《Daddy, I love you.》XI


"I don't know why you decided to go out with her in the first place, shes trash" I say and put my little princess down, my cousin frowns and nods "I know but she just won't get off my back" he sighs "there's not much I can do to be honest, just avoid her and change your room im sure there's a spare around here" i pat his back "thanks man" he mutters before walking away.

I look down and see my munchkin looking out the window, I turn her around and see the tears spilling from her eyes. "I-I need to talk to you" she manages to choke out. She's going to let me in I think, I nod and we walk outside into a secluded area away from the house. She sits down on the ground and I do the same facing her. I know this is going to be hard for her but im glad she trusts me enough to share her past.

"I was about 12 at the time maybe, my dad had left when I was younger and my mother always blamed me for it" she pauses and coughs a little "we didn't have much, where we lived was cold and dirty. I wouldn't eat for days sometimes and my mom would slap me sometimes whenever I miss behaved" she sighed "I need a cigarette" I take a pack out of my pocket and hand it to her.

She lights one up and continues the story "she couldn't deal with me, she sold me to one of her fucking friends! I hate her to this day. he was older and disgusting, he would make me touch him and if I didn't do as told he would hit me" she takes a long drag and blows out the smoke "I tried to run away one night but he found me and beat me senseless" she hesitates and takes a breath.

We sit in silence and I don't ask her to share anymore. That would be pushing it, she gets rid of her cigarette and places a hand on my cheek. "Thanks for listening" she smiles and I smile back "I'm always going to be here for you princess, no matter what" she wraps her arms around my neck and I hug her back "you're the best daddy ever" she giggles. God she made my heart melt


"Good morning" Carla says as we walk back to the house "hey" Cassidy said "where's Nick?" I ask "he's out with the boys, I don't fucking know. We got into a fight" she frowns and Cassidy hugs her "its okay" she says and before I know it my sister is crying "what did he do to you?" I yell "it was my fault, I fucked up. my fault" she keeps says

I leave them and begin to hunt down Nick. I find him by the lake at a very long distance "hey asshole, what did you do to my sister?" I practically yell in his face, making my hands into a fist. "I-I..it wasn't my fault" he says the sadness clear in his voice. "She was accusing my of being with other women when I love her and loyal to her" he says "why does she think that" I ask "Chloe she was all over me, I was drunk a stupid drunk i let her kiss me and it was wrong" he drops to his knees and starts crying

"Its okay man, im sure she'll understand once you explain it to her" i pat his back "I tried but she kicked me out of our room, I slept on the couch and she found me this morning. We went at it and I-I don't want to lose her" I can hear the sincerity in his words, I hope things get better. After many attempts to call Nick down, he finally agrees to walk back with me to find my sister. I wanted go bash his face in and now I don't. We hear arguing and a group surrounding.

This is like high school again, I push and make my way towards the front of the crowd. "He doesn't like you, you're fat and ugly" I hear Chloe's high-pitched voice say but I can't see who shes throwing insults at. I gasp like many others when I see a small hand come in contact with her face, my babygirl i think. I walk towards then and see her in tears almost trembling. "Don't you dare talk to me like that again!" She yells at Chloe, making her run back inside.

My little girl sees me and runs to me "daddy" she whispers, I bend down to reach her level "you're okay" i touch her arm and she winces "she scratched me" she pouts making me chuckle and kiss her. I see Nick and Carla hugging in the distance, once they pull away my sister smacks his arm at something he had said.


"C'mon lets make you feel better" I say kissing her temple, she nods and wraps herself around my legs "princess?" I ask "carry me" she whines, I can never say no to her so I give in. I carry her into the house and up the stairs to our room. "I want my stuffie and my paci daddy" she says just as I put her down on the bed, I hand her the purple bear and kiss her before placing the pacifier in her mouth.

I pull out my computer and start doing some work. An hour later, I feel someone im between by legs "hello" I say and hear her giggle "hi daddy" she smiles "you're birthday is in 2 weeks anything you would like?" I ask, she gets up off the carpet and claims her throne on my lap. "Umm sex please" I can see the lust flash before her eyes only making me chuckle, she pouts "I'm sewious daddy" she uses her cute baby voice "I never said no" I smirk at her.

"Can we fuck right now?" She asks making me hit her forehead and tsk "bad girl" I say "ow daddy that hurts" she rubs her hurt, "I know princess but you swore" she sighs and nods "fine. can we do the dirty right now?" She tried again "I'm afraid we cannot" she pouts again "two can play that game, we'll see who's the one with blue balls" she huffs and flips her hair dramatically while leaving the room.

"You don't even have balls!" I yell after her laughing to myself. She came back a couple minutes later though with milk and cookies, "I missed you" she sticks her bottom lip out I just hummed. "A-all I want f-for my birthday i-is to spend the day with you. S-swimming and running around the house" she said after a few moments of silence. Her stutter really took my by surprise, I walk over to her and she looks up at me "whatever the princess wants, the princess gets" I snatch the last bite of her cookie.

"No fair" she says falling back on the bed, I really wish I could take her now. My hands trail up her shirt and I i clasp her bra "daddy what are you doing?" She asks but doesn't stop me. I remove her shirt and bra leaving her breast exposed. "I really love your breast honey" she smiles and doesn't even try to cover up. She gets up and bends over to pick up her things, I lightly land a smack on her bum making her gasp.

After a while she tried to seduce me by swaying her hips and removes her skirt. "Do you have blue balls yet?" She calls out from the bathroom "nope" I yell back but my cock is twitching. She picks up her clothes and dresses her once again "you're so difficult" she groans "I know" I smile making her kiss me "please" she begs "what exactly are you begging for little girl?" my tone comes out demanding "to have daddy's little friend in me" her hands go to grab my member but I tsk and grab her hand.

She kisses me more and soon it turns into a make-out session, shes straddling my sides and running her soft hands through my hair. I take the lead and my tongue explores her mouth, she whimpers when I bite on her bottom lip lightly. I pull away and both of our lips are swollen from the heated kiss. She rests her forehead on mine "love you" she says her big eyes staring back at my blue ones "love you more princess"

We get called down for dinner and Cassidy basically runs down the stairs. "I'm ready to eat" she announces when she sits at the table making everyone laugh including myself. "There's a bonfire tonight, I think everyone should come" my mother announces, everyone cheers. "Who's getting super wasted?" My sister yells making everyone erupt in some more cheers. "C-can I d-drink too?" my little girl whispers "you're only 19" I say "so?" she gives me the quivering lip and puppy dog eyes "only if you want, you're still underage though" she giggles and mutters an "I know"

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