《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 23


Hermione layer in her new bed, crying. She hated this new life, she would have given anything to go back. Still, at least Bellatrix was being nice to her for now, and that wasn't what she was expected from her. Tomorrow, she would start fresh, she wasn't going to be scared anymore. Bellatrix could do anything she liked, but Hermione would stand strong. She needed to.

The next morning she was woken by something unexpected.

"Mistress Hermione?"

"Whats going on?" Hermione said, her hair enormous and frizzy as she rubbed her eyes.

"I am Muffy," the elf said bowing.

"Hello Muffy..." Hermione said. "What are you doing in my room, may I ask?"

"Mistress Narcissa said to get you down for breakfast by 7 o'clock. Muffy thinks that you should wear the black dress, madam," Muffy said.

"Thank you Muffy, I will be as quick as possible," Hermione said, smiling. That was the first time she had smiled since she had step foot in the manor. She slipped into the black dress, it was covered in lace and, as usual, looked very expensive.

She walked elegantly down the antique wooden stairs and into the dining room, keeping her head held high.

"Good morning Mrs Lestrange, Mrs Malfoy," she said nodding.

"Hermione, you don't need to address us so formally," Narcissa said, offering her some toast.

"I would rather do so," Hermione said. "And no thank you, I am not eating today,"

"What do you mean your not eating?" Narcissa said, you would have thought Hermione had hit her from the look in her face.

"Because, Mrs Malfoy, I'm waiting 24 hours to make sure you don't poison me,"

"Fair enough," Narcissa said, leaning back in her chair and taking a bite of her toast.


"Are you really going to call me Mrs Lestrange?" Bellatrix asked.


"Don't be silly, I'm your mother not your teacher,"

"Your not my mother." Hermione said blankly.

"Did you or did you not come out of my womb?"

"Enough with the womb talk Bella," Lucius said as he entered the room. "Miss Granger... How delightful to see you again."

Ignoring Lucius, Bellatrix continued to try and grab Hermiones attention. "So Hermione, what would you like to do today?"

"Well, I would like to go visit Molly Weasley!" Hermione said proudly.

"Why on earth would you want to do that?" Bellatrix said, looking at her daughter in horror.

"Because I don't like you,"

Bellatrix clenched her fist, but tried to keep a strait face. "How about we stay on the grounds for today?"

"Why? There's nothing to do."

"You could see your baby room?" Narcissa suggested, sensing the tension between mother and daughter.

"Yes! They haven't been touched since you left, Cissy made sure of that," Bellatrix said, a warm smile on her face.

"Oh god no," Hermione said leaning back on her chair. "That's sounds horrible! Just an excuse for you to try and convince me that you loved me and all that. I'd rather slit my own throat."

"Young ladies do not speak to their mothers that way!" Bellatrix said, before storming out of the room.

Narcissa, who felt sympathy for her young niece, spoke to her quietly. "Would you like to see the library?"

"You have a library!" Hermione said, all of a sudden very excited .

"Yes, we do. But before you charge off, I must ask, please be nicer to your mother. I admit she may not be the warmest, but she deeply cares for you, and I think you know that. So, you will go to the library with your mother,"

"No. I'll find my own way too it."

Narcissa laughed. "Good luck, but this house is a maze and you'll never find it!"

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