《Bechole A broken Wolfs life》Hunting


Beca's POV

Time went quickly and the sun was starting to go down.

Chole and I changed into our wolf forms away from the pack instead of with them like I usually would.

I didn't want to rush Chole, as she can't change very fast and has to have a few minutes to start the process, but it'll soon become easier and quicker for her as she keeps switching forms every other day, not wanting to put too much stress on her body by giving her as much time as possible.

We spent a bit of time walking and jogging around a small track for Chole to stretch after being in the same form for a few days, and eventually running full steam into the woods towards where the pack usually meets up.

The pack were all waiting there when we got there, they were playing, bull dozing each other over, I would have kept running at full speed and made them catch up with me, but I could hear Chole breathing heavily and falling behind already and remembered that she isn't fit like the rest of us.

Stopping and waiting for Chole to join me, who pressed close to my side as we walked towards my pack that came together to greet us.

The group laughs and Chole presses harder into my side I shake my head and I move on

We move off into the hunting fields. Chole again keeps close to my side.

She'll have to jog behind with Emily or try to keep up with the pack as she has yet to build a connection to hear us talking.

I spot a group of deer in the distance. I push a little on Chole to back off, she picks up head to look and sort of nods to say she understood.

We move towards the group of deer getting into place and circling the group as close as possible.

3 young stags 1 older one and about 14 females.

Time for the young stags to take over the group.

Before anyone could move, Chole moves a little and steps on a branch that breaks under her light weight, the deer that were already on alert due to smelling us spook and standpeeds into Aubrey's and Benji's direction.


The pack are quick off the Mark and are chasing down the group Amy and Jessie manage to turn the deer away from Benji but not off course from Aurbey who gets lost in the dust, we could no longer see where she was.

This has happened a few times before the pack knows the food comes first Aubrey's big enough to look after herself.

The deer takes notice of Benji who runs wide of them to turn their direction to Stacie's and CR'S direction away from the forest.

They moved to let the group through, Now with the group on a straight path we lock on to our target that Jessie's got close to and tries to take a bite of the back to take the leg out from under it barely missing the kick to the face.

The kick out slows the stag down to behind the group of deer, the pack closes in on the buck, beca takes a jump landing on the butt of the deer biting down into the flesh, the deer bucks to try to dislodge the wolf from it, finally coming to a stop.

With the heavy wolf on its back it turns it's head to try knock it off with it antlers, but it's hoof is taken by CR on it's other side it turns to that wolf trying to kick out at it, while it distracted Amy grabs the deer by the throat and crunches down on its windpipe.

The deer goes down without fighting, life leaving the animal in seconds no longer in pain or panic.

A panicking Stacie shouts in my head

Before anyone could move though

Shouts Stacie again running towards a figure in the dust with an angry walk.

Aubrey POV

The group of deer were on edge as we circled, I was opposite Beca with Benji to stop the group from running into the forest the usual set up.

We wait for Beca to choose the deer we go for which usually is always the older bucks or females.

I lock on to the older buck closest to Jessie already knowing that's the one.


Stacie asks though our mate bond that we could only hear each other

I singger back, the whole pack already knows what's going to happen like a well oiled machine.

Beca cuts in, I give a huff of amusement, As we set in to move something snaps over Beca's way, I look through legs and see Beca looking back at Chole.

The deer already on edge bolt away from the snap and into my direction, I move as quickly as possible to a log that had fallen as I got behind, my tail got stood on my head lifted in automatic pain, then got kicked in the head from a hoof jumping over the log, my vision become blurry I curled into myself, the deer then turned into another direction the way I was faced the pack must of managed to turn them but too late.

I got dust kicked up into my already blurry eyes.

When I opened my eyes next I could hear someone shouting but it was muffled and my one eye was still blurry, my head was heavy and felt like my brain wanted out of my skull.

It took me a while to get up, my head was spinning.

The dust was settling and I could see blurry shapes of the pack taking down the stag, I started walking in that direction a little off balance, I can now distinguish Stacie's voice calling for me to answer, but I was trying to remember what happened.

I see Emily and Chole catch up to the group and remember.

Suddenly filled with anger I lock on to Chole with my one good eye, pain forgotten.

I see someone running up to me but I bear my teeth in warning to keep away my green eyes now bright and glowing barley registering that it's my mate, I just made cower away.

Being a delta my eyes wouldn't be golden or red, they shine bright green the normal colour of my eyes.

Tail held high, eyes alight, shoulders forward, ignoring everything around me. I stalk my target and hit her off her feet quite easily, I look over her feeling powerful as she whimpers showing her neck.

Her red eyes have no effect on me as she is not my pack or leader, she isn't my family.

Paws step over her in protection, I look up to see who dares keep this mutt, that could have got me killed, safe.

Beca stands there teeth bared eyes red in warning

Unlike Beta or Omega's red eyes doesn't make me cower away it just restarts my brain makes my wolf rethink, it'll only work with Beca as I've accepted her as my alpha, as my pack.

I look around behind her and the pack are scared with tails between their legs even Stacie isn't looking at me.

When I back up and finally breathe, eyes going back to normal, I look down onto the Alpha that shouldn't be, she acts like an abused Omega and it makes me feel guilty about losing my anger on her.

Beca was right it's happened before with everyone new we brought in that was young but they didn't get treated like what I just did, to be fair it's never really been me that's gotten hurt or Stacie so I've never had to have been worried.

Although Beca has gotten in trouble a few times much like me just now and she has never reacted like that.

I sigh

Beca's eyes turn back the normal colour.

Beca moves off of Chole and urges her up onto her feet, Chloe ducks behind Beca hiding from me.

Leaving no room for argument Beca turns and leaves pushing Chole though the pack towards the deer.

Amy speaks up Looking back at Stacie who have now moved away from the group and over to Beca and Chloe " Amy turns with a flick of the tail, pushing Emily who's stood behind her, towards the food The rest of the pack follows on agreeing with Amy that I was forgiven.

I watch them leave and my appetite with them.

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