《Daddy, I love you.》XII


I sigh and place my backpack on my back since its filled with some sweets and I grab my favorite blanket. I bump into daddy on my way out "I sowwy" I say "why are you so down? im going to tickle you" he says making me squeal and start running around the room. "No daddy!" I giggle as he corners me, his hands attack my sides and i start laughing almost to the point of crying.

"I want to be a big girl on this trip" I say suddenly, I don't know why I said it. It just came out. Daddy just looks at me and runs a hand through his perfect hair "but I still want my little girl" he says "I'll always be your little girl its just that no one else knows and its weird for them I guess" I speak truthfully he nods and I intertwine our fingers together. I cup his cheek with my free hand "I love you, thank you so much for everything" I say and lightly kiss his lips.

"Its my pleasure, I love you too" he says, we get up and make our way to the bonfire outside. "Daddy what's your favorite color?" I ask "black is nice" he simple says "favorite food?" He makes a thinking face "lasagna with lots of cheese for sure" he smiles at me. We pick a spot and settle down with me sitting on daddy's lap. We all cheer when the beer finally arrived.

"Goodbye innocence" I say once a bottle is handed to me and daddy takes off the cap. I'm hesitant on taking my first sip but mentally say fuck it and go for my first sip, its good. "Do you like it?" Daddy asks and I nod "you won't like the hangover" he laughs and my cheeks turn a bit red. "Daddy" I whine "I'm sorry princess" he kisses my lips "don't say I didn't warn you"he kisses me once again.

Just as im about to start my second bottle I can feel the liquor in my system, its playing with my head and I just giggle. Daddy wraps me up in a blanket as I drink my beer. To say the least i don't know what I did last night or how much I drank all I know is that I woke up with a killer headache and an arm on my waist. I shake daddy only making him groan, I get out of his tight hold and sprint to the bathroom, I open the toilet seat just in time.


I throw up and it feels sort of good to just let everything out, daddy rushes to my side immediately and holds my hair back while stroking my back. Once there's nothing more to release from my body i sigh and flush, daddy puts me on top of the counter "hi" I say my voice sounding hoarse "hi" he says back.

"What happened? What did I do last night?" I ask ready to take full responsibilities for my actions. "You were drunk off your ass, you sang, you danced, you even wanted to go into the water then you made me chase you but I caught you before you could get away like always" he kisses my forehead making a giggle escape my lips.

I brush my teeth and take things out of my wardrobe "daddy I don't know what to wear" i sigh and okay with the waist band of my Calvin Klein underwear "you don't have to wear anything" he hovers over me and kisses my neck "I have a headache" I groan making him chuckle. He throws me a black dress that is below the knee and the white converse he bought me.

I throw it on and look at myself in the mirror "your hair should be straight" he suggests "okay" he does my hair and I look at myself again as hands hold my waist "what's the matter princess?" He spins me around "it's just that I feel disgusting" I frown "I think we should buy a pregnancy test" he lifts up my chin "b-but im on the pill" im on the verge of tears.

"I just want to safe okay? We can go today just to get it over with" I nod and he lets go of me. Its like going back to my depression all over again, i don't want him to leave me. He takes a hold of my hand and we go out to his car, the drive to the pharmacy doesn't take long. "Are you doing it back home?" I ask "where you want" he gives my hand a squeeze

We buy a pregnancy test that seems accurate well we went through every single kind and it seemed the best. We paid and asked for the restroom "I want to go in by myself" I say "okay I'll be waiting out here" he kisses my head. I walk in and pee on the stick, it says to wait a couple minutes for the results and I begin to pace. He's not going to want me.


Once the time is up, I pick up the stick and look at the results. I've had this birth control thing in me since I was 15 since he didn't want me to have any unexpected children. I always got it changed and it has never failed me but things change and stuff happens, im not pregnant and im glad.

I feel a little happier about the news so I walk out and jump into Vince's arms "I'm not pregnant" I say "thats good new babygirl" I kiss him and I love him so much. "I want to go shopping" I demand with a pout "anything for you my princess" he shaved but I can feel the hair growing back already. We walk out hand in hand to the car, its really hot out today.

When im in the car, Carla calls me;

"Hey! Guess what?" She squeals

"What" I ask

"Chloe left! And we're meeting at the beach, its hot as hell"

"When?" I ask

"Well its 12 now so maybe at 2:30-3:00"

"Can you bring me a bathing suit?"

"Sure thing babydoll your body is to die for"

I laugh and say bye.

"Who was that?" Daddy asks already on his way to the mall "Carla, she said Chloe left and that everyone is going to the beach" I smile "oh god, the beach? we're so many people" he groans making me giggle. I turn on the radio and sing along to the songs that are being played, when we get to the mall we walk in hand in hand.

"I'm going in here" I say trying to be quiet because daddy is on the phone. When I enter it looks really expensive but I still manage to check some things out. "Um excuse me but why are you on here?" a middle aged lady asks me "maybe I wanted to buy something" I snap back "you can't afford anything in here" she smirks "oh yeah?" and like on cue daddy walks in.

"See anything you like?" He asks when I approach him "that lady was being mean to me" I pout, she walks over to us and her eyes widen "Vince, its nice to see you" I can smell her nerves "you were being mean to my girlfriend?" He asks "I-I didn't know, she just looked like she was lost and didn't seem like the type of people who could afford this stuff" I glare at her and walk off.

I sit in the parking lot and start thinking about some things. I don't fit in here, im tired of people treating me like this i just can't do it anymore. Vince sits next to me and sighs "I can't do this, I-I can't go on like this. I thought I could handle it but I can't. I'm going back to my shitty apartment and back to my shitty job. I love you believe me but this lifestyle its just not for me" I don't notice the hot tears streaming down my face

"You can't leave, its not what you want" I can tell he's trying hard not to cry "it is and I've made up my mind. I'm sorry" we sit beside each other crying without a sound, I rest my head on his shoulder and my heart is breaking. What have I done? But its for the best, soon enough we'll be happy and he's going to find someone who grew up rich and spoiled not poor and hungry.

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