《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Childish and Cute


I wake up on the bathroom floor. My head against the cold tiles and my wrist stinging is feeling I'm all to familiar with. I slowly lift myself off the ground and make my way to the kitchen, it's been more than a few hours now since I ate breakfast with the boys. I open up one of the containers Jin left for me. I warm it up in the microwave and dig in, and not to my surprise it's delicious, probably the nicest thing I've eaten in this apartment so far.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

I look down to see that Yoongi has messaged me.

Hey y/n, I was just wondering if you wanted to do something tomorrow?

Yeah sure, I'm free anytime after 3pm because I'm working.

Awesome sounds good. I can pick you up afterwards. Where do you work?

At the Language learning centre, do you know it?

Sounds familiar, I'm sure I'll find it.

Also y/n just quickly, are you feeling okay? Nothing happened when Jin and Hobi dropped you home?

Nope, everything is fine :)

Text me if it isn't, Okay?

Will do.

I'm at my last session for the day and if I'm honest I really do enjoy my job. I find teaching enjoyable even if some of my students can be a pain sometimes. But they all really try their best and I love watching them all improve. The group I'm with at the moment are only level 2 so the content is a lot easier but also can be a bit boring. I'm sure they think that as well.

"Miss y/n" one of the boy's puts his hand up.

"Yes, is their something you need help with?"

"Can you explain the differences between the three there's again please" As he says this a man walks into my class room. He has a large coat on, a beanie and mask. I cannot see his face.

"Of course I can. The first of the three is is spelt T H E R E. This would be used in the context Lisa walked over there. The there refers to changing locations. The next their is spelt T H E I R, it refers to someones belongings. An example of this is they left their phone. Lastly the final they're and probably the most difficult to understand. It is spelt, T H E Y R E. It means they are, so an example would be they're going to Australia next week. Does that make it a little bit easier to understand?"

"Yes! thank you miss"

The rest of the lesson goes on smoothly, many more students ask questions and I answer them.

"Okay everyone, the lesson is over. I hope to see you all again next time. Please remember to study what you learn't today" I say cheerfully.

"Thank you Miss y/n!"

I stand at my desk packing up my books and belongings, placing them in my bag. As I do so the young man who arrived half way through my lesson walks up to me, he seems familiar but I can't put my finger on who he is.

"Do you need help with something?" I quietly ask.

He starts to laugh. I'm very confused, did I say something that was funny?

"I haven't seen you for what a day and you can't already recognise me." Ah I know that voice.


"Yoongi is that you? Sorry I just couldn't tell because the mask and everything" I start to laugh and pull down his mask revealing his cute gummy smile that was hiding underneath.

"Sorry, it's just difficult to go into public sometimes"

"Ah it's okay, I can understand that"

"Shall we go? I wan't to take you to my favourite Ice cream parlour"

"Yep, sounds like a date..." Shit, I just called it a date. Stupid stupid stupid.

"A date it is" Yoongi says smiling.

Wait are we going on a date? No way he's just joking, there is no way I'm going on a date with Min Yoongi.

Oh my god I'm going on a date with y/n, I'm so nervous, do I hold her hand? No that's weird, I shouldn't do that. Calm down Yoongi, you got this.

"Yoongi you okay, you look a little stressed?"

"Ah sorry, I'm fine! Come on lets go" Smooth Yoongi, smooth.

I hop into the passenger seat of Yoongi's car. I buckle my seat belt and he does the same. We drive off and the next 10 minutes or so we are silent, it isn't awkward or anything which is reassuring. I look over. He has one hand on the steering wheel and the other is holding his head up while resting on the side of the window. His black hair peaks out from underneath his beanie and his mask is pulled down making his cheeks look chubby.I want to squish them. I find myself staring at him, how can someone be so incredibly hot but extremely cute at the same time, I don't understand how that is possible.

"Why are you looking at me" He says breaking the silence and not removing his eyes off the road.

"I wasn't staring" I quickly say, averting my eyes. I already can feel my face getting hot and embarrassed.

"Really? because your face is disagreeing with you"

"I wasn't staring... okay maybe I was, but only a little bit"

He doesn't say anything more, instead he just smirks and continues to drive.

After a few more minutes of driving we arrive at the ice cream parlour. The both us leave the car and walk inside. Instantly we are greeted with 70's music and honestly I'm living for it. The checkered floor, red and white chairs, vinyls and records hanging across each wall, It's very retro and I love it.

"Come on, lets go to a booth"

I follow Yoongi and sit down. I feel like we are out some old teenage movie like Grease or something.

"What would you like y/n?"

"Umm can I have cookies and cream ice cream with chocolate chunks and lots of sprinkles and a large chocolate milk shake please"

Yoongi starts laughing.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I ask confusingly

"It's nothing, you just remind me of a child, it's very cute"

Did Yoongi just call me a child and cute? I don't know if I should take it as a compliment or not.

After he decides what he wants the waitress comes over, shes wearing her uniform but still manages to make it look sexy. She starts flirting with Yoongi and Instantly I feel anxious.

"What would you like handsome?" she says playing with her hair and completely ignores my existence.

"I would like vanilla ice cream, cookies and cream ice cream with chocolate chunks and lots of sprinkles and two large chocolate milkshakes please"


"Okay, see you in a few minutes" She winks at Yoongi and walks off. I look down at the table and I don't say anything.

