《Zodiac One Shots》Picture Perfect (Taurus (f) x Sagittarius (m))


(Taurus' POV)

I brushed off my long dark blue gown and walked over to the piano where Sagittarius was tickling the ivory. I leaned up against the piano and smiled at him warmly. My husband winked at me and continued playing one of my favorite songs.

Our daughter walked in and said good morning before walking out to the kitchen. I brushed a hair out of her face before she walked off and smiled even more. I sat next to Sagittarius and rested my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"I need to make cookies for the charity event, and I was wondering if you'd like to help me and Aquarius," I said softly, looking up at him.

I hear a clicking noise and look around. Nothing.... Hmm... Must be my imagination I suppose. I shrug it off and kiss Sagittarius' cheek. He grins and returns the gesture.

I get up and change to a more appropriate outfit and go to the kitchen with Aquarius. I start getting the supplies needed out.

"Aquarius, dear? Can you go get some milk and send your father in here?" I ask as I hand her some money and she goes out to buy the milk.

Sagittarius walks in and starts helping me. I reach over to grab the whisk and he suddenly grabs my hand and kisses it.


I look around again, this time, Sagittarius looking too. I scan the kitchen, but I don't see the source of the clicking. We look at each other, then decide to shrug it off again.

"Must be the dryer... I'll have to take a look at it," He says and continues getting the ingredients out.

A few minutes later, Aquarius walks in with a gallon of milk and puts it on the counter. I thank her and we begin making the sugar cookies.


"These cookies will turn out so good!" Aquarius exclaims cheerfully.


(A few days later)

Sagittarius looked at the washer and dryer but didn't find anything wrong with it, and we still keep hearing that clicking sound every now and then. I sit at the dinning room table and sip my coffee.

Aquarius walks in and says, "Mom, can you come to the living room to see something? I have a surprise!"

"Of course, honey!" I smile.

I walk to the living room with her and see Sagittarius sitting on the couch. I sit next to him and watch as Aquarius puts a CD to play on the T.V. I hold Sagittarius' hand as we wait. Aquarius sits down with us as a video starts to play.

A slide show of pictures begins to play out in front of us. Each picture was a romantic, cute, and beautiful moment between me and Sagittarius. There was one of me and him sitting at the piano, one of him kissing my hand in the kitchen, one of us cuddling on the couch, and many more!

I hug Sagittarius and Aquarius tightly as I watch the slide show.

"Was that why we kept hearing clicking noises? You were taking pictures of us?" I turn to Aquarius.

"Yeah, I wanted to do something special for you both," She laughs.

I hug them both and kiss Sagittarius softly, then Aquarius says...

"You guys are picture perfect haha!"

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