《Zodiac One Shots》Clone?


Most of the signs sat all around the living room doing whatever. Taurus was making dinner, Cancer and Virgo were talking, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Sagittarius all were playing video games, Libra was texting his friends, Pisces was tweeting snarky things on Twitter for his new job at Wendy's, Aquarius and Aries were watching YouTube videos together, and Gemini was hunched over a desk in the corner of the room writing in a notebook, twitching every now and then.

"What's wrong, Gem?" Taurus asked, popping her head out from the kitchen.

"What?" Gemini muttered, "Yeah your cooking is totally the best..."

"Okay then..." Taurus rolled her eyes, walking back to the kitchen.

Libra looked up from his phone and walked over to Gemini. He patted her on the shoulder as she scribbled some words down in her notebook.

"Gemini? Is everything okay?" He asked.

She whipped around and gave him the death glare, "YES!" She jumped up as Libra jumped back. She marched to her room defensively.

Not too long later, the front door opens and everyone looks up to see Leo walking in with a girl under her arm. They were giggling and everyone stared in confusion. This girl looked just like Leo. The only difference was her hair was in a different style and she was slightly skinnier.

"Hi, Leo..." Virgo said finally.

"Hiya! Sorry I was out kinda late. I was just out at a party with my new girlfriend," The lioness smiled her bubbly smile.

"Um... can you introduce your... girlfriend to us?" Scorpio asked slowly. The situation was so confusing that the two girls and Sag paused their video game.

"Oh! Yeah! Ahaha! This is Leah, my girlfriend I met at a party!" Leo bit her lip shyly.

"Leah?" Pisces asked.

"Yeah, Leah!" Leo smiled proudly.

As the group observed the two girls, the similarities stood out more. They both had bright green eyes, blonde hair, fair skin, and the same nose. (Leo's nose was slightly messed up after getting her nose ring ripped out in a fight... don't ask....)

The differences were clear too, but there weren't many. Leah was skinnier, whereas Leo had more curves. Leah had long, straight hair, Leo had a cute bob that she curled everyday.

Scorpio thought about the situation, then pulled her boyfriend, Pisces, into the bathroom.


"W-what?" Pisces asked quietly.

"Something's going on.... Gemini was acting weird, like, 10 minutes ago, then Leo walks in with her girlfriend named Leah that looks almost exactly like her," Scorpio said with a sharp but hushed tone.

The two water signs walked out to see everyone sitting down for dinner. Pisces went to get Gemini. Every sat at the table and Taurus served everyone. Leah sat down in Gemini's seat since Gem was being slow to come to dinner.

When Gemini finally walking into the dining room, she spotted Leah sitting in her chair almost immediately. Gemini's jaw dropped and her face got red.

Leah saw Gemini and smiled, "Hi, Gemini!"

Scorpio looked at Gemini coldly, "You and Leah already have met?" She already knew the answer, but she wanted Gemini to fess up. "Explain to us, Gemini, why Leo suddenly has a girlfriend named Leah, who looks almost exactly like her, and we have never heard of her before, but she somehow knows you.

Gemini was frozen. She finally blinked a few times before speaking, "I have a confession to make..." She pursed her lips. Scorpio raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. All eyes were going back and forth between the mysterious Scorpio and dynamic Gemini. "Okay... Leah is a clone of Leo I made," Gemini winced.

"What?" Scorpio and Leo said in unison.

Leo obviously missed the obvious similarities between her and Leah, or maybe she only fell in love with the clone because she was just like her.

"A few months ago, I was working on a project. I saw an article on the Zodiac News website about how scientists were working on cloning. I wanted to try it, I made a machine at the college. All I needed was someone to clone. I went to the bathroom one night, saw some hair in the shower, and got a strand. I didn't know whose hair it was, but I knew I would find out soon enough," Gemini, still red faced, continued, "I went to the college with the DNA and tested my machine. Once the test was over, a Leo clone waltzed out."

