《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 11


May 1979 (A bit of a flash forward but oh well)

"RODULPHUS LESTRANGE GET HERE NOW," Bellatrix cried, as she had throughout their whole marriage. The couple had found out their baby was due in September that year, and as the precious day crept closer Bellatrix was getting more and more excited to meet her baby. The whole idea intrigued Bellatrix, and she wasn't scared of it at all. Her visions had almost stopped completely, they still haunted her, but it was better than before.

She heard footsteps run into her bedroom, and the Rodulphus ran to his wife. "What is it baby?" He asked.

"Come here." Bellatrix instructed, resting her hand on her slowly growing baby bump.

"What is it, honey?" Rodulphus asked, quite confused.

"Well first, I'm not some crazy hippie mudblood, so my name is not 'Honey', it's Bellatrix, so I suggest you use the correct of the two names. Second, I want you to give me your hand," The witch said, quite bluntly not showing much emotion. Reluctantly, Rodulphus gave Bellatrix his left hand. Bellatrix put his hand on her stomach and he felt something; he felt a kick!

"Is that what I think it is?" He asked.

Bellatrix nodded, her eyes welling. "Our Cordelia."


"Sorry to interrupt ladies, but I am here to see Bellatrix Lestrange," Albus Dumbledore said.

Bellatrix's jaw dropped. She fainted.

"I'll take her to her bedroom," Narcissa said to Dumbledore. "I can lock her in, take her wand and knife out so you can get a hold of her. She seems so scared by these visions put in her head, I can't think of anything else to help her,"

Narcissa's face fell as she dragged her sister up the stairs. "Narcissa, you don't have to look so ashamed," Dumbledore said, seeing the guilt overriding Narcissa. "You have done nothing wrong."


"That's not what Bellatrix will think," Narcissa said, biting her lip. "What if she hates me?"

"That is one think you must not fret about, Mrs Malfoy, I assure you," Dumbledore assured her.

"Please, call me Narcissa,"

"Normally I would," Dumbledore said. "But I feel as if in this situation I should keep it more formal,"

Narcissa and Dumbledore layed Bellatrix on her enormous bed, and took her wand and knife, for precaution. Dumbledore went to put the weapons downstairs, while Narcissa went over to her sisters bedside. She knelt on her knees she her head was just above Bellatrix.

"You know I'm doing this because I love you," she whispered. "I will always love you,"

She kissed her sisters forehead and went to sit in her living room, stressing about it. Dumbledore returned upstairs and sat in the far left corner of Bellatrix's bedroom. Bellatrix remained unconscious for about ten minutes, so Dumbledore decided to read the daily prophet.

Bellatrix awoke after a while, one hand on her head and the other on her stomach. She hadn't noticed Dumbledore, as he had been hidden by the newspaper he was reading.

"What happened?" She muttered quietly to herself.

"Well Mrs Lestrange, I believe you passed out," Dumbledore replied, putting the newspaper down on his lap.

Bellatrix went still, and then put her hand on her nightstand, without taking her eyes off the old wizard. She was reaching for her wand. "WHERES MY WAND?" She screamed like a toddler, and Dumbledore stood up.

"Mrs Lestrange, you will have no luck finding your wand in this room," Dumbledore said, taking a pack of mints of his pocket. He put one in his mouth and stood up.

"What did you just eat?" Bellatrix asked, she had no idea what it was.


"A muggle creation, the mint, I find they are quite delightful on occasion, would you like one?"

"NO I DON'T WANT YOUR STUPID MUGGLE FOOD!" Bellatrix screamed, as loud as she possibly could. "I WANT TO KNOW WHY YOUR HERE!"

"I hear you've been experiencing visions, not pleasant ones," Dumbledore started. "Have you heard of occlumency?"

"Of course I've heard of it you old bat," Bellatrix spat at him. "I can defend myself from it, but this isn't like that, I can't avoid it."

"Interesting," Dumbledore muttered. "What do you see in these visions?"

"What is this, therapy?" Bellatrix joked.

"No this is serious." Dumbledore said. "Mrs Lestrange, if the events of these visions become reality, I fear for many people's lives,"

"You don't even know what's in them,"

"If you can't block them, I'm sure they have some sort of meaning. And if they have managed to shock Bellatrix Lestrange then definitely I'm sure it has some form of meaning,"

"They are about my baby," Bellatrix said, looking at the floor and sitting back down on her bed. "They were taking her away."


"Your stupid order of the Phoenix. I already love her. Always will. You can't take that away from me." Bellatrix said with a blank face.

Dumbledore took another mint out of his pocket, and put a wordless charm on it.

"Madame Lestrange," he said. "I must be leaving, but I suggest you indulge yourself in a mint," and he winked at her.

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