《ARROGANCE | m.yg》n i n e t e e n - r i n


I sit on the couch with an episode of Running Man on and my phone in my hand, waiting on a text from Juyoung. He seems to be running a bit late, not that I really mind. To pass the time I jot down concept ideas as notes in my phone, thinking about doing this track with Yoongi. It still doesn't feel real. After all this time, I finally got what I wanted? It's almost too good to be true.

At 12:11 there's a knock on my door, and I stand up with a confused expression on my face. Juyoung normally just texts me to let me know that he's here.

I cross the room to the front door and open it. Sure enough, Choi Juyoung is there before me, a smile on his face. He's wearing a navy blue t-shirt with a black blazer and black skinny jeans— rather dressy, knowing him. In contrast, I'm just wearing some distressed skinny jeans and a white t-shirt, and I am also the antithesis of dressed up. No makeup, nothing fancy with my hair, very casual. I didn't miss anything, did I? We're just getting lunch, right?

"What's going on, Juyoung? You're all dressed up."

"Ah, I just got this blazer and I wanted to try it out. How do I look?" He scratches the back of his neck and then gestures at himself, a bit of nervousness showing through his smile.

"You look nice," I say with a smile. "A bit dressed up for lunch, but nice nonetheless."

He sighs a little, seemingly in relief. "Great, because this blazer cost more than I'm willing to admit. Anyway, you ready to go?"

"Yep, just lemme get my shoes." I reach down to get my white converse as I speak, tugging them on and tying them quickly. With that, I stand and shoot Juyoung another smile before we leave the house. I close and lock the door behind me, then jump into the passenger's seat of Juyoung's car. Originally, the plan had been to grab lunch, but we switched to coffee for the sake of simplicity. Juyoung starts the vehicle and turns on the radio, face souring for just a fraction of a moment when Bangtan's Dope begins to play.

In spite of myself, I chuckle. "What was that? Did you bite your tongue or something?"

"Something like that," Juyoung states. "I don't know, I guess hearing the song reminded me of the chat I had with Yoongi a couple days ago. How is he?"

"Good, I think," I reply, treading lightly. "I guess he's getting started on some new promotions soon, so we haven't been talking much."

"Ah, I see."

"When did you see him?" I query, having a sneaking suspicion already.

"I was taking a walk down to the audio equipment place to see if my soundboard was in, and I went by the Big Hit building. He was just standing outside the building, said he wanted some fresh air."


The rest of the car ride follows in what is moderately awkward silence. Thankfully, it didn't seem like anything major went on between my two friends, and Yoongi hadn't told Juyoung anything about our track, but it's clear that one does not like to hear about the other. Now Yoongi's request to say hi to Juyoung makes sense, too.

When we arrive at the cafe, Juyoung opens up my door for me in a very gentlemanly fashion and beckons me inside. It's just a standard coffee shop, nothing out of the ordinary. Small booths line the walls and tables are scattered throughout the floor space. A pane of glass separates customers from pastries dusted with powdered sugar, and baristas rush around behind the counter filling orders.


Juyoung walks up to the counter and a barista asks for his order.

"Iced latte and a caramel frapp, please," he says with a smile, glancing over his shoulder at me. I give him a quizzical look, but let him proceed. I guess it's not wholly uncommon to know your best friend's drink order after a couple years.

We wait for a few minutes before our coffee arrives, and I walk over to a booth by the window. Juyoung takes a seat across from me and sips at his iced latte, eyeing me curiously.

"What?" I ask, resting my hand on the table.

"Nothing," he replies. "Just kinda zoned out."

"Hah, okay," I chuckle. "So, how have you been? I know we haven't talked too much recently. Producing going well?"

"Yeah, I've got a couple new undergrounds I'm working with, but I've also been thinking about applying for a job with JTune."

"Madtown's on that label, right?"

"Yeah, that's the one. They're looking for a producer and I could use the money."

"Go for it! There's no way they can turn you down."

"You think I should? I wanted to run it by you first to make sure you think it's a good idea."

"I mean, sure," I say, feeling like I have to seem a little apprehensive. "Sure, you'd be working with idols, but your producing could almost make it worthwhile."

"Never thought of it like that," Juyoung says with a warm smile. "Thanks." His free hand finds the one I'd rested on the table and doesn't let go. I guess I'd expected just a quick squeeze or something, but no, it doesn't seem like Juyoung has the intention of releasing me anytime soon. At that point, pieces begin to fall into place. The blazer, knocking on the door, opening up the car door for me, buying the coffee, it's all making sense. Still, though, I try to convince myself that he's just missed me and is trying to be extra friendly. When his thumb starts moving up and down on my hand, though, and when still no words have been spoken, I decide I've had enough.

I jump a bit in my seat, yanking my hand away and reaching into my back pocket for my phone. I let my face fall, as if just having received bad news, and then fake-type for a few seconds.

"What's up?" Juyoung asks.

"Oh, I just applied late for a deadline at a gig and they didn't let me in."

"Aw, I'm sorry. What'd they say?"

"Oh, nothing, it's not all that important." I put my phone back in my pocket as I speak, placing one hand on my coffee and the other in my lap. "I half-expected not to make the cutoff, anyway. Not that big a deal."

"If you say so," Juyoung replies. I take a long sip of my drink, feeling the warm liquid run down my throat and shoot energy through me. I watch as Juyoung sets down an empty cup, and note that mine is nearly empty, too. I promptly down the rest of it and brush my hands off, deciding I don't really want to deal with this right now.

"You done?" I ask him, gesturing to his coffee cup.

"Yeah," he replies. "I can—"

"Nah, I got it; it's fine," I say, standing and picking up his cup, taking it with mine to the trash can by the door. After throwing everything away, I turn and look to Juyoung, who's still sitting at the booth.


