《ARROGANCE | m.yg》e i g h t e e n - y o o n g i
God, when's she going to get here?
I stand outside the Big Hit building with a mask and hat on, waiting for Rin's arrival. She isn't even late yet; I'm just worried about all of this falling through.
It's Tuesday today, and I've managed to get myself scheduled with my CEO to talk about Rin's demo. Currently, Rin's getting out of work early and I'm getting out of some promotional meeting the rest of the boys had to attend. That, in all honesty, is a plus— meetings like that are the absolute worst. Because of that meeting, I can risk just standing outside the building like this; otherwise, a couple fans would likely be waiting outside as usual, in case we have to leave for something.
The meeting with the CEO is scheduled for 1:00, and checking my phone for the time I note that it's 12:38. Rin told me she'd get here around 12:45, but in case she's early I want to be here for her. That, and I'd rather not wait around in the stuffy, almost suffocating atmosphere of the lobby. We could really do with a remodel in there.
I loiter on what is essentially my own property, absentmindedly playing games on my phone and periodically checking Twitter. Busying myself in this way is not the most engaging of pastimes, but it gets the job done. That is, until a familiar voice calls my name.
"Suga! It's been quite awhile, hasn't it? How are you doing?"
I look up to confirm my suspicions: it's Choi Juyoung in front of me, sporting a leather jacket and briefcase to match.
"Hey, Juyoung," I say, smiling a little under my mask and then pulling it down to chat. "I'm doing well. How are you?"
"Great, great. Things have been pretty good for me recently."
"That's good! I'm happy for you," I get the words out quickly, already feeling the awkwardness beginning to seep into the exchange.
"What're you doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside, avoiding adoring fans?" He seems to be being sarcastic just for the sake of being sarcastic, but there's a hint of actual confusion in his tone. Immediately, I begin formulating excuses so that I don't have to tell him about Rin. Knowing that he usually works as her producer, I don't think telling him that she's doing business elsewhere would be a very good idea.
"Just getting some fresh air," I explain, hoping it's a convincing enough lie. "I'm waiting on a meeting with some people and I just can't stand that lobby." Come to think of it, that really isn't a lie at all, it just isn't the whole truth.
"Yeah, corporations can be like that. Have you been busy recently? You look a little tired."
"Oh, yeah. We're going to start up promotions for a new track really soon— we're just waiting on a master. Things are always hectic about this time. You?"
"Oh, y'know— freelance work has its perks, doesn't it? I've got all the time in the world. I'm actually going out with Rin tomorrow, did she tell you?" There's the subtlest look of smugness on his face like he knows exactly the effect he just had on me.
"No, I hadn't heard. Sounds like a blast." I fake a smile that I know from experience is beyond convincing, trying to guilt trip him a bit. Maybe if I seem genuinely happy for him, he'll feel bad about bragging. He shouldn't talk about Rin that way, waving her around like a prize to be won, but I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. It probably just came out worse than he meant it to be.
"Yeah, I'm sure it will be. We haven't spent any time together in awhile, so I'm really excited." Again, the smugness on his face is there. My attempt at a guilt-trip apparently didn't work on him.
"Yeah, man, good for you." I plan on continuing, but Juyoung cuts me off after quickly checking his phone.
"Ah, shit. Gotta go, but it was nice talking to you, Suga. See you around!" That sly smirk coupled with him calling me Suga just gets on my nerves a little, but I cover it up with a layer of carefree attitude.
"Yeah. See ya, Juyoung," I respond with a casual wave. I pull my mask back up and check the time again, replaying the entire exchange with Juyoung in my head as I do so. The clock reads 12:43— Rin should be here any minute.
As a matter of fact, Ah Rin arrives in the flesh at 12:47 just as I'm losing a game of Tetris. She's wearing another black dress, this one with a pencil skirt and lace sleeves, and those same teal heels from the photo shoot. It's also clear she took time on her hair and makeup today. She must want to look nice for the CEO.
"Hey!" I greet brightly, pulling my mask down again. "You look amazing."
"Thanks," she chuckles, not meeting my eyes. The blush on her cheeks is probably more evident than she thinks it is. "I'm trying to look professional."
"Well, you sure showed me up," I reply, gesturing with a laugh at the blue patterned button-down and black skinny jeans that are today's attire. "You wanna head in?"
"Yeah, totally," she affirms, and we start into the building. "You haven't been waiting long, have you?"
"No, not at all. About ten minutes, but that's just because I came down early."
"I didn't mean to keep you waiting."
"You're on time, Rin, chill. I'm just a little nervous. You have the demo, right?"
"Yeah, it's in my bag." She holds up her clutch as if to make a point.
