《The Reality of it All (Completed)》This is the End
(The blondie up there is Paige. Spencer didn't lie, she's gorge😻!)
More pics of characters comin up!
Mason started walking towards me.
"THAT'S HIM, OFFICER!" I yelled. I stood up and ran behind the desk. The officer stood and got in front of Mason who was staring at me evily. He slowly pried the pipe from his hands and looked up at him.
"Sir, are you harrassing this woman?" he asked.
"I HAVE TEXTS TO PROVE IT! HE JACKED MY CAR AND I CRASHED INTO A LIGHT POST!" I yelled. Mason said nothing, just looked at the officer.
"Can I see those texts, ma'am?" he asked. I stopped my hand from trembling long enough to pull out my phone. I unlocked it and showed him the multiple texts from the unknown numbers.
"Sir, you are under arrest," he said stepping up to Mason. Mason spit in his face. The officer pinned him down on the floor and Mason did nothing. As he read him his rights, Mason gave me the death glare. I adverted eye contact and turned away. I walked further down into the station and stopped at a woman police officer.
"Ma'am, can I get a restraining order?" I asked nervously. My leg was twitching and everything was itching. She noticed my stomach and nodded. It's like being pregnant gives you so many priveledges.
"Please sit down," she ushered. I happily sat down and eye Mason being taken away.
"Ma'am how can I help you?"
I turned my attention back to her.
"He's going to jail for sure?" I asked. She hesitated, seemingly confused.
"Uh- temporarily yes. It depends on the evidence found against him," She said. I nodded slowly.
"Tell me why you're here," she said softly. I took a deep breath and told her everything. From our relationship to the pregnancy to the harrassment. She confirmed that this was considered harrassment and that he assaulted an officer. I showed her the texts on my phone and she took notes, seeming interested in my case. My crashed car was confirmed and she said she would have a tow truck pick it up. I was talking to her for a good hour, when I realized my phone was on airplane mode.
Jake and Paige must be worried sick.
"Can I make a phone call?" I asked her. She nodded and handed me my phone. It was on 5%, from me showing her all the evidence. She ended up printing out the messages and saving them for the case. I was beyond happy about that.
I quickly pressed Paige's number, knowing my phone could die at any time.
"OH MY GOD! SPENCER, ARE YOU OKAY?!" she yelled into the phone.
"Yeah, Paige. Listen, my car crashed and-"
"NO AND I NEED YOU TO SHUT UP AND LISTEN! My phone is dying and I'm currently at the police-"
"SPENCER IS THAT YOU?" My mother asked me. If they ever shut up.
"Yes, Mom. Can you please listen?"
"Yeah, sure honey-"
The phone died. Damn Iphones. I put my phone down and walked back over to the woman.
"Alright, all of your evidence is crucial at this point. He will serve time if we find the phones in his name along with the missing piece to your car," she said.
"How long will he be in prison without evidence?" I asked her. I cannot risk Mason getting out tomorrow.
"Don't worry, hun. He will be in there for at the least 2 weeks, but with the evidence you have, it's much easier to convict him faster," she reassured me. I let out a deep sigh and sat back in my chair.
Mason is gone. Mason is gone. Mason is gone.
"I need something for sure. I need a guaranteed ethos of protection for my baby," I said desperately.
She nodded and looked at me.
"He's in jail right now, there will be no need to do anything extra," she stated.
"No, you don't know him. He will find a way. Please just give me something." I begged
"The best you could do is install security. Security cameras can be added in your car when it's replaced, your home, and your job. I can recommend some." she said.
"You have no idea how much safer I feel," I said, tears threatening to come out. She nodded and gave me a small smile.
"I'm glad to hear that,"
"I still would like the restraining order placed," I said firmly.
"Okay, but he is in jail, Ms. Whit,"
"And people can break out. I want it done," I said, not losing my position. She gave in and let me fill out a restraining order. I quickly filed in and received a copy of it.
I smiled to myself and relaxed. Leaning back in my chair, I put my hand on my belly.
"We did it Peanut. We beat him," I whispered.
•. •. •. •.
I was sitting in the police car in front of my house. After my family never stopped talking, I had to have an officer drop me off. I said thanks to him and got out of the car. Walking up to the door, I prepared myself for a million questions. I rung the doorbell and Paige immediately opened it.
"SPENCER!" She said and hugged the life out of me. Jake and Mom came running down to give me hugs, too. After I told them I couldn't breath, they ushered me into my home. Man did it feel good to be safe. I went straight to the fridge and grabbed two TV dinners.
"No, honey! I'll make you some pasta," my mom said, taking the dinners and putting them back in the fridge.
"I am so glad you're okay!" Paige exclaimed.
"What happened?" Jake asked. I sat down on the counter and told them the story. Jake would get mad here and there, but everything was all good when I said he was arrested. I explained to my mom that people would be coming by to install cameras tomorrow. She agreed to it.
"GUYS, LOOK AT THIS!" I said. I pulled out the restraining order from my jacket.
