《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 9


It was 6 am. Bellatrix was up.

"Cissy, wake up," Bellatrix shouted at her sister. "CISSY!"

"Bella, you do realise shouting ,CISSY, does not just awaken Narcissa, for I am in the room to," Lucius said, he seem a little annoyed.

"Bella what is it?" Narcissa said, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"Do I look any different to you?" Bellatrix asked, with a smile spread across her face.

"Did you do something to your hair?" Lucius said hopefully, hoping that if he answered correctly.

"No you idiot," Bellatrix snapped. "Cissy will guess it,"

Narcissa looked up and down at her sister, who was wearing her usual tight little black dress, and suddenly gasped. Then she leaped out of bed and went to join her sister, both of them started jumping up and down screaming.

"Women." Lucius muttered. "Narcissa, can you please tell me this marvellous realisation, otherwise I fear my day will be spent staring at my sister in law trying to notice what is new."

"Oh Lucius, you are hopeless," Naricissa sighed. "Look at her s-"

"Bella!" Rodulphus said, he had just come up to the doorway. "You look more radiant then ever!" Rodulphus came up to his wife and they kissed each other passionately.

Lucius faked a gag and Narcissa rolled her eyes at him. "Will you please abandon your romantic fetishes!" Lucius said loudly, making Bellatrix and Rodulphus step away from each other and put their hands behind their backs like some schoolchildren that had got in trouble.

"As I was saying," Narcissa said. "Bellatrix has a baby bump,"

"Oh wow," Lucius said sarcastically, clearly not amused by this new information. "So, my wife started jumping up and down squealing, Rodulphus started kissing Bellatrix so hard another child could have been produced, all in MY bedroom, because Bellatrix has gained weight?"


"Oh honey," Bellatrix said shaking her head, not letting her grin escape her mouth. "You can't get pregnant by kissing! Do I need to teach you about the birds and the bees?"

"Very funny Bella. Now would it be much difficulty for you and your husband to evacuate my room?" Lucius replied with his usual smug tone.

"Evacuate?" Rodulphus asked. "God, you'd think we had set off a bomb in his bedroom!"

"In fact your wife did," Lucius replied sternly.

"Lucius." Bellatrix said in a mock serious tone. "We don't blame you for not knowing about the birds and the bees, however, I do not believe any bomb was set off in this room."

"Bella, do I need to remind you that you set off my wife?" Lucius asked.

"Hey!" Narcissa protested. "I have not been set off!"

Bellatrix started laughing. "Come on Rod, let's leave these two to.. This,"

*****Meanwhile at the burrow*****

"No." Molly Weasley said. "I think it's cruel and barbaric, and I will have no part in it,"

"Don't you understand, Molly?" Lily Potter defended. Both witches were sitting in Molly Weasleys home, just the two of them, and Lily was trying to convince Molly of her good intentions. "Bellatrix's child would be in a loving family who want to give it real love and care,"

"Lily, to be completely honest I couldn't care less what you plan to do," Molly stated. "Bellatrix may be one of the cruelest witches in the world, but I believe she would love her child. If any child was taken from me... I'd just become more insane,"

"You can't seriously believe that devil woman could be good mother!" Lily exclaimed, quite shocked. "The woman is evil!"

"Mark my words Lily," Molly said. "If any of you lay one finger on that child Bellatrix will not be a woman of nightmares. She will be a woman from hell,"


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