《ARROGANCE | m.yg》t w e n t y - y o o n g i
It's our final free day before the release of our new comeback, Fire. We've got a tradition here at Big Hit to have a day off before a new track debuts— no practices, no business meetings, not even any hair or makeup stylists. We just get a day off to relax and ease our nerves before we start promotions.
So, naturally, today I'm back at CEO-nim's office, getting more information about the collab track.
I sit on the bench outside the office waiting for my CEO's trusty aid to bid me entrance to the conference room, and I'm texting Rin all the while. Given that I've been a lot busier lately, Rin and I have been texting more. I think both of us are just subconsciously a little bit afraid of losing contact, so we've made a point to communicate as often as we can. So, even as I wait on even more information about this collab track, we're talking.
So what exactly are you asking about?
I look at the notification on my screen, and I'm about to send back the answer when CEO-nim's aid opens up the door.
"Come on in, Yoongi-ssi," he says with a tight-lipped smile. I nod and bow slightly before jamming my phone into my pocket and entering the room to meet with my commanding officer yet again.
"So, Yoongi-yah. What's going on today?" My CEO asks with a haughty laugh, obviously poking fun at how I always seem to be here.
"Oh, I just had a couple clarifying questions about this whole collab thing with Rin." I reply as I take a seat across from him.
"Such as...?"
"Well, the major question we have is when the music video is going to be shot. I'm just going to try and make time once promotions die down to finish up all the recordings, so that isn't a big deal, but we're both curious as to when we're going to shoot the MV."
"Well, you're booked with daily promotions for a month, then three or so times a week for three weeks after that."
"Yeah, I know. I don't have an issue with doing it on off-days, though."
"Alright," he says, pulling up a calendar on his phone. "Promotions really start to die down about a month and a half from now, and you have two free days in a row around then. Can you get Rin to do it, say, the third week in June?"
"Yeah, I can make that work. Thank you, CEO-nim. That's the only real question I had."
"Alright then, Yoongi-yah, hurry along and have fun. It's your last free day for awhile, after all."
"You're right about that, CEO-nim. Thank you again, have a nice day!" I stand to leave, bowing again before I walk to the door.
"Good luck, Yoongi!"
I nod my thanks and leave the room, jumping back into the elevator to get to my car. I think about the text Rin had sent me, and figure that since I'm free, I might as well let her know what happened in person. I put my keys in the ignition and start the car with a smile, rolling down the windows and relishing the spring air. For the next month or so all of my time spent conscious will be time spent performing or preparing performances, so taking in some of the slower-moving things in life will be nice today.
I make the drive to Rin's house, rather surprised that I actually remembered just how to get there. I pull my car into the driveway and step out, making my way to the front door. I ring the doorbell and patiently await Rin on the other side. Curiously enough, though, I don't get anything from her within a minute. I try ringing the doorbell again, but there's still no response.
At that point I turn around, realizing my phone's in my car and intending to text Rin. That is also when I realize that Rin is at work, and that I'm a complete and total idiot. I get back in the car and drive to the library, hoping that the kids might be there today. The drive to the library doesn't take long, and I thankfully find a good parking spot once I get there. I jump out of the car and rush through the automatic doors where I find the same group of kids from last time heading my way. Jieun and Jintae lead the group, and they've got disappointed looks on their faces.
"Hey, guys!" I say, making quick movements towards the kids. "What's wrong?"
"Yoongi-hyung!" Jintae exclaims, hugging my legs excitedly. "We missed you! Come read to us!"
"Why else would I be here, kiddo?" I chuckle. "If you let go of me real quick I can get over to the reading room."
"Right," Jintae responds, quickly letting go. I lead the children back into the library like a shepherd to his flock, and see Rin's friend Dabin at the checkout desk as I'm walking. I shoot him a smile and a wave, watching as he laughs to himself at the absurdity of my current position. Jieun tugs at my sleeve as we walk, and I lean down to hear what she has to say.