"Ready to go?" I say, jabbing my thumb at the door with a brightness to my voice.

"Oh, sure," Juyoung replies, standing and walking towards me. He pushes open the door and I step outside, breathing in the fresh air and jamming my hands in my pockets, just in case. I walk around to the passenger's side door and pull on the handle, waiting for Juyoung to unlock it. I hear a click and then open up the door, stepping inside quickly. Juyoung gets in and looks to me with a sad smile, then speaks.

"So, Rin," he begins. "I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie now? Something new just came out with Lee Jongsuk, I think."

I'm familiar with the film he's talking about, it's some kind of rom-com that I have no interest in seeing, especially with Juyoung and the way he's been acting today. "Nah, I can't, sorry," I reply. "I've got some deadlines I need to file at home."

"Oh, alright. Another time, maybe?"

"Sure, yeah," I lie.

"Cool. Let me know when you're free, okay?"

"Will-do, boss."

Juyoung starts the car and takes me back home, this time in a silence more awkward than the one on the way here. When we pull into the driveway, Juyoung moves to unbuckle his seatbelt, presumably to walk me to the door, but I undo mine quickly and speak with the same speed.

"Thanks for this, bud. It was nice. Good luck with JTune! See you later!" I jump out of the car and back into my house, waving at Juyoung from the doorstep. He waves back and I enter my house, closing the door behind me and collapsing on the couch.

No wonder he doesn't like Yoongi.

* * *

The next day I've got work. I'm rather excited about that, all things considered. The kids might be around today, and I'll get to spend time with Dabin, who I haven't seen much of lately. I tug on my apron over blue jeans and a maroon blouse, then make the drive to work with a smile. I clock in and shelve for awhile in youth fiction, feeling oddly restless the whole time. When I've finished shelving, I find Dabin at Helpdesk and chat with him awhile, just to ease my nerves.

"What's up, kid?" I ask him, smiling. The boy is dressed in blue skinny jeans and a black button-down, as usual showing me up fashion-wise. "I feel like I haven't spoken to you in forever."

"I get that feeling, too, actually. I've been well. You? How are things with you and Yoongi?"

"Good, things are good," I reply. "We got approval on the collab, actually, and I'm super excited about that."

"Great! I am so glad, that's gonna be a track for the record books. What about Juyoung? Seen much of him lately?"

"Juyoung? Yeah, things have been a little weird."

"How so?"

"Well, yesterday we—"

"Noona! Is Yoongi-hyung here? We brought more books!" Again, JJ & Co. stand in the lobby with big smiles plastered across their faces, holding more books they'd apparently written.

"Yoongi isn't here right now, but he might show up a little later. I can read to you now if you want," I supply. And I was about to ask Dabin for advice, too. Guess it'll have to wait.

The group nods and we walk towards the reading room, leaving Dabin laughing to himself behind me. I sit down on the bench and begin scanning a couple of the books. "I miss Yoongi-oppa," Jieun whines.

"I do, too, Jieun," I say, sympathizing with her. "He's a really busy guy, y'know? He can't always make it here. He's trying, though, I promise."

"I know," she replies sadly. I sigh, deciding that just getting started will raise the kids' spirits.

"Okay, what do we want to start with?" I ask, holding up two books.

"Ooh, can we start with mine?" Geontae asks, gesturing to the book in my left hand. There's a sword and shield drawn on the cover, leading me to believe this one will be a tale of action and adventure. The title? Last Knight. Geontae's big on puns, it seems.

"Sure, we can start with this one," I say. I open it up, scanning the first page to see where I'll need to change voices when the door to the reading room opens.

"Hey, Rin! Dabin said you'd be in here. What's going on?"

"Oh, hi, Juyoung," I say, confusion making itself prevalent on my face. "What're you doing here?"

"I wanted to stop in and visit you! What's all this?"

"I'm, uh— I'm reading. Well, I was about to, anyway."

"Cool," he replies, taking a seat beside me on the bench. "I'll narrate, yeah?"

Well, we need someone to be a replacement for Yoongi. "Sure."

Juyoung opens up Last Knight and begins to read. Immediately I realize his tone will not go over well with the kids. He speaks quickly and with little inflection, barely showing the kids all the pictures that Geontae drew. I try my best to counter him with enthusiastic dialogue, but all the kids are at varying degrees of displeased. After about five more agonizing minutes, Geontae thanks Juyoung quietly and takes his book back, the kids looking disappointed around me. I pick up the next book in the pile and see on its cover a familiar gray-haired prince and his blue and black princess. Deciding against another of the Hyun and Han series, I move to the book below it, but Jintae simultaneoulsy saves and destroys me.

"We should go, actually. We don't have a lot of time today. Noona wants us back. Thank you, Rin-noona, we'll see you Sunday!"

Jintae stands and takes the books back from me and Juyoung, handing them back to their respective authors. Jieun comes up and tugs on my hand, getting my attention. I crouch down to her level and she whispers in my ear. "Does he have to come back? When will Yoongi-oppa come back?"

"When he can," I reply in just as soft a tone. Then, needing to feel brighter, I add, "Okay, see you all Sunday! Have fun, be safe!"

"Bye, Rin!" The group choruses as they leave. I feel my heart sink as I look to Juyoung at my left.

It seems very clear who the kids' Last Knight is, and it's definitely not Juyoung.



sorry for not updating this book in over a literal month, i've had many many things going on, such as my school's musical, the beginning of my weekly science competitions, and finals. things will die down after this weekend, though, because friday is opening night! after that i will be back on the regular every-other-week basis, and feel free to chew me out for not sticking to it.

anyway, i hope you liked this chapter! please leave feedback, it makes me a better writer.

thank you all, and keep it real,



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