《Bechole A broken Wolfs life》Movie


Beca's POV

I watch Aurbey turn and leave back towards home from my viewpoint after the pack says she's forgiven.

I guess she knows talking to Stacie before Chloe would be useless.

Much like Aurbey, Chloe and Stacie seem to have lost their appetites as both don't eat with the pack, it is upsetting as this was supposed to be a bonding experience.

After an hour of resting after the pack stops munching on the deer, there's a lot left of it even after all Amy eats.

So we decided to take the remains back to the house for dad's pack. Instead of attracting wild wolves and other wild animals.

On the way back, I felt on edge feeling like someone was watching us, but smelling the air I couldn't pick up on anything, thinking it was my imagination or something, as carrying the carcass is slowing the pack down meaning we're more vulnerable to attacks.

Finally getting back to base camp, I still had the feeling of eyes on me but it went away by the time we were a mile away from home.

Shrugging off the feeling we leave the carcass in the hands of the cooks to chop down and sort.

I leave the pack with Chloe to change forms in the house, dad already knows to leave the doors open, Chloe goes on into her room which as of recently been changed from dad's office to bedroom for her to have some privacy but after one night in there where she clearly didn't sleep much or at all, I offered that she was allowed to come wake me up if she couldn't sleep, she been crawling into my bed every night since at about 1am with a tear-streaked face.

Chloe is still using most of my clothes, mostly my big hoodies, shirts and joggers/jeans, Stacie and Emily brought some new underwear over for her as I wear boxers.

I've been meaning to take her out to town for stuff but I want to make sure she's comfortable with the pack before going to strange/busy places.

A knock at the door "Becs?"

The nickname turned up after a week in human form obviously picked up from Stacie, It still makes my chest tight with pride with how far she's come.

"Yeah" Answering allowing her to open the door

"I... I'm sorry about the...the deer and Aurbey got…."

I cut her off "Look Chlo, don't worry it's happened before and it'll happen again after, you got nothing to be sorry for, we've all messed up at some point , you've got nothing to worry about, Aurbey will probably say sorry soon"

"But shouldn't I...I say sorry?"

"You can if you want, but she shouldn't have attacked you like that, it's probably because you're an al…." Closing my mouth quickly "The packs going through a change and being a Delta it's a little harder to accept….." Wanting to say a change in pack order "Change"

"Becs, what am..I?"

Turning my head in confusion "What do you mean you're Chloe?"

"No like….like Delta or...or Omega or Beta?" Chloe seeing me not answering she stumbles through explaining "It's just you talk about po... positions in the pack….and I don't know….what I am?....a..and"


I cut her off seeing her hands shake with nervous energy.

Putting my hands on her arms to calm her down "Chlo sit down for me"

Moving to edge of the bed and taking a seat "O...okay sorry"

"We really need to get you to stop saying that so often" I laugh "There's no need to be sorry I understand why you want to know, I was kinda hoping you would be able to feel safe around the pack before I tell you but I suppose…. You're an alpha" At her quiet/shy nod I carry on "Chlo you okay with this? Any questions?"

I let it sink in and sit on my desk chair and roll up to her, knees touching.

"Does….does that mean I got to leave?"

"No, why? Is that what you want" Heart dropping

Shaking her head frantically no, I breathe a sigh of relief

"But…. two Alpha's in a pack that...that I gotta leave right?"

"No, it's up to us it's got nothing to do with anyone but us, I like having you around it's nice, great in fact"

"What about the pack?" I pulled a confused face "Will...do they mind?"

"No, it doesn't. I've talked to them about it. They like that you're here and that we're helping you get back on your feet, we would like it if you stayed with us forever but if that's not what you want, we won't hold you back. And if you're worried about Aurbey then don't, like I said earlier the Pack's leadership is changing, I think that's what the attack was about also as an Alpha your suppose to be strong and protect, and I think her wolf got a powerful feeling"

Chloe's quiet for a long while, She grabbed my hand at some point and was now playing with my fingers.

"I…." She sighs, struggling with her words "I can't lead…..like you"

"You don't have to but it's still nice to have you around, Aurbey will accept you and this will be a distant memory"

She nods with certainty "Okay I wanna stay here with you...with the pack"

Smiling with relief "Okay great, great. There's something else, we won't be staying here, in a few weeks we'll be moving to a house closer to the university as I got out voted on what we do"

"You mean…. school?"

"Yeah, Aurbeys has been there a year now, she was taking lifts from my dad there every morning but with a lot of the pack going there now the pack wanted to move closer, okay?"

"I'll be going?"

"Yeah, you'll be coming and going to classes, dad knows people, werewolves on the board that got you a spot if you want it?"

"Are you going?" I nod an affirmative "Yeah okay"

I nod again "Okay come on let's get you some food at the hall, Aurbeys probably looking for you"


"To apologize, Stacie won't talk to her till she does"

Chole nods and we make our way quietly to the hall

Aubrey shows up "Chloe can I talk to you please?"


