《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 3


Chapter 3

Louis' POV (Surprise XD)

I took a deep breath and walked over to the place Harry told me to meet him. I played with the end of my shirt a bit as it suddenly felt extremely tight around my body. I tried to pull the constricting fabric away from my body while still walking towards the hockey field. From a distance I could see Harry waiting there for me.

He looked quite cute in his dark chinos, white top and Jack Willis hoodie if I do say so myself. His hair was tousled lightly as if he had just gotten out of bed, shook his hair out a bit and then came to school but it suited him none the less.

Unfortunately I couldn't say that about myself. To me, I felt uncomfortable in these clothes, I probably looked just as bad as I did in my baggy jeans and red polo shirt and my hair, if I just shook it out after getting out of bed would look like a train wreck but my hair was in the quiff that Lou had done for me yesterday

Harry just looked naturally hot.

He looked up as he heard my footsteps and began walking towards me.

"Wow." He said after he'd looked at me from head to toe. "You look great Louis!"

"Yeah right." I said, scoffing. He rolled his eyes at me but chose to not reply to my comment.

"Ok. So today we're going to work on your personality." He told me. My personality was fine thank you very much! I thought to myself.

"If you want to be popular you can't act like a sassy b**** to everyone. At least try to be friendly and talk to them. Don't just snap at them like you do with me." He said. I opened my mouth to protest but he stuck a hand in my face as if to say 'don't' so I closed it again.

"To make conversation with someone, find something you have in common with them." He told me. I couldn't help but noticed how adorable he looked instructing me. I was the older one here and yet he was the one giving me the lessons.

"Ok. So try it out with me and if the chemistry's right things will just start to flow." He said.

"She's the man?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow at him.


"Yep. So you've watched it?" he asks me.

"Yeah of course! I love football and that movie is hilarious." I replied to him.

"You like football?" he asked.

"Yeah. I just don't play it much because...." I replied dropping off at the end of the sentence. I couldn't really tell him why I didn't play much because that would reveal too much. I couldn't risk that.

"Because why?" he asked.

"No reason. Just don't really have time." I lied to him.

"Oh. Too busy reading?" he asked teasingly. I laughed and then shook my head.

"Nuh. Just other things." I told him.

"See?" he asked.

"See what?" I replied.

"We're flowing!" he said, quoting She's the Man again. I rolled my eyes.

"We're talking about how I spend my non-existent free time!" I insisted.

"So what. Flow is flow." He replied, sticking his tongue childishly at the end as he continued the quote from She's the Man.

"Anyways, see? We found something we had in common and could talk about and we were off!" he said, his face turning serious again. His serious face was actually quite cute. Why was I noticing these things about him though!?

"Fine!" I huffed at him. I rolled my eyes and turned around just as the bell rang. I walked off towards my first class.

"Wait. Where do you think you're going!? We have first period together." Harry said, grabbing my arm.

"Well what are you waiting for, then?" I said at him. "An invitation to class?" I continued.

"Yes actually." He replied. I rolled my eyes once again at him and walked away from him but once again he stopped me.

"Jeez. You're not going to make any friends by running away from people." He said to me.

"I never said I wanted to make friends." I muttered. I think he heard my comment but decided to ignore it cause he continued walking. Finally we had made it to the hallway. I took a deep breath and opened the double doors leading to the long hallway of classrooms. As soon as I walked in, I swear the hallway got eerily quiet.

I could feel my neck getting warm as my cheeks became red. I looked up but regretted it immediately as I saw everyone's stares on me. Soon however it got louder, the whispers echoed around the hallway as Harry and I walked down the hallway.


"Who is that?" I heard someone whisper

"Is that that nerd? What's his name... Lewis?" I heard another say. My hand tightened into a fist as I heard the common mispronunciation of my name.

"Wow damn he's hot." I heard a girl whisper and I swear my face got even hotter. Thankfully though, Harry continued to push me towards our room and finally we were there.

"Oh Gosh! That was so embarrassing." I said to him as I collapsed into a chair.

"Well get used to it, hot stuff!" he said, cheekily, causing me to blush again.

"How do you put up with this everyday?" I asked him.

"Um... I don't. I never get the reaction you just got." He replied, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"What? How is that possible? You're like gorgeous!" I said and then realising what I said, turned a dark shade of red.

"I mean erm... um...yeah..." I stuttered awkwardly.

"Well thanks, I guess." He replied. By now, most people were in class now so we took a seat at the back of the classroom.

"Harry Styles??" the teacher asked, calling the roll.

"Here, miss!" he said, raising his arm. His t-shirt slid up a bit exposing some of his slightly tanned stomach which for some reason gave me a fluttery feeling in my stomach. Weird.

"Louis Tomlinson?" the teacher asked.

"Here!" I said, putting my hand up. I swear her mouth dropped as she looked up at me. And she was old... Like 30 something. Slightly awkward. I dropped my eyes down to the table as she continued to stare at me speechless.

"Um Miss, you might wanna stop staring at Louis and get on with the roll." Harry said to the teacher who immediately turned a dark shade of red and continued to mark the roll.

"Thanks." I said quietly to him.

"No Worries. She was creeping me out and she wasn't even staring at me." He said. I laughed a bit and then went back to staring at the table.

Once she was done with marking the roll she got to teaching. Everytime she looked back at us however, she would wink at me. And when she had set us work, she came around and checked we were doing it, and would casually slide her manicured hand down my arm. It took all I had not to start puking and run off to the showers and wash her "cooties" off. Yes I know it sounds like I'm in kindergarten or something but it was that gross.

Finally the bell rang. I tried to run out of the classroom as quickly as I could but she caught me, and pulled me towards her. I looked to Harry and silently screamed for help.

"If you feel you need help in anything, feel free to come talk to me, Louis." She said, winking at me flirtatiously.

"Um. I should be good thanks." I said before quickly turning around and heading out of the classroom.

"Oh my gosh that was gross." I said to Harry as we walked towards the cafeteria. "She had her hands all over me." I shivered at the thought.

Harry laughed.

"Well that shows that you really are hot!" he said to me.

"Now I think I'd prefer not to." I told him.

"Hey Louis. I was wondering... well... er... whether you'd like to go out with me one day?" A girl said, coming up to Harry and I. She was actually quite pretty but right now I couldn't get the 30 year old's hands and winks out of my head.

"Um. Not at the moment, sorry. Maybe another time." I told her. I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty as she turned away with a sad look on her face.

"See? Don't you like being hot? You have girls throwing themselves at you!" Harry said to me.

"I don't know." I said quietly.

"Well anyways, we need to get you new glasses that will show off your eyes better this afternoon. Ok? I'll meet you at the same place we did yesterday." He said before pulling me over to where his friends were sitting. I took a deep breath as I followed him. Would they like me?

A/N Well here's Chapter 3! What do you think Louis' reason for not playing football much now is? Why do you think he's worried about risking too much? What do you think of this chapter? Votes and comments very much appreciated! Thank you :D


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