《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 2


Chapter 2:

Harry's POV

Once the conversation was finished, I got up out of the bean bag and turned around to talk to him one last time.

"We start this afternoon. Meet me in the car park cause we're going shopping." I told him and before he could come up with another sassy remark I turned and headed out of the library.

I don't know why but the rest of the day zoomed by really quickly. It was almost as if I was eager to spend time shopping with Louis. Finally though, it was time. I quickly headed over to my car and got in. I drove around the carpark until I saw what I was looking for, Louis Tomlinson with his head stuck in another book.

"Get in, loser. We're going shopping!" I called to him as I drove up to him. He looked up and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Really? Quoting from Mean Girls?" he asked as he closed his book and got into the car.

"It's how I roll." I told him, before driving off to the shops. As w got out of the car when we arrived I glanced down at what he was wearing. He was wear baggy jeans that did not suit him at all, a red polo shirt that was tucked into his jeans and buttoned all the way to the top and his massive glasses and right then and there I knew I was doing the right thing. He had to have this makeover.

I looked up to see Louis getting out of the car still looking in the book. Sighing dramatically I walked over to him, grabbed the book out of his hands, snapped it shut and tossed it into the car.

"Oi!" he said as the thick book hit the leather seats.

"Lesson 1. Do not walk around everywhere with your eyes in a big fat book." I said to him before locking the door and dragging him towards the main doors of the shopping centre.


"First, you're going to get your hair done. This way, Louis." I watched him roll his eyes at me before reluctantly following me towards the hair salon.

"Hey Lou!" I said to the girl working there. She looked up and waved before casting a confused look over to the boy standing next to me. "This is Louis. Can you make him look at least somewhat presentable?" I could see Louis open his mouth to protest as I said that but I continued. "I'm trying to give him a makeover. I was thinking maybe a quiff? You know like the one Zayn has?" I suggested to her.

She took a quick look at Louis before nodding.

"Come sit over here, Louis. I'm Lou." She introduced herself, pointing to the swivelly chair next to her. I could tell he was hesitant to go so I pushed him over to the chair and forced him to sit down.

"Work your magic, Lou." I said before taking a seat and picking up the magazine next to me. About 15 minutes later Lou came over and tapped me on the shoulder.

"So what do you think?" she asked. I looked over at Louis and my jaw literally dropped. His hair was slightly up in a quiff but it still had that slightly feathery style to it which gave him this hot nerd kind of look especially with his glasses.

"It's amazing, Lou." I said, somehow managing to spit out the words. I just couldn't take my eyes off of Louis. Even in his nerdy clothes he still looked hot... and that's me speaking. A straight guy.

I could tell Louis was getting uncomfortable under my stare cause he started fidgeting a bit so I quickly looked down before turning to Lou again.

"Thanks, Lou! It's perfect!" I said before I grabbed Louis by the arm and then pulled him out of the salon.

"Jeez Harry. Any harder." He said, massaging his arm when I'd let go.


"Sorry." I said. "This way." I said pointing over to a shop which seemed to have some quite good men's clothes. "We should find some clothes in here."

When we got into the shop, I took another glance at Louis and then pushed him over to the change rooms.

"Wait here. I'm going to get some clothes for you to try on." I told him. I quickly grabbed a couple of shirts and some jeans and took them over to the change rooms.

"Ok. Try this with this." I said, handing him a white shirt and some beige coloured chinos. He snatched them out of my hand before walking into the change room.

He came out of the change room and did a little spin before sticking his hands on his hips as if to say 'well?'

I have to say he did look really good. The white shirt hugged his biceps tightly showing off the muscles in his arms and the chinos matched the top perfectly.

"Hmm... give me your glasses." I told him, sticking out my hand to take them. He reluctantly took them off and then handed them to me.

"Ok That looks good. Here now try these on." I handed him a white button up shirt and a pair of black jeans. Once again, he went in, got dressed and came out again.

"I know something to go with that." I told him, quickly running off to find the item.

"Suspenders? Really? They're like for old guys to keep their beer gut in." He said to me. I laughed a bit before forcing him to take the suspenders.

"Don't worry. They'll actually look good on you." I told him. I swear I could see him blush a little but that was probably my imagination. He clipped them on and then turned back to face me.

"Perfect!" I smiled. We continued this for a while and I swear he just got hotter with each clothes change. I had to force my jaw to stay closed each time because of it. And that's saying something cause once again.... I'm straight so imagine what the girls at school are going to be like. They'll probably be literally falling at his feet.

Finally, we had about 6 different tops, a few different coloured suspenders and about 6 different jeans/chinos.

"Ok. Wear this, this and this tomorrow at school ok?" I said, pointing at a red and white stripy top, a dark blazer and a pair of dark jeans. "No tucking it in. Just leave it out. Trust me it will look good. Meet me in the hockey field before school and I'll teach you how to make the rest of the school your peasants." I told him, handing him the pile of clothes we brought.

He sighed and took the clothes.

"Do you need a lift home?" I asked him.

"Um... Yeah that would be great. Thanks." He said. He smiled slightly at me.

"Ok. Come on. Let's go." I told him. We walked out towards the car and then I drove him home.

"Remember. Meet me at the hockey field before school." I told him as he got out of the car and took his clothes with him.

"Yep. See you then." He said before closing the door behind him.

Appearance - check. Louis Tomlinson.... You're halfway there to being the most popular guy in school.

A/N Chapter Two :D How are you guys liking it so far??? Well I'm hoping you're liking it.... What do you think of the makeover? Well part one of the makeover? Sorry if I made Louis sound ugly as a nerd... But it's all part of the makeover! Let me know what you think :) Votes and Comments very much appreciated!!! Thank you :D


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