Chloe looks to me, I shrug my shoulders it's not my place to say "I'll be right here if you need me"

Chloe nods and follows Aubrey a few metres away still in my line of sight

"What does she know?" Aubrey asks

"That she's an alpha"

I watch as they talk or well Aurbey talks Chloe is just mostly nodding, I could listen in from here if I wanted to but I thought it would be better if I left it to them.

Aurbey to my surprise and jealousy then hugs Chloe, I shake my head at the feeling.

I turn when I feel eyes on me and notice Stacie watching the scene next to Emily, noticing me looking at her she smiles and walks off Emily following along behind her.

Aurbey and Chloe joined me back on the path and we walked the rest of the way to the canteen.

Aurbey and Chloe sat down with their plates. I'd already taken a seat having had my fill with the pack.

Chole is sitting next to me on a plate filled with meat and a little mashed potato with gravy not liking greens of any kind. Smiling to myself about this fact I allow Aubrey's chatter with Chole to wash over me, I sit quietly allowing Aubrey to bond with Chole and get comfortable with each other.

After a while Stacie and Emily join us at the table adding to the chatter, Chole goes a little quiet and moves closer to my side on the bench pressing into my shoulder, leg and hip.

Without thinking my arm goes round her waist holding on to her hip I squeeze in comfort, I feel her body go loose letting out a breath she relaxes into me more and talks a little with them.

Stacie and Aurbey seem to have moved on and be fine again, Stacie has her arm over Aubrey's shoulder, Aurbey has kissed Stacie's cheek a few times too.

The conversation soon went to college and moving into a house as a pack, and going on to college.

"Beca have you figured out if you're going or not?" Asks Emily

"Huh?" Finally catching up with the question "Oh I'm still not sure"

"I...I..you said you were coming?" Chloe asks shyly.

"Oh I am moving with you guys but I'm not sure if I want to go college, I wanted to go LA and get a job in music but the pack wanted to go college here first"

"Are you looking at jobs and classes Bec?" Asks Aurbey

Nodding I answer "Yeah, I'm looking at Experimental Music & Digital Media but I need a minor in Digital Media Avatar Arts, I'm looking at studios but mostly going is internships which leaves time for them classes I suppose" Shrugging not knowing what to do or what I what.

"Can you do both? The degree would help for the future" Suggests Stacie

"Yeah maybe" Nodding to the idea, I didn't really want to do both but it would help for future references I suppose.

The group carried on talking around me , Chloe was laughing and taking part in the conversation which made my throat tight with pride.

Pretty soon the rest of the pack came to join us at the table, it was a squeeze Stacie ended up on Aubrey's lap, and the rest just squished them to get on the bench, Chloe had CR next to her and I had Jessie on my empty side, Amy sat on the other with Benji, Emily, Aurbey and Stacie.

The conversation flowed for hours. After a bit of time Chloe relaxed into it after a bit and was laughing with everyone. They included her without putting her on the spot, just telling silly stories and other things. I was proud of my pack, especially Amy for not pushing her.

Eventually the pack came to the decision to have a movie night, showing Chloe their favourites.

"Beca you up for that?"

"As long as we watch mine first so I can sleep through the rest of them"

They quickly agreed, surprised that I'm willing to do movie night but I wanted Chloe to experience everything.

We start making our way towards Amy's cabin having been the only one without family in the pack.

"Is this okay we can go back home if you want?" I ask Chloe on the way over allowing the pack ahead of us.

"Yeah, what's a movie tho?"

"So you know the TV shows we watch like Scorpion or 99" Chloe nods "it's like that but put into one long Episode that's got one story line. My favourite movie is White Chicks because it's not a romantic movie, the Script doesn't follow any other movies and it's super funny. If you have any questions about anything in them much like the TV shows you can ask me or the girls after the movie, if you get tired you can say….. also I will probably fall asleep at some point…… don't be afraid to wake me up" Though my talking I make sure she takes in what I'm saying.

After a nod of confirmation, we carry on down to Amy's cabin the pack having already made it there.

Amy's cabin was like the rest but there wasn't an upstairs and only one bedroom, a small kitchen and a bigger living/entertainment room as when it was built it was made for an entertainment room for pool, table tennis and so on. When Amy stumbled into our pack as a rouge at age 13, her mother had died and her father wasn't a nice guy, she won't talk about it, dad had this place re-done to make a space for her.

This cabin having the biggest living room and no adults was used as a meet for late nights just like this, Amy also had alcohol stashed away not human alcohol although it does taste a lot nicer, this is warewolf stuff as human alcohol doesn't do anything other than a refleshing drink.

That reminds me

No response

I could practically hear the eye roll from the sofa me and Chloe parked our butts on

It's my turn to roll my eyes now, I could feel the amusement of the rest of the pack, I decided to ignore the teasing and the butterflies in my stomach.

Jessie eventually brings up the play screen on White chicks and everyone settles down for the movie.

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