《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 10


"Bella, I have an idea, it might be a bit crazy, but I think we should do it," Narcissa said, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"What is it Cissy?" Bella asked, looking up from the daily prophet she was reading. In general, Bellatrix thought that the daily prophet was rubbish, but the ludicrous stories they came up with amused her.

"We should go baby shopping!" Narcissa smiled excitedly.

Bellatrix let out her cackle, and saw her sister frown. "You can't be serious Cissy?"

"In fact I am serious," Narcissa said sternly. "Bella, for the past few months I have done everything for you, and this is the first time I have even mentioned something I want to do. So I will ask again, Bella, we should go baby shopping, do you agree?"

Bellatrix rolled her eyes. "Does this baby even need anything?"

Narcissa looked at her sister as if Bellatrix had slapped her in the face. "Bella, are you joking? You need the crib, decorations for the nursery, toys, books, diapers, and so much more! Bella, you are so unprepared,"

"Woah," Bellatrix said shocked. "I should probably get some stuff then."

"I'm so excited!" Narcissa squealed. "Muffy!"

"Who's muffy?" Bellatrix asked, looking back at the newspaper.

"One of my house elves," Narcissa replied. "Ah, now Muffy, can you bring me the book I was looking at last night?"

"Of course, lady Malfoy," Muffy replied, and then disappeared, returning momentarily."Here my lady, is that all,"

"Yes Muffy, leave us." Narcissa ordered. "So Bella, I've made brief sketches of the nursery,". Narcissa flicked through until finding the right page, and then handed it to her sister.

Bellatrix put her paper down, and picked up the heavy book, that was filled it's things for the baby, but as Bellatrix looked at the picture and screamed, dropping the book.It was drawn exactly like the room in her visions.


"God Bella, do you really think it was that bad?" Narcissa asked, a little disappointed. "It's everything you've ever wanted, with pastel green walls, and a dark wooden crib,"

Bellatrix put her head in her head and took a deep breath in. She then looked up and smiled as if nothing had happened. "You know what, Cissy? We should do this tomorrow, right now I need to.." Bellatrix started. And then muttered something so quietly Narcissa couldn't hear, and then started to walk away.

"You need to what?" Narcissa called, following her.

"I NEED TO KILL A MUGGLE," Bellatrix screamed. "I UNDERSTAND YOUR PROTESTS NARCISSA, BUT I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE,", then breaking into tears.

"Oh Bella," Narcissa said, running up to her distraught. Bellatrix pregnancy had been more extreme than any Narcissa had witnessed before, for the first month Bella hadn't been able to leave her bed and now her mood swings were worse than ever. She was trying to act strong and tough, but Narcissa knew her too well to fall for that. She was nothing but an insecure mess.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies, but I am here to see Bellatrix Lestrange," Albus Dumbledore said, sitting on the couch Narcissa and Bellatrix had just got up from.

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