In Serial

Requiem of the Sea

8 193 39
Author: Type:Male

Maya is going to kill gods and rule the seas with an iron fist.

She doesn't know that yet. Outcasted her entire life, she has had to fight for every scrap of food she's eaten. Her only escape is to get enough Essence, a powerful resource that awakens the innate magic within humans, to make something of herself. And just when she managed to defeat an entire dungeon on her own, her tormenters arrive to steal it from her. 

Cast into an abyss, Maya meets a man who the world has long thought to be dead. He's willing to train her, and Maya has grand plans of becoming a pirate captain. 

Maya is going to gather a crew, grow in strength, and carve her legacy into the world with blood. 

Requiem of the Sea is a vast seafaring story. The world is very large, and I enjoy trickling information in about it slowly as opposed to dumping it all at once. The story is updated once every two days. Thanks for reading!

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