《Bechole A broken Wolfs life》I May Need Some Water


It was time for Chole's wounds to be looked over and checked

Its taken 3 weeks of checks before Alison determined Chole was healthy and healed enough for the stitches to come out, a week later Alison allowed her to change into her human form.

Alison left us alone in my room, I went to the wardrobe getting out an oversized hoddie and track pants, I also pull out boxers being it her choice if she wants them or not, if was wired finding out my mate was also an alpha usually mates are omegas.

I leave the room giving Chole privacy, Gosh I'm so nervous to meet her properly and talk to her, considering we've shared a bed for the 3 weeks, that shes been here for and I haven't even heard her voice apart from whimpers.

I think back to when I had a talk with Alison I wasn't going to talk to my dad about it.

"Hey, Alison can we talk"

"Sure" She opens the door wider to let me in I follow her down the fimilar corridor into the kitchen "Water?" I shake my head wondering how to start this conversation with her "So whats this vist about Stacie is out with Aubrey"

"I know I came to talk to you about... Chole... I am... I don't see how she can be my mate because she's an alpha right... And I mean all alphas have omgea mates tho right" I stutter though moving my arms around awkwardly.

"Yes, Every Alpha has a omega mate but there's acceptions" She gives no more than that.

" What do you mean acceptions?" I ask geting impatient

"Okay" She sighs "So, all Alphas male or female are born with... A penis right, for mating and offspring purposes because they go with most omegas but there's a story that in the 18th century an omega and alpha gave birth to the frist female alpha that had the biology of a female omgea but she presented as a alpha, the story goes that out of the 6 kids they had only 3 presented with this gene, every alpha in the territory wanted them as a mate, after a pack tried to steal one of the daughters thers for his own, the alpha took his mate and his family in to hiding"

"Did anyone hear from them after?" I ask her

" Theres been rumors and things the last we heard was that the daughters had married other alphas in three diffrent countries, the gene is said to be only in that family they don't know why but the gene is only presented physically in every other generation or child, these alphas like Chole are usually sought after by alphas they've been know to been sold to alphas for thousands of dollars once there of age, they have little to say on who they go to, My guess the way Chole came to us is that she was to be sold, I did some reading up on the gene and family there's no much known about it I'm afraid"


" So if Chole had never got away from her pack she would of maybe have been sold off for her offspring?" Thats just disgusting how could you be sold off for that?!

"Unfortunately it isn't uncommon it can happen with many omgeas as well, Alphas may not also be as nice or as understanding as you or your father, as when in heat many omegas find their self's being raped or mated when its not wanted"

I make a face of horror, I obviously can't imagine that happen to anyone"Would Chole go into heat?" I guess I just want to be prepared.

" I believe from what I read is that Chole wouldn't go into heat until she wants to" She shugs struggling to explian it "Baically where an Omegas heat hit it usually when the body is ready to have a kid, like when a human hits puberty, but Chole will go in heat when her mind tell her to... Its hard to explain but It's when they meet there mate the heat usually follows, I'm surprised she haven't been in now, but suppose the condition shes in physically and probably mentally, you can't really be surprised, when sold off theres a injection given to omegas to be put into early heat for mating, I suppose it would be the same for... " She sighs and trails off but I get the point.

I'm brought back my father walking up the stairs, I've sat down in the hallway just to right of my door waiting for Chole to come back out.

" Chole not out yet?" He asks

I check the time surprised I've been out here an hour and a half already "Uh no... I'll go and check on her I think?" I get up and knock on the door before I hesitantly open it to see the most beautiful person with the most gorgeous bule eyes I've ever seen.

Once beca left the room, I closed my eyes to try and concentrate on changing into my human form, it's been so long can't even remember how.

After a while of trying I want to give up all thats going though my mind is what going to happen after, Beca haven't asked about the pack or family since the frist time but I'm afraid she'll bring it back up or her father, I've heard them talk a couple of times about me being an alpha, I was confused about that, I'm a beta though thats what Zelpha told me repeatedly any way.


I don't remember much of my mother thats the last time I believe I was in my human form, my father just disappeared after Zelpha took over the pack, I sometimes cought a wiff of his scent around but it was never strong.

When Zelpha took over the pack I watched her kill my mother and my siblings, I seen her eyes change when she came to me, I was the smallest and youngest out them all, she smiled showing her teeth I thought I was next I was backed in to the wall anyway, I just closed my eyes ready for the strike but next thing I knew I was being lifted and moved by her by the scruff.

We had changed into our wolf forms as she attacked the house thats the last I remembered being In my human form at age six.

That night I was taken into a cave where we, Zelphas pack and I lived for about a month before being moved again into the house I lived in with my family, I was thrown into the basement and left for 2 nights, I could tell by the small window in the corner, until they moved in a mattresses and a couple of blankets.

They would throw down what ever was left of the food from the hunts which wasn't a lot but enough at the time, I never changed into my human form that whole time because of how cold it was even with the blankets.

I wasn't until I was about 10 I think, when the beatings started, Zelpha started coming down, I haven't had company or even contact at any time for so long that when another wolf came down, I didn't care who it was, I got excited and tried to play with her but instead I got whacked to the side by her huge paw after that the beatings were almost everyday they got worse as I got older, at the end before I escaped.

I still had no clue how that happened I remember a delta that was supposed to be gaurding me but he was to friendly, he creeped me out, he was sniffing me and mumbling somthing, I just had a beating so I wasn't really paying attention but I remember weight being put on me, I tensed thinking I was going to have another beating but then I heard the angry roar of Zelpha and the weight being lifted off me then two wolves fighting the door was open so I made a run for it, then just pain and blurs.

I shake my head getting out of the daze I was in and agian start to try and transform, after a while I feel my bones start to shift and crack the pain was awful but I knew I couldn't stop it now.

After the change I take a while for me to move from the bed, muscles I haven't used in awhile pulled on me every move I made.

I finally moved and slowly got dressed, glad I watched Beca change a couple of times to know where things go and how.

I sit on the end of the bed feeling uncomfortable being in my human form after so long, I play with the edge of the hoddie wanting nothing more than to rip the thing off and turn back into a wolf.

I know Beca was outside the door I can also smell her father in the house somewhere, I'm scared to go out there no matter how safe I feel around Beca she's still an alpha, I'm in a house with two alphas feeling so uncomfortable.

I hear somone that must be her father coming up the stairs, I hear them talking but I tune it out not wanting to eves drop on them, I got in to trouble for that before.

I hear knocking on the door then it opens to Beca peering around the door, her jaw drops and I tilt my head in confusion much like my wolf form would do.

My frist words "Hey... Beca" I croak out, I may need some water.

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