《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》7- The mystery gang


I tap my pencil on my desk, staring at the clock. I'm currently in Calculus and siting by good ole Ace.

He taps me on the shoulder. "Princess, Want to hang with me and my friends? We're going to a carnival." He asks while drawing mustaches on people in his math book.

Wow! He's actually is inviting me to hang out with him and his idiot friends? Maybe I should say no. This could be another scheme to prank me!

"I don-!"

"You can invite Kaia! I promise I won't prank you." He pleads with puppy dog eyes, that make me want to pinch his cheeks.

"Oh alright." I giggle, giving in to him. "I'll go but NO. MORE. PRANKING." I push my finger into his solid chest to show I'm serious.

He puts his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay. Okay. Princess, I promise I will not prank you."

I nod with a satisfied smile. "Well than I'm looking forward to a day at a carnival, Pretty boy!"

The day went by fast as I drive with Kaia, to a clothing shop. Usually my clothes come from online stores, like Neiman Marcus or Bloomingdales, but sometimes I like typical teenage stores like Forever 21 and American Eagle.

We walk in Banana Republic looking at shoes to go with our outfits. I settle for cute, white sandals.

Kaia and I drive from the mall to the Carnival, where we'll meet the guys.


I park my Mercedes next to Ace's Maserati. He and two other boys lean against it.

"Hey Har, Kai." Ace nods his head in our direction. His green eyes are covered with a pair of shades.

"Hello Ace."

Ace nudges his two friends who give us a smile. "I'm Brody Black and this-" The tall one points to the shortest amount the group. "This is Calix."

"You can call me Cal. Nobody calls me Calix." He runs a hand through his dyed silver hair. "Wow! You two are like sooo gorgeous! Like little goddesses." Cal flashes his pearly white smile, making Kaia and I look at each other.

"Don't worry Cal is gayer than the twirler in a pride parade." Ace reassures, he come to stand by me.

"Well I don't know about y'all, but I'm heading off to the food court." Brody states, looking at a little girl who is carrying chili cheese fries.

"Dude. We just had Taco Bell on the way here."

"Your point!" Brody blushes and crosses his arms over his chest.

Ace sighs but walks towards the food court. I get Cotton Candy. Ace gets a blue Slurpee. Cal gets candy. Kaia gets nachos and candy. And Brody gets two hotdogs, fries, candy, chips and popcorn.

Oh yeah and a Coke! Let's not forget the Coke!


How he eats all of the food he ordered! I have no flipping clue!

Oooo! Let's do the Escape Room!" Kaia jumps up and down in her seat like a little girl on Christmas morning.

"A girl after my heart." Brody smirks down at Kaia. She only raises an eyebrow at him.

That's my girl! Keep dem' boys on their toes!

The employee in in charge of the maze. Smiles when he sees us. "Hello! How many?" He asks, looking at me. His brown eyes look me up and down in interest.

"Umm...five please." I stutter feeling uncomfortable. I mean you would too. Imagine someone looking at you as if you were a yummy looking taco! It would make you feel gross! Especially if the perv looked like a hobo!

Ace wraps a friendly arm around my shoulders as if he could read my mind. The freak looks at us the his face turns sour. "There's only two escape rooms, and only two people can go in each room. So one of you will have to sit out." He sighs as he opens the doors to each room.

"I'll sit out." Cal volunteers making me feel guilty.

"No-!" I start to speak but Cal gives me a cheeky smile.

"Don't worry about it Harley. I'm going to try to get with that hot hunk of meat over there." He points to a red head man sitting alone at a table.

I laugh as he joins the man. "That boy!" Brody says, rubbing his temples.

"Alright I'm with Ms. Playing-Hard-To-Get!" Brody winks, and slings his arm over Kai's shoulders. Kaia's cheeks turn a faint blush of pink, but she quickly recovers. She gives Brody a glare and pushes his arm off her.

"It's kinda' hot seeing you try so hard to resist me!" He wiggles his brows with an 'up-to-no-good' smirk.

I laugh at the face my BFF/cousin makes. She obviously has a wee bit of a crush on the dude, but I know Kai will make him work for it!

"Okay you two. Keep it PG now! I'll team up with the Little Princess here." Ace pats my head to show how short I am. Well I'm not that short, he's just like the 'Green Giant' of a Vegetable can.

Ace and I walk into a room, I hear a click of a lock when the employee shuts the door. A deeper voice man goes on a speaker, next to a clock on the wall.