"Alright, cool." We're in that stuffy old lobby now, and heading towards the elevator that will take us up to the CEO's office. I press the button and hang back, waiting for an elevator to arrive.
"How was work? Were the kids there today?"
"Nah, they're usually not around on Tuesdays. I'm not exactly sure why, though."
"Kids party on Tuesdays," I joke.
A familiar ding signals the arrival of our elevator and we both get in. I hit the button for the third floor and up we go, chatting all the while. It's 12:53 now, and our meeting's scheduled in just seven minutes. My heart starts thudding in my chest as we pass by the second floor. I don't think I realized until now just how badly I want this to work out.
We step out of the elevator and I lead Rin through the winding hallways to Bang Sihyuk's office. As we take our seats on the bench outside the door, it's 12:57. At 12:58, Rin places her hand on mine.
"Do you think he'll let us do it?" Rin asks, nervousness written all over her face.
"I do," I reply sincerely, slowly intertwining my fingers with hers. "He trusts me in trusting you, but he just needs to hear the demo first. I'm almost one-hundred percent sure he'll say yes, but I'm nervous, too. Just try not to worry, okay? Be confident. You're great at what you do."
She nods, giving me a weak smile. "Thanks, Yoongi."
"Always," I respond.
Not two seconds after the word leaves my mouth does the CEO's assistant open up the door and usher us inside. We stand momentarily at the threshold, and I squeeze Rin's hand reassuringly. She smiles and squeezes back before letting go and stepping through the doorway with me in tow.
"Hello, Yoongi-yah! How are you doing?" My CEO's ever-cheery voice greets me as he sits at his conference table, the smile on his face oddly infectious.
"I'm quite well, CEO-nim. How are you?" I bow as I greet him and Rin does as well, both of us going down a full ninety degrees.
"I'm doing very well, too. And, you, Miss—" He cuts himself off, seemingly confused. "I've seen you before, recently."
Rin gives me a nervous look, definitely not expecting this. "I, uh—"
"Wait, don't tell me. It's on the tip of my tongue. You're... You're..." He trails off and sits silently for a few seconds until his eyes light up and excitement passes through him like an electric shock.
"You're our emergency model! Ah, Sangmi showed me all the photos; she ranted and raved about you. Ah Rin, correct? Or Silver?"
"Yes, CEO-nim, that's me," Rin responds, bowing again. "It's very nice to meet you."
"And you as well. So, we all know why we're here today, don't we? I presume one of you has a demo for me?"
"I do, yes," Rin says, extracting the USB drive from her clutch and holding it up. "Is this alright?"
"Yes, that will work just fine. Here, you two come sit down and we'll listen together." Heeding his instructions, Rin and I cross the room as CEO-nim gets a laptop out from a bag on the ground next to him. Rin plugs in her USB and pulls up the file with her demo, waiting for the CEO's OK. He nods and she clicks play, then folds her hands neatly in her lap and waits for the awkward and silent fourish minutes to end. I do the same, my fingers drumming on my knee under the table and my teeth nibbling at my lips the whole time, trying to ebb the awkwardness of the situation. All the while CEO-nim listens intently, not showing much of a reaction to the track in the slightest. When it ends, he pulls the USB out of the computer and hands it back to Rin.
"This is a story about you two, yes?" He asks, his casual attitude gone.
"Yes," I reply. "It's about how we met and how things went from there."
"On its own, I do think this track is lacking a bit." He pauses, as if for dramatic effect. I watch Rin deflate.
"But, that's because you're doing it alone, Rin-ssi. Doing this track with Yoongi here will make it far more powerful, and far more personal. I wouldn't want it any other way." The smile on my face is undoubtedly huge to the point of stupidity, but I don't care at all. Finally, after all these years, Rin got the collab track she wanted.
"Thank you so much, CEO-nim, it means the world," I say, bowing my head in thanks. My CEO totally ignores me.
"Talent doesn't go unnoticed, Rin. Not here, at least. There are a few legal things to work out, but I can bring people in for that. All you really need to know is that Yoongi will be the feature on the track and that we at Big Hit will be doing all of the production and MV work. Also, yes, I'll be expecting a music video from you two. The concept is yours to think of, and there won't be any choreography, of course. This is a personal song, so it's only right those kinds of decisions fall to you. Let me call my PD in, he'll get the contract."
"Alright. Thank you, CEO-nim. You don't know how much this means to me," Rin says. It's actually pretty clear how much this means to her, though, because there are already tears forming in her eyes.
* * *
The legal work is exactly what anyone would expect it to be: long and boring. Fifteen minutes of signatures later and Rin and I are set on the collab track and also one step closer to developing Carpal Tunnel. We leave the office with more bows and thank yous and the moment the door closes Rin attacks me in a hug.
