《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 1


A/N Hello everyone! So here is the first chapter of Beauty and The Geek!! I know I said that I'd upload it next week cause of my exams but I was in a really bad mood and I really couldn't study so I thought I'd somehow lighten up my mood by writing the first chapter of this! :D I hope you guys like this!!!

Chapter 1

Harry's POV

I took a deep breath as I walked into the quiet library. I swear this is like the first time in a while that I've walked into here. It might as well be a foreign country for all I know. The library was eerily quiet. I never liked it in here because of that. That and the librarians seem to just like telling people off. However there's one person they never tell off, and that one person is the reason I'm here... in this 'foreign country'. Louis Tomlinson.

Louis Tomlinson... how would I describe Louis Tomlinson? Actually I wouldn't because I would never interact with him at all. The only thing I know about him is that he is... I guess you could say... a geek. He's always in the library and his glasses were always covering his eyes as he glanced down at another humongous novel. How does he even read those things? They're so fat and boring!

Now you're probably wondering, if I would never interact with Louis Tomlinson, why am I here? Why am I here to see Louis Tomlinson? Well let's put it this way, a game of Truth or Dare can change a lot of things.

The Night of the Party - 2 days ago

I walked into the loud room. My ears filled with the familiar sound of loud music pumping from the dance floor and the loud chatting of people gossiping. I looked around the room searching for the 4 people I was there for.


"Hey Haz!" Zayn called. I turned around to see the all too familiar olive skinned, dark haired, tattoo covered boy walking over to me, waving.

"Hey Zayn. Where's the others?" I asked him. Zayn had been my best friend since we both started school together and then we had met Liam and Niall who had been best friends since forever pretty much.

"Liam is over there, making out with Danielle and Niall is being Irish and drinking." He replied pointing out the two boys. As he said, Liam was sitting on one of the chairs making out with his long-term girlfriend, Danielle and Niall was holding a glass of alcohol while nodding his head along to the music.

"Ok. Let's not interrupt Payzer." I said to him. Payzer was the name we came up for Danielle and Liam since Danielle's last is Peazer and Liam's is Payne. Payne + Peazer = Payzer.

"Yeah let's go talk to Niall before he gets too drunk." Zayn said, leading me over to where Niall was sitting.

"Hey Nialler!" I called waving at him. His little blonde head whipped around as he heard his name called then seeing it was me, he smiled and waved.

"Hey Haz!" he called, getting off his seat and walking over to me with another glass of alcohol in his hand.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" someone screamed loudly when he had made his way over to Zayn and I. The people in the room erupted into loud cheering before a few people headed over to a room on the side.

"You want to go?" Niall asked. I shook my head, fiercely while Zayn nodded.

"Aww come on Haz! You're a party pooper!" Niall said pleadingly.

"Fine!" I said, walking with them over to the room. There were quite a few people there, probably around 20 or so.


We played for a while until it got to my turn.

"Truth or Dare, Haz." Zayn asked me.

"Dare!" I said, always up for a good dare.

"You know Louis Tomlinson, the nerd?" Zayn said. Oh no... this wasn't going to turn out well.

"Yeah." I said

"Well I dare you to give him a makeover. You have to make him into one of the hottest and most popular guys at school." Zayn said.

Back to the Present - in the library

And that was how and why I ended up in the library today. I looked around the library searching for the brown hair of the guy I needed to see. Finally, I spotted him, sitting by himself on a bean bag with his head buried in yet another book.

Taking another breath I walked over to him and sat down on the bean bag next to him.

"Hi Louis." I said quietly to him. He just continued reading, looking very intently at the words on the page. I rolled my eyes and tried again.

"Louis?" still no response.

"Louis!?" I exclaimed, a little louder than I'd intended. The librarian glared at me as she put some books back on the shelf.

"Sorry." I said to her.


"What do you want?" he said rudely to me, finally looking up from his book. Attitude much....

"I want to give you a makeover." I said simply. He looked at me incredulously as if I had three eyes or something.

"What?" he asked me.

"I said I want to give you a makeover." I repeated slowly.

"I'm not stupid, you know." He replied.

"Oh I know. Anyways, so what do you say?" I asked.

"No." he said, turning back to his book while pushing his thick glasses back up his nose.

"You know you want to. Have you ever thought about how it would be like to walk down the corridor of school and rather than being pushed around by the crowd, a lane opens and you just walk through it. Have you ever thought about how it would feel to have girls and possibly guys throwing themselves at you? Have you ever thought about going to tons of parties on Friday nights rather than staying home and reading? Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be popular?" I asked him. I was actually quite proud with my little speech. I think I persuaded him.

"No." or maybe not....

"Why not?" I asked him. "I'm giving you a once in a lifetime opportunity!"

"Why are you doing this, Harry? You never talk to me. Why are you so eager to talk me and give me a makeover now?" he asked.

"Because I want to. Is that a problem?" I asked him.

"Yes. Because you never talk to me at all!" he said. Very true point... but I couldn't give up.

"I want to give you a makeover ok? I want you to be popular because honestly I think you have the potential too." I told him.

"Fine. On one condition. If this doesn't work, you'll let me go back to my own life and you won't interfere. Is that clear?" he said.

"Crystal." Bring it on Louis Tomlinson. It's makeover time.

A/N Well there's chapter 1! I hope you all liked it! Let me know what you think :) If you have any suggestions for the makeover, feel free to let me know via comment or PM. Votes and comments very much appreciated!

Thank you,

Rebecca x

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