"Rin-unnie had to get someone else to read because you weren't there. He wasn't fun at all; I like you better, Yoongi-oppa."
We're nearing the reading room now, and I've got a sneaking suspicion I know who read to them, but it can't hurt to ask, right?
"Who was there, do you know?"
"He should still be in there, I think," she replies. So, what else am I to do? I open up the door to the reading room with the kids in tow, and my suspicions are confirmed.
Juyoung is standing with Rin in the reading room, and Rin looks more than a little uncomfortable. When she notices the door open, her head whips in my direction and her eyes widen.
"Yoongi! Our kids! You brought them back, did you? Come on, guys, sit down, we'll get started soon."
As the children excitedly take their places on the floor, I see Juyoung's face fall. He mutters something under his breath, exchanges a quick word with Rin, then heads towards the door. As he walks, he knocks shoulders with me in an obviously deliberate manner before loudly closing the reading room door behind him. I consider cursing, but hey— think of the children.
"What was all that about?" I ask Rin, sitting down on the bench next to her.
"I'll tell you later, okay? Things are weird right now."
"But you're alright, though— right?"
"Okay. Also, the music video shoot is gonna be two days in the third week of June, so mark your calendar."
A smile spreads across her face at the mere mention of the music video, and she perks up significantly. "Got it."
I smile and nod, then turn and address the children. "Okay!" I announce, clapping my hands to get their attention. "What's first?"
"Can you do this one?" Geontae asks, handing me a book. "Rin-noona read it already, but I wanna hear you do the voices!"
I take the book from little Geontae and examine the cover. Last Knight is written on it, and a drawing of a sword and shield adorn the front as well. I chuckle a bit, noting the pun, and then turn to look at Rin.
"This okay for you?"
"Yeah, I'll narrate."
So we begin to read the book, doing as we usually do. Rin narrates while I voice one of the characters in the goofiest way possible— in this case, I'm the knight. Geontae is a practically a wizard of screenplay for his age, I'll admit; he's clearly having a ton of fun with this. I honestly have a really good time voicing his story, and secretly put in a little extra effort just to make this more fun for the kids who have had to hear it a second time now. When the story ends with a decapitated Kraken and a comically victorious knight, the kids clap and cheer. Rin laughs and hands the book back to Geontae with a smile, which is when I decide to get my quip in there.
"Better the second time around, eh?" I joke.
"Absolutely!" Geontae replies, beaming. "Thanks, Yoongi-hyung!"
"Anytime. So, what's next?"
"Can we do mine?" Jieun asks, holding up a book tentatively. Without a semblance of hesitation, I take the book from her, smiling.
"Sure!" I exclaim, turning the book in my hand to see what it is. The book is another of the Hyun and Han saga, wherein the two lovebirds are modeled after Rin and me. Glancing over at the Hyun to my Han, I see that Rin's blushing at the mere sight of the book. Deciding to try and find a way to lighten the mood, I look to her and speak softly.
"Let's have a little fun with this one, yeah? We'll act the whole thing out, totally exaggerate everything. Sound fun?"
Rin gives a sheepish smile, but nods. "Yeah, what the hell— let's do it!"
"Hey, hey, there are kids here."
"Hah, right. Sorry, guys."
"What?" Heebon asks, seeming very confused. Apparently none of the kids noticed Rin's obscenities.
"Ooh, you are lucky, aren't you?" I say to Rin with a laugh. I then scoot closer to her and open up the book, skimming it to find out what we're going to have to act out. I note a drawing of Prince Han fighting with another knight, and look to Rin.
"Do we have swords?"
"Absolutely." She rushes out of the room and returns shortly after with two foam swords in her hands. As she sets them down on the bench, she adds, "Dabin yelled at me for taking these, but it's fine. He has no real power."
"Great," I chuckle. "Hey, we've kept our audience waiting long enough. Let's start, shall we?"
"Yeah, totally."
Rin begins narrating, as per usual, telling the story of how Princess Hyun is living happily with her Prince in his kingdom when all of a sudden an enemy army storms the castle, looking for the fair maiden.
