《Bechole A broken Wolfs life》Who Are You?


I was awoken by my dad who smiled down at me

"Hey Becs I got food waiting downstairs, its 8 o'clock thought it was time to wake you up"

Really 8 it was like 2 when we got back from hunting, I nodded my head my dad turns to go back down. Getting up quietly being careful of the red wolf's head that was still laying on my paws.

Making my way to the wardrobe changing form then getting dressed I follow my dad down the stairs into the kitchen where's serving up dinner for us

"Did you find out anything?"

"Yeah, she's not on there radar for anything and when I described her wolf form, they believed she could be one of three families, two of which they know isn't missing anyone in the family, the third is no longer around and are believed to have been killed"

"What you mean like she was supposed to be dead or something?"

"Yeah, they told me that the description is of the beale family, in particular Sarah Beale"

"Isn't that the one who got killed by her half sister then she took over the pack and took the mate for herself?"

"Yes, it's believed that the daughters and sons all got killed with her, all the pups and followers of her, it's said that she rules and believes she's above the law of werewolves"

"So who have we got upstairs then?"

"They believe it to be the last daughter of Sarah Beale, due to her age like you it could be one of three Seba, Danielle or Chole all from two litters a year apart Seba being the oldest"

"How do you think she survived then if she was to kill the whole family?"

"They are not sure, maybe the father stashed her away somewhere or they kept her alive for some reason"

"Yeah to torture her, have you seen what she's like she afraid of everything and the scars on her, dad she's like my age I can't believe what they've done to her"

"I know Beca we'll help he okay, what did Alison say about her healing?"

"She said that she can't walk for a while, the stitches may able to come out in three days depending on her healing and she needs an x-ray on her other legs as tendons may be pulled or a sprain but she wants to be sure"


"Okay, have you finished?" Pointing to my empty plate, I nod 'When did I start eating?' "Okay here's…. Reds take this up for her she must be hungry" He passes me a plate with a steak and chicken meatballs with chips on the side. I thank him and go on up to my room on the way I pick up a white board and pen with an idea.

In my room Red is still sleeping, I place the plate in front of her nose on the bed where it hasn't moved from the place I placed it before I left, I sit cross legged on her other side doing the ABC across the board.

No ones POV

On the bed the wolf's nose can be seen moving sniffing the air it takes a while for the wolf to wake up.

Chole's POV

Waking up to mixed smell of beef and chicken makes my stomach ache with need, I haven't eaten right in a week and before that it was another week or so living off what little bugs I could get which tasted so bad!

My wolf takes over immediately grabbing hold the steak in front of my nose and chowing down before anyone else got there, grabbing the balls of chicken with it, who puts chicken in balls anyway? Carcasses are much bigger and juicier, I sniff whatever the creamy coloured food is before chowing down on that, it's not meat or anything I've tasted before but I'm so hungry I couldn't care.

I start to stand but putting pressure on my paws doesn't agree with me and immediately fall back on the comfy bed 'wait comfy?' , I look at my paws to see them all bandaged up which confused me for a second before I remembered flashes of guns, traps and an alpha, no two alphas.

'Oh god what happened?'

I turn my head to take in my surroundings, seeing a girl sitting at the bottom of the bed startled me.

"Hey, glad you're awake I'm Beca I saved you from death" 'Should of let me die' you think sadly "You're not allowed to walk for a few days you're also not allowed to change, so I thought we could start by telling me your name" 'How am I supposed to tell you if I can't change? ' I turn my head to the side in question.


"By this" she turns over the bored in her lap which has the alphabet wrote out on it "Now I think you get the idea but I'm going to point to each letter and you nod your head when I'm on the right one, get it?" I nodded my head in confirmation

"Okay good now, what's your name?"

She goes down the list I nodded my head at the correct letter each of which she writes down in a notebook

'C.. H..O...L.. E'

'W..H..E..R..E.. A.. M.. I'

"Of course your just outside of Burden, Chole"

'Okay that's good far from home or what used to be'

"Do you have any more questions? , Chole"

I shake my head even though I have thousands

"Okay well can I ask you a Question?"

I again nod my head not wanting to say no to the alpha

"Where's your pack?"

I shake my head no, I have no pack my pack is gone and I never wanna go back

"Okay that's fine we'll talk when your ready"

Oh that's nice of her I think sarcastically, I move back a little from her and take a look at the room again.

It's got trees as wall paper with shadows of wolves painted on, only one is painted in which gives me memories of the wolf at the trap that helped which is probably Beca, there's a midnight blue wardrobe which has the moon and stars on which looks quite cool, there's then a small desk in the corner which a laptop is perched upon much like my half brother had but I never got to go on it.

I tap the board with the alphabet on

"You want to ask another question?" Beca asks picking up the board

'W..H.. E.. R.. E.. A.. M.. I.. S.. L.. E.. E.. P.. I.. N.. G.. T.. O.. N.. I.. G.. H.. T'

"Well I haven't worked that out yet I suppose here if you don't mind sharing or I'll sleep on the floor if that makes you feel better" I shake my head 'I should be on the floor not you' I start moving towards the edge of the bed but Beca stops me "No you won't be on the floor not while your hurt and healing if you mind sharing the bed then well do that if you don't want me on the floor okay?" I nod just going with it, I'll jump down in the night when she's asleep.

After a while Beca eventually goes on her laptop headphones over her ears and I just watch from the bed at what she's doing on it, I have no clue what I could do. Another 20 or so minutes go past before she starts speaking.

Slipping her ear phones off she brings the laptop over to the bed sitting next to me.

"How about watching a movie or TV show?" I nod and agree to watch whatever show she asks me is okay to watch, I haven't watched TV in a long time anyway.

We sit and eventually I fall asleep, waking up to Beca wrapped around me, which I tensed to at first out of habit before finally relaxing and falling back to sleep.

No ones POV

The days go on much like this Beca only leaving to go hunting and bringing something back for Chole.

Chole gains a little confidence with Beca but with her father she goes right back to the timid wolf she is.

Beca leans that Chole is excitable when learning new things many times she had to tell her to stay down and off her feet.

Chole learns that Beca likes to act all tough and hard but is a softy at heart, she completely changes with just Chole in the room, she doesn't know what to think about that is there something that she needs to worry about in the pack, she's only met 3 other people from but she can smell more on Beca when she comes back from hunts with them.

One thing in common though is that they both can't wait to have an actual convocation, the alphabet board is slow, Chole's only worry is of the questions that will be asked and if this sense of security is false and just a rouse of gaining trust just to make her life hell again or to take her back to her nasty family.

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