《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Too Much to Handle
(This up here is SPENCER!!👆 she's gorgeous right? Yassss 🔥🔥)
There were naked girls on the TV-drugs on the coffee table- Lacey having sex with some guy-what the hell.
My eyes met the dude and he stopped, falling off of the couch. I wish I had closed my eyes at that moment because he had taken the cover with him. Lacey's naked body came into view and she looked at me.
She jumped over the couch and hid her body from view. The guy scrambled to get his clothes on.
"GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" I yelled at him. I walked forward and pushed him out of the room. He picked up his shoe and scurried out of the door with only his underwear on.
I ran back into the living room to see Lacey quickly putting back on her clothes. I grab the remote and turn off the TV, making the girls stop screwing each other.
"WHAT IS GOING ON, LACEY?" I asked. She turned to me with a confused face. She smirked and combed a hand through her hair, only making the tangled hair worse.
"Well I don't know, you tell me...we were just having some fun," she said.
She had no stability as she walked over to me with only her pants on. Her boobs were still in my face.
"I'm serious, Lacey," I said firmly. She shrugged and drunkenly walked off. Her eyes were red and her makeup was all over her face.
I walked over to her and pushed her into the couch. She feel back hard and looked at me. I grabbed the drugs from the table.
"HEY? You know if you wanted some, you could've just asked," she said. She started falling over to the side on the couch like a baby that couldn't hold itself upright.
"These are TRASH!" I yelled. She frowned.
"No they're not,"
"YES THEY ARE!" I ran out of the living room and into the bathroom.
"DONT YOU DARE FLUSH THEM!" She said. I did the exact opposite. As soon as I opened the toilet seat, Lacey came forward and lunged for them. We both fell onto the floor with the bag in our fingers.
"YOURE WASTING ALL OF IT!" She yelled. She slapped me, but it wasn't hard enough to make me let go of the bag. That's it.
Since she was so unstable and obviously high, I had no problem straddling her and slapping her back. Only my slap was harder. She helped in pain, bag still in her hands.
At that moment, Jake and Paige came into view and pulled me off of her. I still had the bag in my hand and was refusing to let it go.
"LET IT GO!" I yelled. I kicked her arm and she released the bag. Jake finally got me off of her and pulled me back into the hallway. He put me down on my feet and looked at me with concern.
"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and continued watching Lacey who seemed to be playing with herself.
"What happened in here?" Paige asked, seeming to have observed my sisters mental state.
"My FLIPPIN sister is high. I came in her she was getting screwed by some guy and porno was on the tv. Along with the drugs," I explained.
Jake pulled a string of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear.
"You didn't get any of it in your nose, did you?" He asked. I shook my head, no. He nodded and took the bag from my fingers.
"Good, now you just need to wash your hands. Don't want the baby being a drug baby," he said firmly. I hadn't even thought about that. I walked into the kitchen and washed my hands thoroughly. A million questions were running through my mind.
"Put a shirt on her, Paige!" I yell.
When did Lacey start doing drugs? Where's her husband George? Who is the guy she was screwing? Is Lacey still even married? What will George do if he finds out about this? Hell, what would Mom do?!
I walked back down the hall to find the drugs flushed and Lacey gone.
"Where's Lacey?" I asked Jake.
"Paige took her to the bedroom. She's trying to make her sleep," he explained trying to clean up the drugs from the floor. He was doing it in a fast motion, not knowing where to pull from.
"Babe, you don't have to do that," I said softly, squared down. He looked up seemingly agitated.
"Spence, I am honestly so worried about this baby, okay? So much shit is happening and....it's just....you never get a break from it! There's always something else and-"
I kissed him softly and pulled back.
"I will be fine, Jake. I promise you," I whispered. He sighed heavily and pulled me in for a deeper kiss.
"I just wouldn't know what to do with myself if we lost this baby," he whispered.
We. He said we. He said and I quote "we". I looked at his sea blue eyes and frowned.
"You said we," I whispered. He smiled.
"I really would want to be a part of this baby's life. I know I'm not the dad or anything, but I'm sure I'd really like to try this-"
I silenced him again with another hard kiss.
"You know cutting me off mid sentence is sexy as hell?" He asked smirking. I laughed as he pulled some hair behind my ear. That was the sweetest thing I've heard.
