《Daddy, I love you.》X


I made breakfast this morning and daddy loved it. He dressed me up in black skirt, a white cropped tee and some platforms sandals. Right now we are driving to his family's house where we will be spending the weekend and some most of his family will be there. I have to admit I am nervous. We had to pick up Nick and Carla since they both refuses to drive.

I sat in the back with Carla while Nick say in the passenger seat with daddy. "Vince, your ex girlfriend will be there you know the one with the fake tits. She's dating cousin Vincent now" daddy groans and grips the steering wheel harder. "Its alright, you're prettier and your breasts are real" she grabs one of my boobs and squeezes it "Oh my god" I giggle "I was just making sure, you can have a feel at mine if you want" I hesitate but grab one anyways.

We drive for a whole 4 hours and only make stops to the restroom before we arrive a beautiful large house with other cars parked in front of it. I step out and gasp, daddy told me to pack my big girl clothes. I slip my black Jansport on my back and stand next to Carla "everyone is nice but these men can be vicious" she warns me before running off with Nick behind her. "Am I going to survive?" I ask pushing my sunglasses up "yes, you'll either be with the girls or with me" daddy says.

"Oh god" he mutters and I look up to see a girl taller then me walking up with a guy on her arm. "Hey Vince, its glad to see you man" they hug and make small talk "this is my girlfriend Cassidy" he introduces me "nice to meet you" I say "its a pleasure meeting you" he smiles, the girl clears her throat "oh yeah this is my girlfriend Chloe" she smiles and extends her hand.

I take it and we shake hands. "We have to go" daddy pulls me away and I sigh im relief "see you around" Vincent calls out. Once we walk inside there is a whole bunch of people going in many different directions and there are many voices speaking at the same time. "This is my family" Vince yells over them, Carla takes me away from him and he gives me a kiss goodbye.


We walk into the kitchen where the women are. "Hi Cassidy" daddy's mom greets me "hi" I say back with a smile. Chloe walks in "so we meet again" she says with a sickly smile. "I need a smoke" a women with beautiful red hair says and walks out the back door. "You're such a slut" daddy's sister says "how can you go out with my brother then fuck everyone else around" my eyes widen and I slowly step out while they begin arguing.

I walk up the stairs and pass rooms with names. I stop and walk in when I find daddy and I's names. I set my backpack down and climb into bed with a sigh, I take out my phone and play some games. The door creaks and I see daddy's jet black hair "daddy" I stand up on the bed "princess, I thought you were with the girls" he stands at the edge and I walk over to him.

He places his hands on my waist and I place my forehead on his. "Your sister and Chloe started arguing so I bailed" I say "yeah I heard it" he sighs "she's such a bit-" I stop myself "a bitch? Yes im aware" he laughs. I kiss him and this time it feels like fireworks have gone off in the room. He pulls away and smiles at me "lets unpack?" I nod and he lifts me off the bed.

After unpacking everything i place my pacifier in my mouth and start coloring some pictures. Daddy is on the bed reading a book, the room is quiet but the loud voices outside and still be head. My phone rings and daddy answers "hello" daddy says and he has a conversation with the other person on the line. He hangs up and picks me up "no, I was busy" i whine "too busy for your daddy?" I nod "alright" he puts me down and I go back to coloring.

"Daddy!" I call out for him but he keeps reading his book "daddy" I climb into bed and straddle his waist "here for you" I place my drawing on his chest. When I try to leave, his hands stop me "you were too busy for me" he says and I can sense he is slightly hurt. I kiss him hard "im sorry" I say, he strokes my hair "its alright princess" he pulls me down and I lay on top of him


We are called down for dinner and hour later. I sit next to daddy and he kisses my hand, "is she pregnant or something? why isn't she drinking some wine?" The women with the red hair from earlier asks "im not pregnant, its just that I don't want any" i smile sweetly and she looks over at daddy

"If she doesn't want any then I don't think you should force her to drink" he says calmly. I take some pasta and a groan escapes my lips "this is really good" I say "thank you" I look down the table and see a fairly young girl like me "I'm Cassidy" i smile "Nora" she says back. The table is filled with laughter and many memories, i could get used to this i think. I help serve dessert and assist in doing the dishes.

I turn the lights off and walks upstairs only to be pulled into the bathroom. I go to scream but a hand covers my mouth "listen here you little twat, Vince is still mine" its her and I can tell shes mad. "You're so ugly, I don't know how he found you or why he likes you but he belongs to me you're just going to be replaced like I was but im coming back so watch out" she hisses

I start crying and she pushes me out of the bathroom. I make my way to my room and make sure to hold my cries while daddy is peacefully asleep. I sigh and change into one of my night gowns, I place some blankets on the floor and let sleep consume me. "I don't want you anymore" he says smiling happy by the new girls side "but you said you loved me" I yell and shake my head

"Daddy please" I beg tears rushing down my face "im not your daddy, you ugly girl" he leaves and im all alone. I wake up and he is staring at me, I just burst into a fit of cries "what's wrong?" He asks "don't touch me" I say "what did I do?" He lets go of me "you don't want me, you'll find someone else" I bury myself in blankets. He sits up and places me on his lap "no, I love you so much" he coos into my ear.

He rocks me back and forth until I calm down "why were you sleeping on the floor? I went to pee and I almost stepped on your pretty little head" he kisses my temple, I give in to his touch "Chloe attacked me last night and told me bad things" i hug him and he pats my back.

I tell him everything and he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Don't listen to her princess, what she told you is a lie and that dream was part of it since you let it get to you" i nod and sniffle, we shower together and I pick out some shorts and a tank too to wear with some vans. I grab my backpack and get out the Mac daddy bought me, daddy lets me drink coffee in the morning with my breakfast.

"I want you to carry me" I whine, daddy picks me up and connects his lips with mine. I hug him and giggle as he spins me around "good morning" Vincent says "hi" I say shyly making him laugh "lets talk please" he asks looking both ways, daddy places me on his hip and carries me over. "What's the matter?" Daddy asks "it's Chloe shes driving me insane. I don't want her here anymore" I can tell he is very stressed "send her home then" I say "she won't leave" he says.

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