"Oh my God, Yoongi, I can't believe it! It's finally happening!" She's practically squealing with joy as I return the hug, resting my head on her shoulder with a sigh of relief.
"I'm so glad we finally get to do this. It's literally been years in the making," I reply.
"I know, it's crazy." She calms down but doesn't let go of me. "I don't think words can express how happy I am right now."
"You don't need words, Rin; I know exactly how you feel." I take a moment to really assess my situation, and can't help but note that Rin smells really good. I hold her a little tighter for a moment and then let go, offering her my hand. She takes it with a smile and we walk back to the elevators, beaming all the way back to Rin's car.
As she jumps in the driver's seat she gives me the brightest of smiles.
"Thank you, Yoongi, for all the work you've been putting in for me recently. It really does mean so much."
"Hey, anything to relight the fire, y'know? I've missed you all these years."
"I've missed you, too. I just can't believe we finally get to do this track after so long. I don't know if I'm going to believe it until we start recording."
"I don't think I will, either. Hey, idol life has its perks, y'know. Just have to get over the first few hurdles."
Rin pauses, seeming to think on this for a moment. "Guess so," she says with a smile. "Alright, I've gotta go."
"Yeah, totally. I'll see if I can stop by the library on Thursday or Sunday, but it's all up in the air with promotions right now."
"Nah, I get it. Do what you've gotta do, man. See you around— or, rather— Goodnight, Min Yoongi."
"God, I always feel so dumb doing this. Goodnight, Ah Rin."
As she's closing the car door, I add my final two cents.
"Say hi to Juyoung for me, will you?"
hello all!
again, sorry for the lack of an update on sunday. things were weird, but at least i got something out. also, to those who celebrate, merry christmas eve! sure, it's three thirty in the morning, but it is still christmas eve (for me, at least), so i hope you're all enjoying the holiday season!
as always, please leave feedback if you feel so inclined— it makes me a better writer. and thanks so much as usual for putting up with my irregular update bullshit and for reading my stuff at all. it really does mean the world.
thank you,
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Lost. Vulnerable. Alone. What would you sacrifice to get home? Kidnapped on the cusp of graduation, Jake is dumped into a deadly world of levels and magic. His dreams shattered again, he’s left with a choice: fight or die – and Death won’t let him go that easily. A savage wolf, a horrific secret, and an abhorrent quest make day one the second worst day of his life. Whatever bastard is pulling the strings is due one hell of a reckoning. On the plus side, there’s magic, and Jake’s got the stats to master it. Spells not included, but, hey, creating spells and programming are basically the same thing, right? At least Spellcrafting is slightly less suicidal than trying to stop the encroaching dungeon spawn threat. Because why wouldn’t there be an apocalypse in progress. All the more reason to find his way back fast. Unfortunately, the path home leads right into the heart of danger. Fighting monsters, dungeon delving, solving puzzles – whatever it takes, Jake is finding his way home. He’ll need allies. Powerful allies, like a trainee ranger who struggles to find her hairbrush. Pointy ears, executive dysfunction, and a perilously gutsy moral compass – what more could one want in a Companion? Alas, beggars can’t be choosers. He needs every edge he can get. Going home means finishing his quest. That quest. The quest that doesn’t deserve completion. Save your father, save the world. Update Schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday. Temporarily ad hoc.
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Avatar: Jǫrðsaga
There is beauty in Chaos and serenity in Order. One cannot exist without the other. Each gives meaning to their counterpart, eternal rivals and eternal lovers. It’s a shame only a rare few ever come to this revelation. Most live their lives trapped in an illusion, their path to enlightenment forever cut off. A lie will forever remain a lie, no matter how sweet it is. I will not turn a blind eye to the truth of the world. It matters not what others think of me, be they family, friends, allies, or enemies. They may call me a monster, a devil, a lunatic even. But I will not bend. I will not break. I will not be forced into conformity under threat posed by the child of Order. Because what is Order if not Chaos’ accomplice? There is only one path worth treading, and I will do whatever it takes to advance forward. For I am Sǫlmundr, Lord of the Earth. Avatar series fanfic. The first volume will not have anything canon. I apologise in advance. It will be setting up the mcs background and origins. It’s gonna be between 60 to 70 chapters in length. The power system in the avatar is pretty non-confrontational. You don’t have to fight for resources like in cultivation novels, so the frequency of his evil acts will be pretty spread out. This is a slow burn novel that I hope will draw readers into the world and slowly build up to whatever the climax of each arc is. I can only promise that he will always be a rational, benefits based mc. No harem. There will be love of some sort, but only because I’m literally forced by the power system to include it. Don’t worry though, mc will always prioritise his own interests first and will not let feelings get in the way. Chapter length: ≈ 2k words Updates: Once a week
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