"How'd I end up so lucky?" I asked.
"It's the other way around, babe," he responded, que another kiss.
"You guys know that making another baby around coke would be hella tragic, right?"
I pulled away and Started laughing my head off. Only Paige would say something like that. She was standing in the hallway looking tired. I'm guessing getting Lacey into that bed was real work.
I stood up and walked down the hall with Paige and Jake. I halted both of them at the door.
"Listen guys, I know that this situation is bad. I just don't want my mom to find out. I mean, it wouldn't be right if we told her because it's not our business to tell. Let's just wait it out," I said hesitating.
"It's cool. We'll just talk to her when she gets up," Paige said. Jake nodded.
As long as we stick to this plan, nothing else should go wrong. At least in the moment.
•. •. •. •.
A week has passed and today was the day I was finally planning on telling my mother. I know I probably should've told her sooner, but you know...things happen.
Lacey promised she'd stop doing the drugs, but she still hasn't given an explanation. We all agreed to keep whatever that was a secret from Mom simply because she'd flip out.
"Babe, get up," Jake nudged. I took a night because I hadn't got much sleep the night before. Megan had been trying to contact Jake all night, continuously waking me from my slumber.
"I don't want to," I murmured. Jake kissed my cheek and started playing with my hair.
"I'm sorry about Megan," he whispered.
"Why are you sorry?" I asked. There was silence until he finally answered.
"Because it's my fault she keeps calling. Damn she's so annoying," he responded. I turned to face the ceiling.
"It's not your fault, it's hers. I'm starting to think she really does have a mental problem," I muttered. Jake chuckled and twirled my hair.
"Yeah, me too,"
I honestly haven't bothered to think about Megan until now.
"I want to know about the old you," I said, turning my body. He sighed and dropped his hand. Turning over, he looked up at the ceiling.
"When I was 18 I got dumped by somebody who I thought was the girl of my dreams. She ditched me for this other guy even though we were together for 2 years. So from there, it was a downward spiral," he said, using hand motion for emphasis.
"Wow...you? A bad boy? Sexy as hell," I said smirking. He started laughing and tugged his hair.
"Nah, I was a jerk. I humped and dumped. That was my logo for about 2 years," he said awkwardly. I nodded.
"But, you're the girl of my dreams. Not dumping" he said I feel the blush come to my cheeks and he starts laughing. I smack his arm and let out a laugh.
"Better not!" I responded. He started laughing and my phone suddenly started ringing.
I leaned over Jake and picked it up.
"Get the abortion,"
Mason. I hung up the phone and put the caller under blocked.
"Who was that?" Jake asked. I couldn't tell him it was Mason. He would flip out.
"Uh- someone trying to sell something," I lied. He nodded and got off of the bed. Clapping his hands, he turned towards me.
"Is thy lady ready?" He asked, holding out his arm. I stood up and put my arm into is.
"Thy lady is, young sir,"
Paige rolled her eyes and walked out the door. We followed her down the stairs to find Mom and Lacey sitting at the kitchen counter.
"So what'sup?" Lacey asked. I let go of Jake and stood in front of all four of them. I took a deep breathe before telling them the news.
"It's a girl!" I said happily. My moms face broke out into a huge contagious smile and I couldn't do anything but laugh.
"OH MY GOD! MY GIRL IS HAVING A GIRL! A BABY GIRL!" She squealed as she ran to hug me. Lacey sat there at the counter with an angry look. She seemed to be in her own thoughts.
Jake and Paige were standing to the side smiling and my mother was rubbing my belly.
"I gotta start planning! We're gonna get her a doll house and a toy chest- OH! And one of those little cute Barbie dolls!" She exclaimed. I laughed at her until she noticed Lacey.
"Lacey, aren't you happy for her?" My mother asked. Lacey shook her head and stood.
"No, I'm not,"She said firmly.
"Lacey Lacey Lacey. You know what? I am sick and tired of your bull shit!" I yell. She frowned and walked over to me.
"My bullshit?! You know how badly I want a baby! I deserve a baby! You make some huge announcement and-"
"LACEY YOU ARE MY BIG SISTER!" I yelled over her. She stopped talking.
