《Bechole A broken Wolfs life》The Meeting
I don't own anything I'm just a fan, came up with this while refusing to get out of bed on a Saturday morning. Lol G!P Bechloe AU
Beca feels drawn to the howls of a pained wolf while leading her pack back from a hunt, she has no choice but to investigate. Werewolf AU G!P
I don't own anything I'm just a fan, came up with this while refusing to get out of bed on a Saturday morning. Lol G!P Bechloe AU
A red wolf with a white chest, soft long hair and blue eyes that sparkle in the morning sun, this red wolf shows scars throughout her body, some are open and red, some are old and closed, she walks with a limp, head down, she's tired no, she's defeated and hungry, she walks as the leaves and sticks crush under her lightweight.
This wolf is young, still an adolescent just ready to leave the pack, if wished.
She walks through the trees with the sun rising above in a reddish tone, the birds are singing but she takes no notice, where a few years ago, she would've sat and listened, she tunes out her hearing and keeps walking barely looking where she's going, through the tears in her eyes she is barely able make out the trees, not to walk into them.
Walking close to the the tree trunks she decides it's time to rest, to give what her body needs at the next trunk, not looking where her paw hit the ground, or smelling the scent of people near, a hunter's trap snaps up and catches her paw, just above where the second joint that would be an ankle, she lets out a surprised and pained yelp, trying to pull away in her surprise, the trap rips more into her flesh and bone, after a minute of pained yelps and howls from struggling, she calms and looks at the trap, its old and rusty, she smells blood that is rubbed on the tree to her side, no doubt to bring in the wolves, she belates herself for her stupidity, she knows she can't get out of the trap by herself and changing form while, in the trap is a no go.
She whimpers while laying down, she starts licking her paw to get rid of the blood, to see the damage, she knows its not broken although, is surprised that it isn't with all the struggling, she had done earlier. The blood keeps seeping out of the wound, she can see the jaws of the trap has gone down the bone and, again curses herself on her stupidity.
She lays there for what feels like hours nursing her wound, while it must of only been 25 minutes, before she starts to hear people coming her way.
"It's this way come on" Says a boy.
"Are you sure this time, we've been here an hour now, looking for this trap" Says another tiredly.
"Yes it's this way" Encourages the first.
Two boys aged around 25 or so with guns over there shoulders, come into the wolf's view, who is now standing up not sure what to do she growls showing her sharp teeth.
The one boy who was in front laughs "I told you it was this way, looks like we got ourselves a young alpha, lets have some fun before we put it out of its misery" With a sinister smirk, he swings his gun from over his shoulder and points it at the red wolf, his mate following his actions.
The gun shot just goes off over the wolf's shoulder, hitting the ground next to her back right paw, she jumps away from the area, before another goes off landing next to her left front paw, and she jumps back to the right, while whimpering because the trap holds her down in place, and is ripping more skin away from her bone.
In panic she starts to howl and yelp while, jumping back and forth away from the bullets hitting the ground, while the boys laugh.
After what feels like hours to the wolf, she decides that she's in too much pain, and resides herself to her fate.
Lying down the last bullet goes off and sinks itself into her ribs, letting out one last pained yelp that echoed through the trees, panting she lays her head on her one good paw and waits for the bullet, that will put her out of pain and hunger.
I'm out with my pack hunting, we've just brought down this huge stag.
While my pack eats I lay off to the side already having had my fair share.
I'm Beca Michell, I'm to be alpha, when I'm ready my 'pack' are my friends from the original pack, that my dad runs, my 'pack' are what will become my pack when I leave.
This consists of Jessie who is a delta, Fat Amy is a beta, CR is a beta, Stacey is our healer, Emily is an omega, Benji is also an omega and Aubrey is a delta.
Stacey and Aurbrey are mates so, are Emily and Benji. Stacey is my best friend and is my second in command because, my betas are not to be trusted when together, Fat Amy just doesn't take anything seriously, and CR when with her, is likely to follow.
While finishing the meal, we all hear a yelp echoing from the trees that stops us all in our activities, we look back to where it came from, standing up I take a step forward before I think better of it.
Any werewolf that doesn't know how to avoid a hunters trap, hasn't got a brain, this must be a wild one.
We keep listening to the echoes from the trees until it stops.
'I send over to the pack.
sends Jessie.
Sends Amy.
I can hear the thoughts going through, the rest of the packs minds, but I ignore them.
On the way back I hear a gunshot go off, and I can't help but feel a little guilty but, I keep guiding the pack towards the house.
Then more gunshots followed, and I stop and turn confused at the amount going off, there must be a pack with the hurt one.
But I can only hear the yelps and pained howls of only one wolf, I look at the pack standing behind me to see if they know, but they look just as confused as me.
The area starts to smell of the wolfs fear, it's an alpha female, the howls of pain can be heard and it's like calling to me, I don't understand why but, the wolf side of me is telling me to go help.
I turn a growl to the pack showing my teeth and, picking my head up higher, my eyes flash red instead of the usual midnight blue.
The pack nods back, eyes flashing gold and, they lay down knowing to listen to my alpha eyes.
