《Bechole A broken Wolfs life》Meeting some pack members


My first words "Hey…… Beca" I croak out, I may need some water

"H.. Hi.. Hey" she gives a breathy laugh after.

I smile back feeling uncomfortable and awkward, my face pulls uncomfortably with my smile that I'm not sure is right but I hold it anyway.

"I'll go and get you some water then maybe we can talk?" She points back out the door with her thumb and I just nod nod looking forward to the drink not the talk.

"Right" she nods to herself before pausing then moves away lightly closing the door.

Becas POV

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. She's beautiful, I walked in there and I was stuck, my mouth went dry and my feet felt heavy, like a ton of bricks just fell on me and there was lead in my shoes, and her wearing my clothes Aghhh.....

I had to move away so I made some stupid excuse to go get water but I knew she needed it because her voice, gosh her voice it was…. Like a goddesses, a croaky one but heavenly no less.

The sound of the sink running brought me back, I grabbed a glass and filled it with cool water and gulped it down in one, filled it again and sipped on it this time gezzz...

I needed to calm down and prepare myself for seeing her again, once the glass was empty, putting it in the sink, I grabbed another and filled it up and left kitchen to my room, once outside the door, I took 1..2..3 deep breaths before opening the door.

There she was she hadn't moved, my legs felt like lead again but I pushed through it and sat on the bed next to her leaving a gap so I could turn by body to see her, passing over the glass of water, it almost slipped out of her fingers as I was passing it she had not yet got used to using her hands again luckily I still had my hand around it.

"Sorry" She mumbles.

Chloe's POV

"How long has it been since you've been in your human form last?" She asks with frowned brows shrugging off my apology.

I follow her movements and shugg my shoulders like she did wondering what it meant but not wanting to ask feeling uncomfortable in this body luckily she answers.

"You're not sure or you can't remember when?"

I nod again, she looks me up and down.

"Okay that's fine you don't have to answer any of my questions Chlo…. But you're safe here no one's going to hurt you or take you back somewhere you don't want to be… Okay"

"Okay, sorry" I mumble looking down at my hands that are still playing with the hoddie.

"You don't need to keep apologising okay" her hand grabs mine I jump a little on contract but don't pull away from it, a spark shots up my arm and it gives my whole arm tingles feeling warm and safe, I look up to Beca and she smiles at me "You're safe with us here".


3 days later

Chole had been following Beca around for the three days, first day was just around the house showing me things getting used to the human body moved odd and it stretched weirdly.

Day two was spent around the pack and just showing around the place a couple people tried to say Hi to her but Beca had give them a glare to back off.

But she met Emily and Benji for a bit hardly able to say anything but introduce themselves before Beca was moving her along scared that it may overwhelm her.

They had food at the hall, Chole enjoyed the steak which was cooked to rare for all the pack to enjoy.

The hall was a place for pack meetings, celebrations, basic socializing. There was pool tables dart boards, a bar, board games. The food could be ordered like a restaurant. The tables were long wooden tables sitting 17 people in four rows, with smaller 4 people tables for privacy.

The cook had complete control of the menu and the alpha's could say nothing about it.

Chole learnt that wolves don't eat there kills everyday and also didn't hunt everyday not as a pack at least.

You can hunt just for yourself or the family if you wish too, but there was a limit to what you could kill, so if it was just yourself a rabbit or two would be it, a small dear for a family of three and so on.

Day three

Chole met the pack Becas small one and some of her fathers, Beca made sure Chole was conformable with it before letting anyone near her, The first to walk up to her had been Fat Amy who had been warned by Beca beforehand to calm down.

"Hello mate, I'm the one and only Fat Amy"

"Fat Amy??" Chole asked timidly at the loud girl

'Yeah So Skinny… . " She was cut off by Beca before she could say something outlandish that Beca could see coming "Amy" Beca grond out, Amy gives a shug and a wide innocent smile before heading off "see you later gingah!"

Beca just smiled and shrugged not sure how to explain that was just Amy.

Chole had met Stacey and her mother before so wasn't surprised that they came to say hello

"And how are you feeling now, nice to see you out getting some fresh air, Sorry I missed you yesterday"

Chole nodded quickly and again thanked her and Stacie for there help with her injuries.

Chole was quickly introduced to a polite but standoffish Aubrey that quickly pulled Stacie away from them to go on a walk.

Beca made a mental note to talk with Aurbey about it, she didn't want Chole any more scared than she was already was, being a new alpha obviously put the delta on edge.

Jessie, Emily and Benji said Hi, Beca was proud of their restraint not to pull Chole in a hug or jump around in excitement at the meeting at least, Probably helped again that Chloe was an unknown alpha.


Over the next few hours everyone had introduced themselves to Chloe from both packs.

