《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》6- Life is a ball


It's finally the weekend and the day of the charity ball. I spent my whole day going to a hair salon, nail salon and makeup artist. My brown locks were curled up into a bun with a little tiara on top. My makeup was a red smokey eye that went with my dress and I had white nails to give my look a pop.

"Do you mind zipping this up for me cuz?" Kaia asks, reaching over her shoulder to try to reach the gold zipper. I zip it up and brush out the wrinkles.

"You look nice Kai!" I hand her a green Prada clutch to match her dress.

"Thanks but you're beyond pretty!" She smiles while I shake my head laughing.

We walk down stairs to see Asher in a brown suit, my dad in a black tux and my mom in a pretty blue gown that makes her ocean eyes pop.

"Oh honey you look so beautiful! Kaia you look good too!" My mom, Kaia and I squeal while having girly talk.

Dad rolls his eyes. "Jeez Vera! Your going to pop my eardrum!" Dad teases my mom but kisses her shoulder.

The door bell rings and I run as fast as I can in heels. I open and let out another girly squeal. My uncles Riki, Charlie, Teddy all stand at the door with their wives. And my little cousin Lex stand at the door in a yellow fairy dress. She holds Uncle Teddy's hand while tugging on her mom's hand.

"Hey Harley. You look gorgeous!" Auntie Nadia kisses my cheek while walking over to my mom. I greet them individually and soon it's time to head over to Mr. and Mrs. King's mansion.

I ring the door bell and already hear live orchestra music play. The door is answered by guess who..?


His pistachio green eyes widen at me. He looks me up and down than his eyes drift over to my family. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Valentine, thank you for coming!"

I walk in and my family goes straight to the food while I turn to Ace.

"Ace." I acknowledge him. He clears his throat, "Harlow you look......Pretty!" His cheeks turn a faint color of pink which causes me to blush. I hope the makeup covers my red cheeks.

"Thanks!" I look down avoiding his pretty eyes. I swear every time I look at him, I feel my soul slowly drift away!


The door bell rings thankfully cutting our awkward interaction short. I walk over to the donation box and drop in a check for $90,000. The charity goes to kids who have cancer and can't afford treatment. A little of the money also goes to research.

I walk to the food table and see a variety of different foods. Wines, cocktails and liquor sit on one table. Caviar, shrimp, Crab, lobster, saffron and Oysters sit in the middle table. Last but surly not least the dessert table. It's filled with pie, chocolates, chocolate covered fruit and a eight layered cake.

I take a chocolate covered cherry and pop it in my mouth. I hear a husky laugh behind me. Ace stands in his black tux and tie. "Be careful Princess, you don't want to pop a cherry." He winks making the temperature rise a whole ass fifty degrees. I look away hoping he doesn't see me blush.

"Aww is Harley embarrassed?" He trails his finger down my arm leaving goosebumps.

"N-no." I clear my raspy throat. "Maybe my cherry is already popped!" I say without thinking. Where the hell did that come from!?


Ace let's out a booming laugh. "Oh sweetheart, I know a virgin when I see one!" I stand there in shock. The fuck that's supposed to mean?

Is it that obvious? It doesn't matter though! I'm saving my virginity for someone who is special to me.

Remember kids Virginity Rocks!

"Whatever." I roll my eyes trying to hide my smile.

I walk away and head to the ball room floor. The King family moved their furniture to make dancing room. I bump into someone or something and start to fall.

"Oh shi-!"

"Whoa, are you okay?" Strong arms circle around my waist and pull me up before I could hit the floor.

"S-Sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I look at my guardian angel to see a tall guy with pretty blue eyes. His blonde hair is slicked back and a his Navy suit fits his sculpted body perfectly.

"Don't be sorry. I'm happy I ran into a cute little lady." His smooth words make me giggle.

"I'm Daniel. Your the new kid right?" He extends a hand that I gladly accepted.

"Yeah I'm Harlow. It's nice to meet you!" I smooth out my dress while he gives me a breathtaking smile.


He was handsome. Blondes weren't usually my type, but there's something different about him that made him almost irresistibly attractive.

"Well Harlow....May I have a dance with you?" Right on cue the song Blue Danube Waltz by Johann Strauss II came on.

"Okay people! The charity dance has begun! Get with a partner and waltz your clothes off!" A lady standing on a glass platform talks into a mic. "Every time the music stops switch partners and keep dancing. If you stop you have to donate $200 for every time you stop waltzing."

The music starts playing up again and I grin at Daniel. "I would love to dance with you." We start off in simple movements until the music gets to an exciting point. I'm twirled around like a dreidel and dipped like a tortilla chip in a bowl of guacamole.

"Wow your a good dancer. You haven't even stepped on my feet yet!" Danny says dipping me as the music dies down.

"Your not too shabby yourself."

The music stops and I'm immediately in another man's arms. I look to see my dad.

"Hey sweetheart. You look very pretty!" Dad smiles as he spins me. I give him a smile and thank him.

Next I'm thrown into my brothers arms. "Hey short stack!" Asher's annoying voice fills my ears.

"Hey asshole." I pinch his ear as he thinks of a comeback.

"Bitch." He hisses.

"Dick." I make sure to jam my nails in his back after he decided to pinch my arm.

"Bit-! I mean hoe!" He stammers as I laugh in victory.

"Uh-Uh-Uh. You were about to say bitch which means you lose!"

"Yeah I was ABOUT to! I didn't say it completely Harley. Which means I still-!"

"Nope!" I cut him off and, thank god the mic lady goes back up on the platform.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen. This is the last dance of the night. So far we have raised a total of TWO MILLION DOLLARS!" Cheers and hoots fill up the room. I clap happy that this money goes to a good cause.

"Now change partners and get ready for the last dance of the night!"

My brown eyes widen when I see who I'm dancing with next.


"Ace I didn't know you could dance." I tease as his muscular arms wrap around my waist.

"Of course I can dance princess." He rolls his eyes and we sway as the music starts. The music becomes louder and faster. That's when Ace tightens his grip on my waist and picks me up in the air like we're on 'Dancing with the Stars.' I let out a soft squeal but he catches me. I see him chuckle and look down at me.

"Your too cute." He smirks making me blush. Well he isn't too bad himself.


I'm sitting on my couch with my jammies and makeup off. A bowl of BBQ Lays chips sit in my lap while Gossip Girl plays.

After the ball I couldn't go to sleep. I wasn't surprised though because, if I do any type of exercise during the night, I get a second wind. Dancing included.

I hear loud elephant stomps coming down the stairs. Asher groans rubbing his eyes and sits on the couch with me.

"What's wrong, bud?" I offer him chips which he gladly accepts.

"Mmm nothing. I'm just not in the mood for sleep." He shrugs grabbing more chips out my bowl.

"I feel yuh." I ruffle his short curly hair while he cusses me out.

"Quit that!"

"Hey darlings. What are y'all doing up?" Mom walks in while dad follows her from behind. Mom's hair is braided and both Asher and my dad has their shirts off.

"We couldn't fall asleep." I offer them some chips and they take a seat. Mom sits next to me while I snuggle under her arm. Dad puts his long arm over the couch next to Ash's head.

"Let's watch a movie!" Dad suggest stealing the remote from my hands.

"But dad I was watching Gossip Girl!" I whine trying to get the remote back.

"But Harley." He mocks. "I really don't care sweetheart."

Marvel's End Game fills up on our big TV. We watched this movie millions of times but it's our family movie. So I will never get bored of it!

I grin standing up. "I'll go refill the chip bowl and pop some corn!"

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