I start running towards the howls of pain, something pulling me further into the forest away from the safety of the pack, following the scent of fear.
I come to a stop behind a tree a couple of paces away from the area, I peak around the tree to see two boys both with dark hair and camo clothes laughing with guns shooting at the floor, the smell of the wolfs fear and pained yelps are heart breaking, I look more around the tree to see the most beautiful red wolf I've ever seen, she's trapped to the floor by a bear trap wrapped around her leg, I can see where the pulling to get away from the bullets is ripping more into the skin, ripping it from the bone that can seen under it.
Why do humans have to be so cruel! My blood boils but, I hold back watching this awful act, I can see the red wolf is skinny, I can see the ribs, the old and new scars that are red and puffy.
I wonder where her pack are, she can't be much older than me, then something happens she lays down, placing her head on the good paw panting, resigning herself to death all fight left her, the boys continue laughing.
The smell of fear in the air is replaced by anticipation and acceptance of her fate, all fight gone leaving an empty shell of the beautiful wolf.
My anger boils over at these boys that are still laughing and shooting, the red wolf gives off one last pained whale before the air is replaced by werewolf blood, I stop thinking and act.
Attacking the boys knocking the guns from the side out of there hands, standing over the guns that are now on the floor.
I growl at the boys as they run away from the area, I call the pack to me before walking over to the weak wolf, she watches no fight left in her head still down.
I show my red alpha eyes to her out of instinct, to see if she reacts like an alpha, her eyes also flash red, but instead of growling like a usual alpha, she tries to turn to show her stomach but, yelps when the trap pulls her leg and instead stretches her neck out, when she's on her side tail barely wagging.
I can hear the thoughts of the pack behind me
Eyes never leaving the red wolf, I hear the pack members mumble an before leaving the area.
To test the red wolf, I place my open jaws around the wolfs neck, when I feel no resistance just acceptance, I monitor to a naked Stacey, who had just turned back to human form to come and check out the wounds of the red wolf, I also turn back into my human form.
"Her leg looks like it's been through a mincer what happened to her? "
"They were shooting each side of her, those bastards, why are people so cruel?"
I run my hand over her fur feeling bumps on the skin, I hold the fur apart finding more scars.
"She's got scars all over her"
"But she's a young alpha, she shouldn't look like this right, she's so skinny with cuts all over her. What has she done to look like this? Maybe we should leave her? if she's like this that can't be good for our pack, what if she had done something to deserve this? " Stacey asks.
I think Stacey may be right but, I look into the blue shining eyes that's watching us, and I see the acceptance of her fate, a broken wolf, I look at the gunshot wound in her side, it's a through a through, ribs can be seen nothing hit but bone and skin, like someone gouged out the side of her.
I shake my head wondering if I'll regret this.
"Lets get her foot out of the trap, and help me carry her back home"
"But Becs what if she causes trouble?"
"Then that's on me but she can't stay out here, an alpha offering her neck to me is weired, she's not going to do much in this state, now come on let's get her home"
Stacey sighs but doesn't argue, we move to the trap ready to pull the trap each side "You bite me and I won't help you okay?" I say to the red alpha, who whimpers closing her eyes, I look to Stacey who looks totally confused by this wolf's behaviour.
Even coming across beta or other alphas that aren't known, in traps or different settings would always cause a fight even when they have no energy left, or in pain they would still fight till they died of blood loss, hunger or an another wolf kills them, never have we witnessed this behaviour from an alpha that we didn't know.
"Ready?" I ask Stacey nods and we both pull the trap apart, the red wolf whimpers and moves it leg towards its body away from the trap when its open, I see the jaw tense, and relax when the paw is to its body, we let the trap snap back together watching our fingers.
"Okay let's get you out of here and to our healer" I whisper.
I lift the red wolf into my arms, having no fight from her apart from whimpers, when her foot or side was bumped around. She is not heavy for her size, which is worrying.
One arm holding her back end uder her stomach, the other down her chest under her front armpit her legs dangle, she tries to hold her head up to look around although, she's obviously dazed, but she eventually allows it to fall forwards.
By the time, we were half way there the red wolf had fallen asleep, and moved her head to my shoulder, instead of over my arm, I did stop and tense at this expecting an attack, instead I got a puff of air that moved my hair and tickled my neck, which I had to hold a laugh from because I'm Beca Michell hard and not ticklish.
Stacey also tensed up at the movement, and stopped with me, when we started walking again, I had calmed while Stacey is still pensive ready to attack the weak wolf, at any sign of aggression.
We walked for a good hour before reaching the house, taking a lot longer, than, we would have had we not been carrying the injured wolf, the puffs on my neck had slowed and the beating of the heart also, which is concerning for me.
I don't know what's wrong with me, but this wolf is just pulling me towards it, I'll have to talk to my dad about this pull, because I'm not liking it, it's overpowering and unsettling, when I don't even know the name of this wolf.
I push Stacey on ahead to get her mam into my room, because we have no spare in the house due to it being a music room for me the other is an office for my dad.
Entering the house a minute or two later though the open front door.