"You're the God damn big perfect sister. The sister who got married. The sister who- who got a full scholarship to college. The sister who moved away into a big house. The sister who has an amazing career-"
"So what?!" She argued.
"SO DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PRESSURE THAT PUT ON ME?! Havin to live up to Mom and Dads expectations because "Lacey did this". Having to feel like the failed child?"
"oh please! YOU ARE SO DRAMATIC!"
"Oh please? REALLY?! You know when I told you I was pregnant I expected you to congratulate me immediately. But no, you hesitated before then. YOU DIDNT EVEN WANT TO COME OVER HERE!"
"NO! You're right! You didn't want to come over here until I told you that Mason and I broke up!" I yelled. There were tears falling.
"That's not true!"
"Yes it is....when I told you that we broke up- you only said you'd come to hear the story. When I sat there and told you the story you were smiling..." I said sobbing. Lacey had tears in her eyes.
"Don't you get it?! You're always here to watch me fail...you don't visit when I succeed-"
"YOU KNOW WHAT? I'm done with this! Screw you and your baby!" She yelled and stormed off.
"LACEY!" Mom yelled. I turned and grabbed my keys from the counter.
"Where are you going?" Jake asked. I shrugged off the question and walked out the door. I walked to my car and got in. Paige started running toward the car along with Jake and I sped off.
Lacey can't even admit that she wasn't supportive! What type of sister is she?
I wiped the tears from my face and continued driving. I knew exactly where I was going to release my anger.
•. •. •. •.
I was at some place a friend of mine recommended a while ago. It's basically where you throw glass plates at a wall. I know it sounds stupid, but I always feel like throwing things when I'm angry.
The place is empty except for two people who seemed to be eating. I had been through about 3 stacks of plates when I had to go to the bathroom.
I gave the goggles to the guy and walked off to the ladies room. There were three stalls total, but it was empty. I took the one for the handicapped. I sat down on the toilet thinking about how messed up my life is.
Suddenly I heard a door bang against a wall. It came from the first stall. I jumped and instantly pulled up my pants.
"Hello?" I asked, scared. I flushed the toilet and another door slammed against the stall wall. I back away to the furthest corner of the stall. I slid my body slowly down against the wall and hold my knees.
I can see from underneath the stall that there is someone here. They were wearing black shoes and jeans. They seemed to be just standing there.
My heart rate quickened and I was trembling.
"What do you-want?" I asked. There was no response. He just stood there. Suddenly, his feet turned towards my stall and he walked towards my door swiftly. I squeezed my knees tighter, towards my chest.
He picked up one foot and slammed it into the door, knocking it in. I closed my eyes and tried to scoot farther into the wall. I wanted to disappear.
I heard his footsteps come towards me and halt. Looking up slowly, I see Mason. He looked crazy. My breathing hitched as I met his eyes.
"Get the fucking abortion," he said. He stood there for a moment before walking out of the stall. He left the bathroom entirely and I sat there hypnotized.
Mason was stalking me. How did he know where I was? Was he outside of my house the entire time?
I was sitting there for a good twenty minutes before footsteps dousing in the bathroom again.
"Spencer?" Someone called. It sounded like Paige. Her head went down and she looked under the stalls until she saw me.
She walked into my stall and looked at me.
"Spence what's wrong?" She asked. I didn't respond. She picked me up and helped me out of the bathroom. Entering the restaurant again, I see Jake standing there worried. Seeing my tear streaked face, he ran towards me and hugged me.
They both walked me to my car in the pouring rain. We jumped in and caught our breaths, shivering. Paige got the blanket from the back seat and wrapped it around me.
"Spencer, say something," Paige whispered. I looked down at my hands.
"Mason..." I whispered. Tears came to my eyes as the memory resurfaced. I definitely got Jake's attention. He turned to look at me.
"Mason what?" He asked. I shook my head and pulled my damp hair behind my ear.
"He- he was in the bathroom..." I said slowly. Paige sat upright and scooted towards me.
"WHAT?!" She exclaimed. Tears started falling down my cheeks.
"I was in the bathroom and- the doors- he kept...slamming them against the stalls...I scooted into a corner and- he busted through the door-"
"HE WHAT?" Jake said angrily. He turned and gripped the wheel, making his knuckles turn white.