Stacie and Aurbey returned from 'There Walk' Beca almost gagged at the smell of arousal and mixed scents coming off them.

But Aurbey seemed in a better mood and held a conversation with Chole about her time here.

Chole didn't seemed to know what to do and awkwardly answered the questions out of politeness, and didn't seem to get the humour of poking fun at Beca.

When walking away from them Chole seemed lighter but her brows where frowned.

"Everything okay?" Beca asked putting my hand lightly on her arm, She can't seem to stop touching Chole in some way.

"Hmmm…. Yeah…..Just….She.." Chole Shrugs

"You can ask anything Chlo"

"They..smelt funny"

Beca held in her laugh and bit down lightly on her hand to stop.

Chole had more to add, and Beca waited it out.

"and Aurbey said your...Ear monst...ros..ities should have sent me running…"

Beca could see Chole had a hard time understanding there banter at the time, so Beca stopped her from explaining any more and tried to explain.

"That's just how Aurbey and me talk. We poke fun at each other, Banter. When Aurbey and her family first came here Me and Stacie were… real close, then Aurbey came along and they found they were mates, I lost Stacie and we would both compete for her attention and I would lose all the time, made Sense"

Beca looked over to Chole to make sure she had understood the intention or if she has any questions, she gave a small smile and nodded she understood.

"And with Aurbey being a Delta tensions were high and one day when we were 14 Stacie came into her first heat....I couldn't control my wolf and tried to….attack Stacie, Aubrey was there and in Wolf form...we...hurt each other pretty bad, alpha's don't have much effect over Delta's if they are unwilling to follow or become part of the pack, Aurbey at that time was part of my father's"

Again Beca looked over at Chole to make sure she was following.

Beca didn't understand how without saying anything Chloe could make Beca spill her guts out, in a manner of speaking, she supposed it was down to the mate bond.

Beca hoped telling this story will help Chole trust her more and not back track the progress they've made, but she looked over there eyes locked and all Beca could see was understanding and patience, her blue eyes were additive, Chole could see the same emotions reflect back at her.

"It was just to two highly hormone charged wolves, My father split us both up as quickly as possible and made me and my wolf make sense that Stacie wasn't mine or anyone's to take control of, she's her own Wolf and makes her own choices and a good Alpha never takes that from anyone, I ended up recovering from the fight at a camp for alpha's that struggled with control for 4 weeks, it made me a better wolf"

Chole nodded understanding, giving a squeeze to Beca's wrist that was still lightly holding hers.

"A...and the smell? It made me...want to… move away, I guess?"

Beca laughed this time, Chole gave a small smile not understanding what was funny.

"That's called marking, they both marked each other of their scents and probably made out against a tree or something"

Beca laughed a little while explaining

"It's what mates do, Aurbey likes to do it, when I'm around because of what happened years ago to annoy me" Chole face tells Beca she has more questions but it's quickly covered with a smile.

"Chloe you know you can ask anything you want to right? I may not want to answer some but I won't lie or shout at you for asking"

Choles smile drops and her body and eyes become a mixture of runability and happiness with a little fear of maybe rejection?

"Why with you around? Does it annoy you anymore?" Chole faintly whisper's.

Beca pauses her walking and Chole stops beside beside her, Beca turns them to face each other.

"No..it just makes me…. uncomfortable I suppose that I acted like that, Because I know that my soulmate is….close"

Not sure how to say that to Chole when next to her without scaring or giving herself away before Chloe may be ready.

"Also the affection is little uncomfortable, not just for me but the whole pack is a little uneasy about it, but that's just when they get overly mushy, we shouldn't be there but that's just"

Beca again shrugs not sure how to explain it, hoping she realizes that's just natural to not want to be around it.

Chole nodded and gestures to carry on walking.

"Would you want to come hunting with the pack this evening, you don't have to do anything, I can have you stay back and watch with Emily, or stay here?, It's up to you but your fully healed now I thought it might be a good bonding experience for u..the pack. Stench your Wolf out a bit and release some energy"

Chole bites her lip, Beca thinks 'So hot' and has to pull her eyes away from Chloe's lips.

"Yeah I...think that'll be...good for me" Chloe's obviously nervous 'So cute' Beca think's 'what the hell snap out of it'

"Okay if your not okay with something just pull on my tail or something and we can work out what's wrong or you just start walking back here and we'll understand that you changed your mind, I'll send someone to go with you okay?"

After an affirmative nod we carry on walking around, Chole had other small questions for tonight and about the pack but seemed more relaxed as time went on.

Hey people

Long time waiting for this wasn't it....Sorry,

I've been in Isolation, as My father got a covid Positive test so been making the most of no work but unfortunately I go back tomorrow.

Remember you can always see me on Twitter at: GemmaTVfan

Gemma out

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