《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》8- Little Pomeranian




"Asswipe!" I scream at my brother. He's taking my leather jackets and giving them to his 'girlfriend.'

"No hoe!" He retorts. I growl at the fucker in front of me. To say Asher was annoying was an understatement.

How he got a girlfriend in the two months we've been going to a new school. I don't know?! I barley have any friends! I barley had friends when I was his age.

Shit, Casper was my BFF until my dad's ass crushed him on the couch!


"Asher Alfonzo Valentine! If you do not give me my leather jacket back, I will destroy your precious Nike's." I grab one of his "limited addition" Air Jordan's and pull a X-Acto Knife from a container. I set the blade on his white shoelaces.

"No stop you bitch!" He drops my jacket like it was burning him. He looks scared for his lifeless shoe. I grin in victory!

"I swear mom gave birth to a devil!" He mumbles then huffs.

"Thanks Ashy-Pashy!" I tease him in a baby voice and grab his cheeks.

"Oh fuck off already!" He whines, running up the stairs.

I swear he loves me deep down!

I sit on the couch and flip through TV shows, I don't know what to do with myself. I'm totally bored and acting lazier that my dumb brother. It's a three day weekend for me, and Kaia with her exotic self, is on a damn cruise! That leaves me to stare at the white walls.

I flip the channel to Tom and Jerry. This show never gets old. I laugh as Tom gets hit with a baseball bat.

My phone starts ringing, I answer it thinking it's Kaia.

I hear a deep chuckle come from the other line.

I gave Ace my number at the Carnival we went to. He's actually a pretty chill dude! We are somewhat friends, even though we bicker A LOT!

I hear shuffling in the background and her Ace yell 'shut up.' The phone makes a weird static noise, then I hear laughing.

I laugh as I now hear Cal's voice.

"Stop Cal! If you don't give me my phone back I'll tell all the guys at our school that you have crabs." Ace voice growls in the background.


I snicker as I hear cursing going back and forth between both of them.

Cal says as I hear a huge slap against skin.

I sigh in relief as I hear Ace's deep voice.

I want to go, it would be good for me to get out more. But...Kaia won't be there to keep me company, or to make sure I don't drink too much.

I mean fuck....After one drink I'm fucked up! I'm such a lightweight loser!

I can practically picture Ace's face looking like a hopeless little pup.

I roll my eyes playfully even though he can't see me.

I grin shutting off my phone. I get a text message from Ace telling me when the party starts, and also him saying thank you for coming.

I walk to my closet and shuffle through my clothes. I find a perfect outfit. Not too much but enough to make a entrance.

I grin spritzing perfume on and walk downstairs. I find my dad downstairs on a MacBook.

"Hey Bean Sprout!" He looks up from the screen to greet me.

"Hey Dad. I won't be back ti'll later. I'm going to a party."

He frowns a bit but nods. "Well same for me, I'm going out in a couple hours. The next game for the 49ers is in Florida. So, I won't see you until next week." He opens his arms for a hug. I always miss my dad when he travels, but there's alway FaceTime.

I kiss his cheek and grab my wallet. "See you later Dad. I love you!" I blow him kisses while walking out the door.

By the time I get to Ace's house, I can hear music blasting and many cars parked by his house. I ring the doorbell and some random drunk guy answers.

"Ooh hello there, Pretty lady!" The dirty-blonde holds a red solo cup and is wobbling on his feet. I raise an eyebrow while he steps aside to let me in.

I walk in the mansion. The smell of alcohol and food are mixed in the air. People are grinding, kissing, drinking and my personal favorite....Sitting alone in a corner and texting!


I sip on my fourth serving of Vodka. I'm currently grinding on some horny guy. I stop and stare when I see the hottest fucking dude at the drink table.


I don't know if it's the alcohol or me feeling brave, but I walk up to him. He turns around with a smirk. "Hello Harlow. You look pretty, well you always do."

"Thanks Danny. Y-you always looks like pretty t-too!" My words are slurred and make no sense due to my drunken state.

At least I know when I'm fucked up!

I twirl my finger around my black curls. I let a giggle out when he hands me my fifth drink.

"Well thank you Har! I loved being called pretty by a beautiful lady."

I giggle like a cliché schoolgirl. He moves his face towards mine and we make out. His lips are so soft as they move against mine. I place my hands on his chest as his hand caresses my cheek. Our tongues fight for dominance, he wins without a doubt. He tastes like mixture of mint and alcohol.

Im now getting even drunker off Danny's mouth. I smile against his lips. "D-Danny, you taste and s-smell good. I-I like you. Dan. Knee!" I pronounce his name slowly and rest my head on his forehead.

A deep chuckle erupts from his mouth. A sound that could put a fallen angel back in Heaven.

"Well Im glad you like me because I like you too, Kitten." I almost pounce on him in lust as he calls me by a nickname.

"WHO IS UP FOR A GAME OF WOULD YOU RATHER!?" A guy stands on a table inviting people to play. Or at least I think it's a guy...My vision is a wee bit blurry.

"Can we pleaseee play, Danny! Pretty please with ice cream on top!" I hop up and down like a bunny in his arms.

He laughs letting me go. "Yeah you don't have to ask me." He grabs my hand while we make our way to a huge circle with players.

We sit in a circle while the game goes on. The game works like this. A person will ask you a would you rather question. You either have to say or do one of the would you rather's.

A girl with long, straight blonde hair and pink nails is questioned by, Cole, a popular bad boy that goes to our school.

"Rena would you rather, Make out with your ex or take your shirt off?" Cole questions with a smug smirk. Rena however matches his smirk. She takes off her shirt, revealing a pink laced bra. Wolf whistles are heard around the circle.

Up next is me. Cole looks me up and down with interest in his grey eyes. "Harlow." My names rolls off his tongue. "Would you rather, take off your shirt and pants, or make out with me!" He points his thumb at his chest.

Oh fuck!

There is no fucking way I would make out with Cole. Yeah sure he was hot, but I just wasn't interested in him. I stand up, slowly pulling off my black crop top. My fancy black and nude bra is revealed. I loved this bra because it made my cleavage look good.

I was lucky to have a good pair of boobs with my petite body. Just like Rena, I got wolf whistles and hoots of encourage.

Damn I'm really drunk.

I start to pull down my pants but a hand on my wrist stops me. "And nope! That's enough fun for you, Princess." A husky voice makes me growl like a dog.

"Harley when you growl you look like a little, harmless Pomeranian."

I turn around to give the guy a piece of my mind but stop. Ace stands there with a disappointed look on his face. He bends down, picks up my shirt and pulls me by my wrist.

I hear a bunch of "Boos," "Aww man I wanted to see her without pants" , and "Damn I'm hard!" The whole group complains as I'm dragged away.

I dig my heels in the carpet but it doesn't really help. Ace was taller and stronger than me!

"Fine Princess don't cooperate." Ace sighs. Without a warning he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder!

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