《Zodiac One Shots》"Oh" (Pisces (f) x Gemini (f))


(Pisces' POV)

I stared at Gemini as she talked to Scorpio. She's so pretty... I thought.

"Are you gonna tell her or what?" Virgo nudged my shoulder. I looked up at her as she grinned back at me.

"What if she thinks I'm disgusting..." I looked back at her, then down at my feet.

"She won't! You're the total Lesbian package!" Virgo teased. I rolled my eyes, then notice Scorpio strut off. Gemini sat at her locker and dug through it.

Here's my chance! I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled.

"Hey Pisces," She said as she put her glasses on. She looks really cute in those glasses, but she doesn't believe anyone who tells her so.

"H-hey... Uhhhh......" A sudden wave of fear went through me. "I just wanted to tell you that umm your shirt is really pretty." I can see Virgo facepalm out of the corner of my eye.

Gemini looks down at her shirt then smiles, "Thanks!"

Later in class...

I was doodling on my notebook while our teacher droned on about something that happened hundreds of years ago when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I raise my hand and get excused to the bathroom.

I walked out the door to the bathroom which was just down the hall. I quietly walk in then shut the stall door without making a peep. I look down at my phone at the texts.

(4) New Messages:

Virgo: 1 image

I grin at the picture of her math teacher scratching at his butt while writing on the board.

Libra: I left my notebook in history class, can you bring it to me at lunch?

I scroll down.

Gemini: Wanna go get coffee then go to a concert tomorrow night?


Gemini: Scorpio can't go so I have an extra ticket.

I almost squeal as I read her texts. I quickly reply yes then head back to class before my history teacher throws a fit.

Saturday Night...

I tie my hair into a pony tail then bob out the door and drive over to the cafe. I walk inside and see Gemini sitting at a table in the back. She had already ordered for me and my drink sat in front of my chair. I sit down and we begin to talk.

"I was thinking we could take your car, since mine is terrible when it comes to gas," She says.

"Oh sure," I smile. "Why couldn't Scorpio come?"

"Aquarius invited her to the fair yesterday morning... I'm kinda mad cause she had made plans with me then just switches it up last minute," She sighs, "I'm just glad I found someone to come on short notice!"

"Yeah," I nod.

We finish our coffee and head out. I follow the GPS and we arrive at the venue not too long later. The venue is small and the lines aren't bad at all. We get in line and get inside shortly after.

"OneRepublic is one of my favorite bands of all time!" I laugh as we take our seats.

"Same!" Gemini grins.


The concert was amazing and super fun! I couldn't help but sneak glances to stare at Gemini. The way she smiled the whole time made my heart light up.

After the concert, we stop at a McDonald's drive thru and get something to eat. We tell each other dumb stories and crack a few jokes. The car ride was full of laughter. I pull up to her house that was just a block from the cafe we went to. We sit in the car a few minutes and talk some more. Then, as she opens the door, I say,


"This was the best date I've ever been on!"

She looks at me for a moment then says, "Oh... This wasn't really a date... I just needed someone to come with me to the concert. You were the only person available... Sorry if you thought this was a date... I guess..." She stares at me for another moment then shuts the door. I watch her walk inside her house.

I sat there for a long time and processed what just happened.


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