"Dad! Come here"
"Beca, what's that smell?" He asks before walking around the corner from the kitchen and stopping at the site of us "What Beca, Who's this? What happened?"
"I'll tell you later open my door please"
"Yeah sure"
I follow him up the stairs where he opens the door for my room.
"Thanks dad" I lay the wolf on my bed before getting dressed, putting on boxers and a bra, black jeans and a black tank top, with a red and white checked shirt over the top leaving it undone.
I watch my dad while he's checking out the wolf's mangled paw, his back towards me so, I can change in private.
When I'm finished Stacey walks in with her mom Doctor Conrad, who gasps at the sight of the sleeping wolf.
"Hey Alison can you do anything for her paw and side please?" I ask
She smiles taking a couple of steps forward coming to rest next to my dad, he moves out of the way for her to have a look at the paw, before humming and moving to look at her side.
"There going to need stitches, she's underweight and obviously not healthy our healing doesn't work well in bad conditions of the body, and these wounds are not helping, I will also stitch up the other cuts, they seem to be…." she stops to inspect the older red cuts along the body, she seemed worried
"What are they from?"
"Where did you find her?" Alison asks
"In a trap just out passed the hunting grounds, why?"
"Look, I'll help her but she can't stay here"
"Why?" Asks my dad
"Look these are claw marks" Pointing to long cuts along her sides "While these are teeth marks where K9's have been dragged across her back" Pointing at other marks then moving to the old ones that have healed "These look like whip cuts, only wolves that have done things against the law have these only they are killed right after, this wolf must have done something brutal to get this, this is so much worse than I've ever seen in my life, she can't stay here once she heals, shes going to cause trouble"
Heartbreaking at what this wolf have been though, at my age of 17 she can't be much older, my head wonders what she could of done, the wolf I saw in that trap isn't the one, I'm hearing of now.
"Why wasn't she killed after the whipping then? There old and healed, she wouldn't of got away would she?"
"I don't know maybe as punishment but, I've never heard of a case where the wolf had been let free, she's way too weak to escape, she's been like this for a while. Look I'll stitch her up then it's up to you alpha's, what's to happen to her"
"We'll talk later Beca, I'm going to go ask the council who deal with this thing, if they know anything about this young alpha. Keep her here don't let her move if she wakes up, okay"
Before I can answer there was movement from the bed, as Alison goes to put the needle into the wolf's leg to numb the pain, while she stitches her, the red wolf yelps and pushes back from the needle landing with thump at my feet, before pushing back at my legs gowling at Alison, my dad and Stacey.
Not sure what to do I stay still while my dad immediately changed in seconds to his wolf form flashing his red eyes, which in turn the red wolf's eyes flash red but instead of fighting, she drops to the floor to show her stomach, I look into her sparkling blue eyes to see fear like no other, I've ever seen before, my wolf pulls at me and before I know what's going on, my wolf form has taken over, and I'm standing over the red wolf who's still on her back, growling at my father who immediately steps back out of shock of my behaviour, even the red wolf under me have stiffened and stopped breathing, my whole wolf just wanted, no needed to protect this wolf, although I have no clue of who they are, I look around in confusion.
Alison starts laughing "Now I understand why you brought her home"
Understanding clouds my father's eyes turning back into his human form "We'll talk later, I must go to the council, I trust you will have her sorted by the time, I get back?" asking Alison.
"Yes, she will be cared for and left to rest by the time your back"
I can't turn back because, my clothes ripped as I changed form
After a lot of going back and fore in my head and with Stacey, of me denying it, I remember I'm still standing over the red wolf, which haven't moved from under me, I look down at her face which is to my side.
She's looking down at my stomach in confusion, then I realise that she looking at my extra appendage, before realising she was caught and looking up at the ceiling, showing her neck to me again.
I look back up to Stacy and her mom, who look like there holding in a laugh at the situation, I growl at them which makes the wolf sniffn under me, but the others to burst out laughing.
I shake my head moving off the red wolf, who still haven't moved, I nudge her side encouraging her to get up, which she does after a couple of nudges staying low to the ground as though she is about to get a scolding for something.
"Get up on the bed Red so, my mom can help you, she's our healer, she needs to give you numbing solution and antibiotics so, she can stitch up your leg and side" Says Stacey who has managed to stop laughing.
The red wolf looks to me so, I nodded my consent feeling that's what she needed, jumping up after her, she stays low to the bed when I get up, making sure to stay lower then my nose, her shoulders slumped and head down.
"Will you lay down for me honey, I can't do it with you sat up" Asks Alison.
The red wolf immediately obeys laying down whimpering, like she's going to get a beating or something, my heart again breaks for her, this isn't a wolf that's been beaten for something it's done against the law.
I lay down next to her and press in to her good side as comfort, she leans into me and places her head on my paws allowing, Alison to inject the numbing solution into her and stitch her up, I place my head on top of hers allowing my wolf to take over for comfort.
We sat there for an hour, while Alison went about her medical duties, she keeps looking at the red wolf with worry and intrigue.
When she's done the red wolf has fallen asleep snuggling further into me.
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