"Y/n whats wrong?" I look up, his eyes are so soft that it makes me melt.

"I-its nothing Yoongi, it's just that the waitress was so pretty and was obviously into you. You're probably embarrassed to be around me"

"Why would you think that? It would rather spend my time with you then some self obsessed princess like her. Trust me, don't worry she's not my type. A girl like her makes me want to pull my hair out"

I feel reassured.

"Sorry, I'll stop acting so anxious about everything"

After a few more minutes she arrives back with our food.

"Here you go handsome, also quickly are you doing anything tonight? I'm free if you know what I mean" She says almost spilling my milkshake on me. I start to feel sad again and I think Yoongi can tell. His soft eyes look over to me and grabs a hold of my hand.

"Ah no thanks I spending today with my girlfriend"

My hearts starts beating really hard, Yoongi just called me his girlfriend. Min Yoongi from the world famous boy group BTS just called me his girlfriend.

"Oh well okay then" She says slamming his ice cream on the table and quickly walking away.

"Sorry y/n for using you like that. She was just starting to piss me off and I knew that would get her to go away" he say's letting go of my hand.

"Ah it's not a problem I don't mind" I wish he meant it.

I quickly dig into my ice cream and it's delicious.

"It's so yummy!" I say stuffing my face.

"I'm glad you like it" We are both smiling and laughing as we eat our ice cream and drink our milkshakes.

"Oh before I forget, why did you arrive halfway through my lesson, I told you I was finishing at 3. It was probably really boring just watching me ramble on about English for half an hour"

"I wanted to see you doing your job. I'm so glad I did, you looked really cool up there explaining everything. I think I learned more English in the 30 minutes with you then when Namjoon tries to teach me"

"I looked cool? Honestly I don't think that I'm that good at my job, I could always be doing better"

"No I think you're so intelligent and amazing at your job. You have to stop putting yourself down all the time"

I smile and slowly nod my head. "Okay, I'll try more for you"

I place my arm on the table and the bandage from under my sleeve peaks through. Immediately Yoongi's eyes lock onto it.

"Y/n...whats that bandage for?"

I quickly put my arm underneath the table. I can't look him in the eye but when I do all I can see is sadness and betrayal.

"Y/n please let me see"

"I-its nothing Yoongi I promise"

"Bullshit, let me see y/n!"

"N-no it's nothing, I swear, I did nothing" I can feel the pressure inside me build up.

"Y/n! Let me see now!" He practically yells.

"No!" I yell back. The pressure that was building up inside me is released. Everyone from in the parlour eyes immediately lock onto us. I start to cry and run out leaving Yoongi behind. He chases after me.

"Y/n please stop. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

I don't stop, I just keep running. Tears streaming down my face making it hard to see, everything is blurry. In the distance I see a bus and I don't hesitate to get on. I sit down and the it leaves. Yoongi doesn't make it in time and is left there standing outside. He just stares at me and all I can do is stare back.

After two hours or so and hoping on 4 different buses I finally make it back to my apartment. I look at my phone.

y/n please ring me

y/n I'm sorry

Please text back

I'm so so sorry

Don't be mad at me

Please don't do anything bad to yourself

Please y/n.... please

I just switch my phone off and throw it on the couch. I need to distract my mind, it's being so loud, thoughts and thoughts, it won't stop. I walk to the kitchen grabbing as much alcohol as I can. I don't have work for another 2 days so getting drunk isn't an issue. I drink and drink causing me to fall to the ground hitting my arm on the table. The wounds on my arm re open and I'm left with a bloody mess. I don't bother to clean it up instead I stay seated on the floor ready to pass out any second.

"Yo Tae! Tae! Tae!"

"What do you want Jungkook!?"

"I love you"

Yoongi stomps through the door.

"Whoa Yoongi you okay" Tae asks looking concerned.

"Im fucking fine" he says walking into his room slamming the door.

"I don't think he's fine Tae"

"Well aren't you observant"

"Was that Yoongi just now?" says Namjoon appearing out of the bathroom.

"Yeah Namjoon, I think something happened with y/n"

"I'll go speak to him"

*Knock* *Knock*

"I'm coming in Yoongi"

"Go away" he says laying face first into his pillow.

"Is it y/n?"

"I fucked up Namjoon, I really did"

"What happened?"

"We went to the ice cream parlour and I noticed some bandages on her arm. I yelled at her and she got upset and ran away. She got on bus before I could catch her. I made her cry Namjoon and she's not answering my messages, I'm so afraid that shes going to hurt herself or worse"

"Don't worry to much, y/n probably just wants some space and time to herself. Tomorrow how about you and I go to visit her to see if she's okay?"

Yoongi nods his head. "I just... I just worry about her so much Namjoon"

"I know Yoongs, I know"

"Jin Hyung! Yoongi and I are going to see y/n, tell the others"

"Alright be back before lunch"

Namjoon and Yoongi arrive at y/n's apartment.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Y/n... Are you there" Yoongi says.

No answer.

"Y/n! It's Namjoon and Yoongi"

No answer.

"Maybe she's asleep?"

Yoongi shakes his head. "No I don't think that". He starts to get nervous.

Yoongi shakes the door handle and to his surprise it's unlocked. He slowly opens the door.

"Y/n are you there...... OH MY GOD Y/N!"

School is stressful, Year 11 sucks. I miss sleep.

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