《Daddy, I love you.》XIII


She's leaving. It's all my fucking fault if only I took care of her better and gave her whatever she needed then maybe just maybe she would've stayed with me longer. We drove in silence and packed up, we said goodbye to no one and thats only because they were all expecting us at the beach. It was supposed to be a good day, I hate myself.

She doesn't bother taking anything back from our house it pains me to say that since now its only my house, all lonely and cold. I take her back and she kisses my cheek goodbye. I drive home and drop the keys on the counter, I scream until my voice is nearly gone and I cry until I can't feel anymore pain.

I drink and drink and drink until i pass out and can't drink anymore. I've been in bed for a couple days now just getting up to use the bathroom and going to pee. She hasn't texted or called she probably found someone better, someone who isn't me. I hate myself why am I never good enough? Why just why?

I have never loved anyone this much before and she's gone. I can't deal with myself, I pick up another bottle and a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. I grab my keys and make my way to my car, maybe shes home I just need to feel her touch its been a 2 weeks for fuck's sake I miss her so much. Way too fucking much.

I park the car and take another swing of the rum letting it burn down my throat, I want her back. I smoke a cigarette while making my way to her apartment door, I knock and knock until I can feel my knuckles being split open. She opens up in a night gown, she has bags under her eyes and it seems like she has lost weight. "Are you okay?" I can tell she's worried "please take me back, I miss you and I can see you're not okay" she pushes me in and I lay down on her old couch.


"That is no excuse for you to come here drunk off your ass" I laugh a real painful laugh and she just stares at me with her big brown eyes "Vince im doing alright by myself" she sighs "liar" I stand up and look in her fridge its nothing but water. "you have no food, you're skinnier now and-" I step closer to her and notice a black eye "who did this to you?" I speak calmly "I'm okay" she reassures me "no you're not! who hurt you?" I practically yell making her shush me and lead me into her room.

"Calm down" she hands me a bottle of water which I refuse "please tell me" I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear "I can't" she whispers "why not?" rage slowly takes over me "it'll get worse, I can't tell" I hug her and she fights to get out of my grip but just gives in and cries into my chest. "It's okay, I'm here" I coo laying down on the bed with her.

Soon enough she stops crying "I miss you" she says "I miss you too" I say "come live with me, I have a spare room and you can have your own space" she shakes her head "I-I'm better off here" I nod and decide not to push her. We lay together for a while "V-Vince I think you should go, its getting late" she yawns. "No way darling, im sleeping here tonight with you on this bed or on that couch if you want me to-" just as im about to continue i hear light snores. My princess is sleeping.

I wake up at the crack ass of dawn just to grab some clothes at home and grab some things to make her some breakfast. When I come back its already 6am, I start cooking and once im done i drink some coffee and read the paper. I hear groaning "good morning sleeping beauty" I say happily making her eyes widen a bit more "i thought you left" she sits next to me and I can't help but notice her wearing her outfit to work. If only I could fuck her right here


Her voice makes me stop thinking so dirty. "You made breakfast?" She raises a brow "no someone else did" I smirk making her hit my arm playfully "you are something else. I serve her, her food and she eats rather quickly. She burps and giggles "excuse me" she says and I just watch her drink her apple juice.

"You're such a little bitch" she groans "okay asshole" we push and shove each other out of the door and I make sure to lock up. "Jesus Christ, that was fun" she laughs "I'll be dropping you off and picking you up from work every day" I say once we're on the road "alright" im surprised she doesn't argue with me.

The drive is silent but a comfortable silence and she is almost out the door once we park "no goodbye kiss huh?" I tease making her flip me off "alright see you later I fucking love you. I might consider tattooing it to your forehead" her cheeks turn bright red and she hurries on inside. God I do love that women and she loves me back.

That's how weeks passed, I would sleepover her apartment or she would sleepover my house and I gave her rides back and forth just to make sure she was safe. Weekends were her days off so I took her out to movies or dinner with my family, they liked her very much. It was almost time to pick her ups hen I got a call.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hey Vince its Cheryl from the diner" I can hear her voice shake

"I'm almost going to pick up Cass" I say

"Y-yeah well there was this man well there is this man and he's drunk off his ass, I don't know how she knows him but he hit her and shes got a busted lip. He's outside, we locked him out and the police were called they'll be here shortly. I'm sorry" my heart aches, he hit my babygirl.

"She wants to talk to you" I hear her hand the phone over "daddy, please come get me I wanna go home" she cries into the phone "I'll be there shortly hun, stay put" I hear her almost inaudible bye and we hang up. I hop into my car and speed to the diner, I'm glad I didn't get any speeding ticket.

The police soon get there after me and I witness them take the man away, he is placed in the backseat of the cruiser with a stupid grin on his face. My eyes drift around the whole place and I see Cheryl opening the door, I walk inside and see my babygirl over the counter. "Cassidy" i call out and she runs into my arms "daddy don't leave me ever again I was so scared" her tone of voice sounds shaken up.

"Who is he and why did he hit you?" I ask taking a seat in one of the booths with her places on my lap, "he was a customer and he tried hitting on me but I dented him then he would wait for me after my shift and corner me and hit me when I turned him down" she sobs into my chest, these men in her life are such awful people.

"Shh its alright, what are you going to do princess?" I stroke her cheek, "I-I'm going to go and be your princess again" I lift her chin up and kiss her. I peck her lips a few more times before pulling away "I've missed you so fucking much" i whisper "I've missed you a lot too asshole even though we see each other everyday" she giggles "I just can't get enough of you, I take her hand in mine.

An officer walks up to us and Cassidy explains what happens, a paramedic cleans up her wounds and we go back to our house like it used to be and im happy. I chase her around the house till my feet get tired, we don't fuck that night. We make love and its a pretty damn good feeling.


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