"Welcome to the Escape Room. You'll have exactly ten minutes to find a way out. The first team to solve the room wins. Have fun!" The speaker goes dead and now the mystery begins.

We search, look and snoop to find some clues. Blue's Clues has nothing on us!


I feel like I'm on Scooby Doo!

I start to go through books on a shelf, looking for anything that could get us out of this hot ass room.

"Doll, I May have found something!" Ace's voice startled me, but I run up to see what he's talking about. He's holding a wrinkled paper with a picture of red 'X' on the wall. I grab the paper looking around the room.

Then it hits me like a truck going 80 mph.

The 'X' should be where a painting of a fake Mona Lisa is. I drop the paper and run over to the beautiful lady on the wall. Damn she looks like a work of art!

Ha! Get it- Cause she's a painting-! Okay I'll shut my trap!

My short ass stand on my tip-toes trying to reach for the painting but its impossible. I growl, hopping this time, in hopes of making the painting move.

I hear a deep rumble of laughter come from behind me. I scowl at Ace, who is hunched over in hysterics.

"Stop laughing at me! Or I'll punch you!" I threaten, trying to keep a smirk off my face. I will admit his laugh is contagious.

His eyebrows shoot up and his face mocks a scared look. "No need to be violent, Doll." He ruffles my hair making me pinch his arm.

Don't mess with super curly haired people. Their hair will frizz and make the owner want to kill you!

He grabs the painting and sets it on the floor. The red 'X' in the wall is now visible and right below the 'X' is a key hole. "Huh weird. We need a-!"

I see a shiny object on the back of the canvas, on the floor. A key is taped to the canvas. I insert the key and it reveals a code to the door.

I high five Ace and put the code in. The doors unlock, I look around but Kai and Brody are no where in sight.

Ha! We beat them!

After about five minutes of waiting for those two, we end up playing classic carnival games. My favorite game is throwing a ball in an empty fish tank. If a ball goes in, you when a fish! I was always bad a throwing the ball, it would either bounce off the rim or hit someone passing by!

Ace stands by my side as I attempt to throw a ball in. In this specific game you needed to make three out of the five balls they give you, in the tank. I made only two.

I let out a growl of frustration and hear Ace chuckle. "Here let me try, Harlow." Ace gives the bored teen a dollar.

Ace throws all the balls in and only missed one. "What the-!" Ace smirks down at me. How the hell did he do that! I swear all these game were rigged!

"Congrats pick out your fish." The teen hold a bag of water and a net.

Ace looks down at me. "Which one, Doll?" I stare in shock. He wants me to pick his fish out. He seems to see the confusion in my face. "Pick your fish out!" He emphasized the word your.

I smile feeling like a little girl in a candy shop. I look at the gold fish and see one fish that looks different from the rest. "That one please!" I point, watching the fish scatter as the net goes in the water.

It was a cute, little, chubby fish. "Thank you Pretty Boy." I smile up at him, feeling like I won the lottery.

Hell yesss! I think I'll name my fish Chubb!

I give Ace a little hug in gratitude and we walk to find our friends. My eyes land on a familiar face. I recognize his friendly smile and blonde hair.

Daniel sees me too cause he waves at me. "Hey Harlow. I didn't except to see you here. Or you Ace." He walks over to us with another guy by his side.

"It is a public Carnival so it shouldn't be too weird seeing us here." Ace says crossing his arms over his chest. I nudge him with my elbow, gesturing to be nice!

Daniel just laughs, not getting Ace's rudeness. "Yeah I guess so." His eyes connect with mine and he gives me a little smile. "I guess I'll see you two around!" He waves once again but his blue orbs never leave mine. I blush as he winks and goes in line to ride a roller coaster.

Ace mumbles something too low for me to hear under his breath. I look at him curiously but he looks away.


I drive Kaia home after our eventful day. "So, Kai.....You like Brody?" I rub my shoulder into hers, purposely acting annoying.

"W-what!? NO!" Her gaze leaves my face and looks out the window. I know she is trying to hide her giddy expression.

"Who was that cute blonde boy, who came up to you and Ace?" She cocks her head trying to get the attention off her.

I see right through you Kaia!

I give in anyway. I bite my lip thinking about him. "Daniel is his name. I met him at the King's family Ball." I shrug my shoulders and pull up to the drive way.

Kaia nods her head. "I'm still team Ace." I hear her mumble. Before I can ask what she meant, she hops out my car, shuts the door and walks inside her house.


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