"If it was a clone of Leo, why doesn't Leah look exactly like her? Why are there some differences?" Cancer asked.

Gemini knew the answers to everything the signs could throw at her, she had been working for months figuring it all out, after all. She spoke matter-of-factly, "Because since the cloning, Leo made some changes to herself. Leo cut her hair not too long after I cloned her. And Leah isn't eating everything Leo has been, Leah has most likely been eating healthier foods, since Leo eats the fattier foods Taurus makes."


"HEY!" Taurus objected, but no one paid her any attention.

"Wait, you said she most likely has been eating healthier foods, haven't you been with her?" Pisces asked, no one else caught that "most likely".

"Oh uhhh... Well... I kinda lost Leah after telling her that I was naming her Leah..." Gemini lost her matter-of-factly tone and took on a sheepish look, "She was so excited to run off and meet people now knowing what name to tell people when they ask her name. She left the college while I wasn't paying attention."

"You lost a clone?!" Scorpio stood up, "Gemini! You convinced us that you could be responsible after getting too tipsy and started a fight at that party on New Year's! We thought you could be trusted finally so we let you have more responsibility! Now you went and made a clone a few months ago without mentioning anything, then you lose her and still don't say anything! Now Leo is dating her own clone!" Scorpio's voice rose with each sentence, "You said you were responsible!"

Gemini grabbed Leah by the hand and stormed out.


Gemini and Leah went back to the college. Gemini planned on reversing the cloning somehow, or figure out how to make Leah her own unique person.... Truth is, Gemini didn't know how to either of those things. Cloning people hasn't been done before. Gemini seemed to be at a dead end...

Gemini and Leah walked up to the cloning machine and Gemini was closing the door to the machine with Leah inside of it when Leo burst in.

"Gemini! Wait!" Leo cried.

"What's wrong?" Gemini slowly turned to the lioness sadly.

"Please. Can I say goodbye?" Leo pleaded softly.

Gemini sighed, "Fine... Who am I to take Leah out of this forsaken world without giving her the chance to say goodbye to her belov--" She was cut off by Leo pushing past her and trying to open the door to the machine, "Here... Lemme help you."

Gemini opened the door and Leah saw Leo and ran out to her. The two girls hugged each other for a long while, whispering goodbyes. Finally, Leo looked to Gemini.

"Gem, please, is there anything you could do to keep Leah alive?" Leo asked, still holding Leah in her arms.

Gemini thought for a bit, the concentration was clear to see in Gemini's eyes. She finally had an idea, "Maybe.... Maybe I could get DNA samples from all the fire signs and combine them to make Leah her own person, not as much as a clone...."

Leo nodded quickly, the poor girl would do anything for Leah.... "I can get some hair samples from Sag and Aries!" Leo dashed off to get hair samples.


Leo came back in with two strands of hair, Sagittarius' and Aries'. Gemini opened the door to the machine for Leah to step in, then placed the hair samples in a small chamber. After a few minutes, the door flew open and a woman, different from Leah, walked out.

"Is she still Leah?" Leo looked at Gemini.

"No. I think Sarah is a better name for her," Gemini beamed.

Sarah had long wavy blonde hair with light red highlights, hazel eyes, and was shorter than before. She was the mixture of Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius.

Leo ran and embraced Sarah. They held each other for a long time before Gemini chuckled, "We should get home."

They went home and explained what happened. Scorpio made it clear, Gemini isn't supposed to clone anyone else... Let's see how long Gemini obeys that rule....




May 18th, 2017

8:00 am

There was a knock at the door, and the only two up was Scorpio and Pisces. The two were drinking coffee. The knock came again and Scorpio got up to answer. Who could be here at this hour?

Scorpio opened the door to see a mirror, except it wasn't a mirror. It was a girl with the same shoulder length black hair, the same light tan skin, the same blue eyes, the same everything. And in the same mysterious tone, the girl at the door said...


Scorpio's eyes widened. She knew what this was.


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