the sky. And somehow it all seems to be related to Ellen's murky past. All Ellen wants to do is do her homework, eat ice cream, and protect her newfound friends (not necessarily in that order). She'll go all-in, guns blazing. But when the smoke clears there may be nothing left but a stranger's past and a lonely future. --- 'Kind's Kiss' is a light, modern-day fantasy, easy on the magic, heavy on the snark. Though complete it is still a work in progress. One reviewer described it as 'Buffy meets Sabrina, as done by Tarantino'. I'm still not sure if I should consider that a compliment or hire a hitman :-)
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Mo'arka e karbala
BISMILLAH HIR-RAHMAN NIR-RAHIM. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah; Duniya me aise bahot se waqiyat aur haadse guzre hain jo insaniyat aur sharafat ke naam par badnuma daag hain. Jin ki yaad kuch waqt tak baqi rehti hai phir khatm ho jati hai.Lekin HAADSA-E-KARBALA ek aisa dard naak waqiya hai, aur is me aisi darindgi aur wehshi pan tha ke is ki yaad zamana bhi na mita saka. Balki aaj 1350 saal guzarne par bhi is ki yaad taaza hai.Is ki wajah ye hai ki Hazrat Imam Husain(r.a) ne dashte karbala me jis sabr, shuja'at aur himmat ka sabut diya hai, us ki nazir(misal) nahi milti. Aap par intehai be-rehmana aur wehshiyana zulm kiye gaye. lekin Aap ne sachai ka sath nahi chhoda, ALLAH SUB'HANAHU ko Aap ki mazlumi, be-kasi, aur be-chargi aisi pasand aai ke Aap ka zikr baaki rakha aur In sha ALLAH qayamat tak baaqi rahega.Bhook pyas ki shiddat, azizon ki maut ka sadma, aurton ki be-hurmati ka khayal ye sab baatain sabr aazma thi. Magar Aap ne har sadma har taklif ko bardasht kiya. Aap kis daur se guzar rahe honge is ka andaza lagana bhi mushkil hai. Yaqinan ye waqiya dil toh kya ruh tak ko jhinjod kar rakh dene wala hai, Lekin logon ne is ki Asliyat ko nahi samjha ya toh Husn-e-aqidat me doob kar asliyat ka inkaar karne lage. Logon ne aisi riwayatein gadhli hain jinka koi wajud hi nahi tha.Is qisse "Mo'arka-e-karbala" ko Husne aqidat se likha gaya hai, is me koi andhi taqlid ya gair taarikhi waaqiya shamil nahi hai. Balki jahan tak mumkin hosaka hai galat riwayaton ki tardid ki gai hai. Hamara maqsad logon ko sahi waqiyat se waqif karana hai. "Ma'arka-e-karbala" Author: Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Husain Sardhanvi.Aap tak pahonchane ki koshish : ف۔ش۔
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