"Prince Han had to go away for a day to deal with some business in town, so he left Princess Hyun in the castle to watch over things while he was gone," Rin narrates.
"While Han was gone, though, the evil Knight Gibang decided to try and kidnap Hyun! Gibang had tried to pass the riddles to get to Hyun before Han did, but he wasn't smart enough and failed. Now that Hyun was free, though, he could just get her from anywhere, and didn't have to worry about riddles."
"So, Gibang and his army took over Hyun and Han's castle and kidnapped Hyun, keeping her tied up in the throne room so she couldn't escape." Rin stops narrating for a moment so she can do her line of dialogue.
"Han! Help me, Han! I need you!" Rin's shriek is high-pitched and rather convincing, leaving a couple of the kids looking genuinely nervous.
After this, though, she quickly resumes narrating. "Han was coming back from his business when he heard about Gibang taking over the castle. He quickly got out his sword and went back to his castle to set Hyun free and make Gibang leave forever. Thankfully, there weren't a lot of people in the castle, so Han made it up to the throne room without having to fight anyone. Once he got there, Han kicked down the door to the throne room and pointed his sword at Gibang."
I've got a line now, so I quickly pick up the foam swords from the ground, handing one to Seojin. "You wanna be Gibang?" I ask him quietly. He nods enthusiastically and takes his place on the opposite end of the room, pointing his sword back at me. Now, my line:
"Stop right there, Gibang! You leave my Hyun alone, or else I'll have to battle you!"
"Han! Stop him, Han— hurry!" Rin cries out as Hyun.
"Never!" Seojin says, totally breaking character to walk over and read his line. "I'll never let you win, Han! I want to have Hyun all to myself, and that's what I'm gonna get!"
"Then we will have to duel," I say, cocking my head at him and pointing the sword. "En garde!"
The world's best impromptu sword fight ensues, and little Seojin is actually rather agile, all things considered. Thankfully, he knows that I have to win the battle, so after a few minutes of immensely engaging combat through which all of the kids are oohing and ahhing, I land a blow to the chest and Seojin goes down.
"I told you I'd never let you win, Gibang," I say, standing over my fallen enemy. "That's what you get for trying to take Hyun away from me."
With that, Seojin acts out a comically unconvincing death scene for Gibang before rejoining the audience. From there, I "cut Hyun free" by waving my sword around behind Rin until she stands up.
"Thank you, Han. I thought I was going to die like that." Rin's face is very red, and she looks immensely uncomfortable. As I take the book from her to read my next line, I see why. I have one more line of dialogue, and then Hyun and Han have a kissing scene before the end of the story. My face starts to heat up too, but the kids obviously see what's about to happen. Jieun, who wrote the story, is the first to voice what the rest of them are thinking.
"Kiss! Kiss!!"
Rin blushes even harder and starts laughing nervously, giving me a very unsure and embarrassed look. The kids have started chanting, though, and the words, "kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" are circulating the reading room in perfect rhythm. It's obvious they aren't going stop until they get what they want, so I quickly scan my line so I know what to say before setting the book down and pulling Rin close to me. Feeling her body pressed up against my own, I think of everything that's happened between us since we reconnected. Rin was my best and only real friend for such a long time, but now things are different. That's why I'm jealous of Juyoung, that's why I begged for the collab track, and that's why we're texting all the time. I silently thank Jieun for writing this part of the book in.
In Rin's ear, I whisper, "Do it for the kids, okay?"
"Okay," is her quiet response.
I quickly resume character, grabbing Rin tightly and saying my line, jutting out my chin so to look as heroic as possible. "I'll never let anything bad happen to you again, I promise. I love you, Hyun."
And then my lips find hers.
look who's back on the correct update schedule? (hint: it's me!)
anyway, thanks for reading! votes and comments are as always immensely appreciated, and never fear about telling me what you don't like, because i am always down for constructive critisicm. it makes me a better writer.
thanks, and thanks again for dealing with my little hiatus,
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