《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 24


Hermione still refused to spend time with Bellatrix, even if it meant postponing her trip to the library. In the few days she had been there, she had taken quite a liking for Narcissa, she seemed kinder, like she understood why Hermione was so reluctant in their household.

Hermione wanted to leave the manor, she was sick and tired of it, and was going downstairs to ask Narcissa. But, unfortunately, Narcissa was sitting with Bellatrix looking through a photo album.

"Hermione! Come here, you must see this!" Narcissa giggled.

Reluctantly, Hermione went over to see a picture of a Voldemort burping a baby. Under the picture it said 'Uncle Voldie plays with Cordelia'. Hermione put a hand over her mouth, she had to admit that was funny.

"Is that me?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"No." Bellatrix said harshly. "That's my daughter, and clearly you don't want to be her,"

"You said it yourself, she came out of your womb..." Narcissa said, before stopping.

"I'm am the only one that gets to comment on my womb Cissy, thank you very much!" Bellatrix snapped. "But as Miss Granger pointed out, that doesn't appear to make her care, so here it what I propose: Hermione, I have been nice to you. You don't know how hard it has been not to use the cruciatus curse, but I haven't. If you try and say you've been mistreated, you would be lying. I see you clearly still refuse to call me Bellatrix, so I will make a deal with you. If you continue to call me Mrs Lestrange, I will start calling you Cordelia,"

"You can't to that. That's not my name," Hermione said, crossing her arms.

"No, but I wouldn't have to do much to make that your name legally,"


"You wouldn't dare...."

"We don't know each other very well. You have no idea what I would 'dare' to do,"

"Your a murderer, you would murder, that's s clear indication of a lot of things you would be willing to do,"

"Yes Cordelia, you are learning,"

"That's not my name,"

"Cordelia Narcissa Lestrange, was the name you were given at birth,"

"Well that was a long time ago,"

"Not really. It wasn't that long ago,"

"Oh SHUT UP MOTHER!" Hermione screamed, before running up the stairs to her bedroom.

Bellatrix turned around to Narcissa.

"She hates me..." Bellatrix said, with tears running down her face.

"Don't blame her," Lucius said, entering the room.

"WHERE DID YOU COME FROM YOU STUPID, BLONDE HAIRED WEASEL?" Bellatrix yelled. That man drove her insane.

"Well, this is my house. You called your daughter a name she hates, and kept bringing up your womb. The poor girl is terrified. Though, I don't blame you either, she does look and sound like a filthy little mudblood,"

"DON'T YOU SPEAK ABOUT HER THAT WAY!" Bellatrix screamed, then made her way over to Lucius. Being quite talented at wordless magic, Bellatrix found what came next easy and enjoyable.

She summoned several hard and expensive books from Lucius's study, and started to rip them apart into tiny pieces. Lucius tried to move her arms and break the spells, he looked at her with pure hate, but she was having too much fun.

"Oh sorry! Did I offend your babies?" She cackled.

"Bellatrix, you are the most awful person I've ever met," Lucius muttered angrily. Narcissa just left the room, she didn't want to be part of this.

Bellatrix then summoned several large glass bottles of whiskey, and smashed them on Lucius head, drenching him in the strong alcoholic drink. She then threw the tiny bits of paper at him, and left him to soak in him prized possessions and whiskey.

"That's what happens when you insult my baby," she giggled.

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