"What happened then?" Paige asked gently.
"He uh- he came up to me and told me to get an abortion....then he just left..." I finished. Jake was extremely angry. He didn't know what to do with himself.
"Why would he do that?!" Paige asked.
"He called me earlier today..."I whispered. Jake turned to me again and leaned in.
"What?! What did he say?" He asked. I Didn't want to tell him. Now I have no choice.
"Get an abortion," I murmured.
"DAMN IT!" He yelled. Jake got out of the car and started kicking a tree in the rain. I wiped the stray tears that fell and tried to straighten myself up.
"Looks like I'm driving us home," Paige said to herself. She got in and yelled at Jake to get back in the car.
Things are going crazy. So much is happening at once and it's just all too much to handle right now. Especially for a pregnant person.
My phone beeps and I pick it up from the cup holder. It was from an unsaved number. It read:
•. •. •. •.
I'm in bed with Paige next to me, fast asleep. I wish that Jake was here, but he's sick. He doesn't want me to get his cold, fearing for Peanut. I understood that, so I let it be. It had been about 3 days since that night.
Lacey and I still hadn't made up. No one knew where she was. She just disappeared leaving everything behind.
My phone buzzed and I picked it up. It was from another unsaved number.
I thought I told you to that abortion. Do it, now or you will regret it.
My breath hitched as I locked my phone and put it back in the drawer. This is the reason Paige sleeps with me. I'm honestly scared to go anywhere by myself. The bathroom. To bed. To watch TV.
I haven't told Jake this out of fear of what he may do. I know it will turn out nasty.
Shaking my thoughts from my head, I turn over and try to go to sleep. I haven't gotten much of anything. Sleep. Food. Peace of mind. It's all foreign to me. The only reason I actually agree to eat is for Peanut.
Everything I do is for Peanut. She's my life now.
•. •. •. •.
"I told you to get rid of the baby," Mason said. He had a pipe in his hand and a long clear plastic bag in the other.
I backed away from him slowly.
"Mason I can't get an abortion, it's too late," I tried to explain. He started walking towards me.
"Fine, then allow me..."
I started running as fast as I could to the nearest restaurant I could see. Entering a Dunkin Donuts, I run up to the register to find no one there.
"HELP!" I yell at the top of my lungs. A guys comes running from the back.
"What's wrong?"
Before I could answer, Mason appeared.
"Honey, cmon! I was just joking!" He said playfully. The pipe and bag was gone. How did he get rid of it so fast? Where is it?
I looked over at the man in the uniform who looked confused.
"I'm sorry, sir. She's just scared of a spider I told her I was bringing home," he said chuckling. The man starts to laugh alongside him.
Mason grabbed my wrist hard and began pulling me away.
I woke up to the bright lights in my face. Shaking my head, I open my eyes to see Jake's worried expression. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair.
"You were having another nightmare, weren't you?" He asked, rubbing my back. I sighed and stood up from the bed. I can't take this fear anymore. It's been two weeks and I'm still afraid of him.
"Babe, I can stay here if you want me to. I can just cancel work," Jake suggested. I stopped to look at him. He had just gotten rid of the cold. He looked so exhausted.
"No! Go to work, just go back to sleep, I'll be fine," I responded. I pulled my hair up into a bun.
"Spence," he said getting out of the bed," you haven't been getting any sleep, you're appetite has decreased, and you're having nightmares. I'm taking you to the doctor," he said firmly. I shook my head.
"No! You need to go to work. I don't want you missing a day because of me!"
"I'd quit the job for you, Spencer. You're all I care about," he said, rubbing my shoulders.
"I love you, Jake and I'm telling you that you need to go to work. You've already missed 2 days. I promise I'll go to the doctor, if you to work tomorrow," I bargained. He sighed and kissed my forehead.
"Fine," he said. He pulled me back into the bef and wrapped his arms around me.
"Just, try to get some sleep," he whispered. He kissed my neck and that was the end of it.
Today is the marker for me being four months pregnant. I can't wait for this baby to come here. I'm just worried about how I'm goin to keep it alive with Mason on the prowl. I continue to block his numbers, but there's always a new one.
- End448 Chapters
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