《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Heartbeat



There y/n lay, lifeless and unresponsive on the floor. Dried blood staining the cuffs of her wrist, bottles, cans and whatever else she was drinking lay scattered all around her. Her body looked as if no soul occupied it anymore, like she was no longer alive.

"Shit... quickly Yoongi check if she is breathing"

Yoongi bends down, his face practically touching y/n's. He listens and ever so slightly there is a small breathe that escapes from her mouth, it's enough to calm him down. Tears begin falling and gently land on y/n's cheek. He places his head on her chest and listens to her heartbeat. She still here.

"Y/n..... why would you scare me like this"

"Yoongi.... lets take her back to the dorms, we can't leave her like this and I don't want to leave you by yourself"

Not even a second after Namjoon finishes speaking he picks y/n up.

"Let me help you carry her"

"No, I've got her" Yoongi's eyes red and puffy as if he had been crying for hours.

"Ahh my head...what happened?" I finally wake up, unsure on how long I had been out. My eyes finally adjust and it takes me a few seconds to realise the I'm not in my apartment. My body freezes but then I recognise the bed I lay in, it's Yoongi's. The clothes I'm wearing aren't the ones I remember, a pair of black shorts and a white shirt. Did I get changed? No I couldn't have, then did the one of them change me when I was out? Just the thought of it makes my face feel hot. I then perceive to look at my wrist and it's been cleaned and bandaged, a much better job then I could ever do. It makes me feel sick and distressed at the thought of one of the seven boy's having to look at my wrist, having to see the scars and cuts that consume it all. I really am so selfish.

The thought of having to face them after the stunt I just pulled scares me, especially what happened with Yoongi. I don't know what I'm going to do. I then continue to just lay there, thinking of conversations just so I'm a little bit prepared if one of the boys were to walk in.

*Knock* *Knock*

"y/n... are you awake?"

I wait a few seconds to reply. Nerves kicking in.

"Y-yeah" I say softly hoping whoever it is didn't hear me and just think's I'm still asleep. Of course with my luck that didn't happen.

The door slowly opens. It's Namjoon.

"Hey, you feeling okay?" he says slowly sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Y-yeah, my head is pounding though"

"That doesn't surprise me. You were fully out of it"

There's a silence, I'm unsure on what to say.

"You know...you really scared us y/n, you scared me but it was nothing compared to how much you scared Yoongi"


I want to say something but my voice isn't working.

"When both of us arrived at your apartment, when we walked in and saw you laying there barley breathing, blood everywhere we thought you were dead. I thought you were dead, Yoongi thought you were dead. I saw him stop and leave reality because his brain couldn't process what was happening."

I start to cry but still I don't say anything.

"I never want to see something like that again. I never want to see Yoongi like that again so please, please stay for him, stay for us. I know we basically just met but honestly you're already apart of our family. It may be messy and loud but we all need each other, we need you. Please for us, see that we truly care for you"

Namjoon stands up and leaves the room and once again I'm alone. Tears heavily escaping my eyes and my breathing choking my throat. I've never had anyone speak to me like that before, in such a passionate and sincere tone. Do I deserve this?

Once again the door slowly opens, this time it's not Namjoon, it's Yoongi.

Once he sees that I'm awake and breathing he runs towards me locking arms around me.


"Never do that to me again. I'm sorry for what I did but please never let me see you like that again" his breathe is hot against my neck and his touch warms me on the inside.

"I-I'm sorry"

He pulls away and sit's down on the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like my heads going to explode"

"That doesn't surprise me, you must of hit your head hard when you hit the ground" Falling was something I don't remember.

"Also here before I forget" he places a large bag next to me.

"I went to the store while you were asleep to get you a few things" Yoongi pull's out a number of items, I think it's chicken noodles and chocolate. My heart melts at thought of him going to the store and buying me food.

Before I can even say thank you he has left the room. After a few minutes he comes back with the noodles in a large bowl and a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. He slowly walks over to me trying his absolute hardest not to spill anything and thankfully he succeeds.

"I'll feed you" My heart jumps at the thought of him feeding me.

"N-no it's okay, I can do it myself" I quietly say back.

"Nope, I'll feed you. You head is aching and your wrists must be to, I want them to heal properly so don't use any strength just for now"

He picks up the noodles using the chopsticks and blows on it slowly and then proceeds to place it in my mouth. "careful it's hot" he says.

After 10 minutes or so he is finished feeding me, I feel like a child actually no I feel more like a baby, unable to do anything for myself, as if I need constant protection and help.


"I got you some chocolate as well but you can eat that later if you like"

"Thank you Yoongi" As I say this hair falls onto my face, I go to put my hair up and instantly I'm shut down by Yoongi.

"Did you not just listen to a thing I said?"

"I did listen, I just want to put my hair up. Can't I do that?"

"Nope, I'll do it for you"

"You'll put my hair up for me?" Honestly I'm a little confused but I'm not opposed to the idea.

"Yep, what think I can't do it?"

"Nope, I don't think that. Can you put my hair in a bun for me then please. It doesn't have to look nice or anything, just so it's out of my face"

"Okay I can do that, I think"

He moves closer towards me, his face so close to mine that I can hear his hitched breathing. His hands slide up the sides of my head trying to get a hold of every inch of my hair. He looks so cute concentrating so hard on such a simple task, I can't help but laugh.

"Stop laughing at me" he says pouting.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. You just look so cute"

"There, I think I did a good job"

"I can't see anything but I'm sure you did great" I say as we both laugh together.

"Oh Yoongi did you change me into your clothes?" I say without hesitation putting him off guard. His face goes red from my sudden question and it makes me laugh but I contain it hoping it makes him feel a little less embarrassed.

"Um.. ah yeah I did... BUT don't worry I promise I didn't see anything. I had my eyes closed the entire time. It's just the clothes you had on smelled really bad and were stained so I didn't want to leave you in them"

"I'm really thankful Yoongi. I trust you with stuff like that, so you don't need to look so anxious"

"I'm relieved, I didn't want you to think I was a pervert or something"

"I would never think that" I'm smiling, I feel safe again and I feel so much better, so much happier.

"Did you wan't to get up and see the other boys?"

I nod my head.

Yoongi helps me off the bed placing his arm around my waist and my arm latched on his shoulder. I place all of my weight onto him and luckily he is strong enough to take it. My legs feel heavy but with the help from Yoongi I manage to make it down the hallway without falling over.

"Y/n you're alive!!" Jimin says running over latching on to me.

"Careful!" Yoongi snaps.

I get seated on the couch and all the boys sit around me.

"Y/n are you feeling better?"

"Yeah Jungkook, my head is still sore though"

"You really scared us. When Yoongi walked through the door carrying you in his arms I stopped breathing, I didn't know what to do, none of us knew what to do" Tae says, he looks so sad.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done what I did. I wont do it again. I'll try harder for all of you"

"It's alright now y/n. Let's just leave it in the past for now" Jin says getting up and walking to the kitchen.

I slowly nod my head, stopping myself from crying.

"Come on y/n! Have dinner and stay the night again. We like having you around" Jimin says practically jumping up and down.

"Okay! I would love to" maybe being around people is what I need right now.

After dinner Jin refuses my help with cleaning the dishes.

"No y/n, you need more rest, plus if I allowed you to Yoongi would get ridiculously mad at me. I'll just make Namjoon help"

"Okay okay, next time though I will be helping"

After a few hours or so the boys and I are ready for bed. Their eyes including mine are practically falling out of our heads from the Jurassic Park movie marathon we just indulged in.

"I'll sleep on the couch" I say in a sleepy tone having trouble standing.

"No you will not, you'll sleep in my bed"

"It's okay Yoongi, you sleep there tonight"

"How about y/n sleeps with me" Jimin says half asleep next to Tae.

Yoongi gives him a sour look. "Come on lets go, you're about to pass out again". I'm too tired to protest so Yoongi guides my sleepy body down to his room.

He lays my body on the bed tucking me in. Before he can walk away I grab a hold of his wrist not even really understanding what my intentions are.

My eyes close and my head lays deeply against the pillow "Yoongs..... please sleep with me, I don't want to be by myself again" As I say this I doze off.

Yoongi smiles and manoeuvres his way in next to her. He lays his head next to y/n's looking and taking in every detail of her face. Her cute freckles, pale skin, pink lips, he loves it all. He tries to match her slow breathing and plays with the loose strands of her hair that are falling out of the bun.

"I promise I'll never leave you alone again" As he says this he slowly kisses her forehead and falls asleep staying close to her body.

Namjoon stands at the door and watches everything happen, being careful not to make a sound. All he can do is smile and walk away.

I can't believe that people are actually reading this, it warms my heart so much. Thank you.

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