"You still got it done!" Paige exclaimed.
"Hell yeah! I can't have him coming back. This time if he violates this, he is definetly going to jail," I said matter of factly. Jake walked over to me and put his arm around my waist.
"I'm proud of you, baby," Jake whispered in my ear. I immediately blushed and gave him and peck on the lips. I was pretty proud of myself, too.
I quickly showered and put on some of my comfiest pajamas. I had two big plates of dinner and called it a night. Lying down in bed with Jake's arm around me felt good. This time, his arm didn't feel like a security blanket, it felt like it was supposed to feel like.
For the first time in forever, I actually fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Mason was gone. I was free. The best feeling in the entire world.
•. •. •. •.
I awoke from my slumber, more happy than ever. Jake had gone to work, but left me a little card on the nightstand.
My hands immediately flew to my face. There was dried slob on my cheek. My other hand felt my hair and it felt like a matted mop. I shrugged it off and started stretching.
I felt good.
Looking over at the clock, it was 11:00 and I ran to my closet. The people were coming by to install the cameras at 12:30. After picking out my outfit, I hopped in the shower. I sang at the top of my lungs as I washed my hair. I was thinking that I may just curl it today.
Getting out of the shower, I put on a pair of straight legged blue jeans and rolled them up. For my top, I put on thin grey shirt and a fur sleeveless vest. My shoes, I decided to go with my dark blue staph heels. They were only about 4 inches, which is great.
Running to the bathroom, I curled my hair into loose beach waves and put on a touch of makeup. By the time I was done, the doorbell was ringing and I let them in.
"This way," I escorted them. I showed them the various places and they got all the cars hooked up within the hour. As soon as they left, Paige came in from wherever she was.
"Dang, mama! You look good!" She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"I felt good today," I said. She walked in and joined me in the living room.
"So I met this guy named Hayden," she said, jumping onto the couch. Her eyes were glistening.
"Really? Is he cute?" I asked. She nodded her head eagerly.
"He's really nice and not to mention he has abs of steel," she said. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to her to find the perfect guy.
"That's great, Paige,"
"Yeah, we are just friends for now. Gimme a week, It'll change," she said confidently and walked off. I knew it'd only be a matter of time before she finds someone else.
I decide that I'm in the mood for shopping. I get up, grab my keys, and head out in a really good music. Driving down town, I stop at Macy's. I didn't go to the maternity section because I feel like I could still fit into these clothes.
I'm looking at this gorgeous blue sundress when I spot my worst enemy. Megan. I quickly advert my gaze and go back to looking at fabrics.
Too late.
She spotted me in an instant and walked over in some short shorts and a crop top. She did know it was like 62 degrees, right?
"If it isn't the fat whale,"
"Being greeted by the slut with her back fat out," I said cheekily.
"Too bad I don't have back fat," she said confidently," can't say the same for you,"
"Yeah I meant your ass. There isn't one," I said smiling. I turned and walked to the other rack.
"You know Jake doesn't love you," she said. I rolled my eyes. If she really wants to start with me I guarantee Id win.
"And this is coming from someone with her butt out," I said squinting my eyes.
"He'll never get over his bad boy ways, and you know it,"
"No. What I do know is that you're blocking my exit out of this conversation. MOVE," I said firmly.
"He said I love you, didn't he?" She asked. I instantly blushed and tried to move but she blocked my path.
"He told me the same thing. That my eyes were beautiful and that he loved my laugh. It's a shame really," she said sighing. Boy I wish I could just slap her, but I have to keep my cool.
"You know what, Megan? You're forgetting that he's with me and not you," I said and pushed her out of my way.
"You know he'll never want you with that damn baby!" She yelled from behind me. I continued walking to the front and paid for my things. How can she say that? Was the whole love me part true? Will he want me when this baby comes?
I took the bag and left the store in a hurry. I had to get as far away from Megan as possible. As I am getting in the car, my phone rings and I pick it up without looking at the caller ID.
"You know he won't love you," someone said and hung up. How did Megan get my number? I stared at my phone for a minute and threw it into my back seat. Is it impossible for me to just have one day without any drama?
•. •. •. •.
"DAYUMMM, SPENCE! YOU LOOK HOT!" Jake said, walking into my room. I blushed and laughed.
"You look even hotter when you blush," he said as he took off his suit. He sat down on the bed and pulled me in for a kiss.
"How was your day?" I asked, looking into his eyes.
"Well, it was fine. I had to do a bunch of stuff for my boss not to mention that we had a lot of people complaining about their accounts. Let's just say it was a long day," he said, shrugging. I nodded.
"How about you? My guess is you feel pretty good," He said, playing with my hair. I smiled and looked up for a moment.
"Yeah, actually. I woke up to the lovely note that you left and I loved it," I said kissing him," then I uh, showered, the people came by to put the cameras up and I went shopping," I said.
"You know those cameras can't stay up there forever?" he asked raising his eyebrows.
"What? Why?"
"Because there will be some extracurricular activities going on in here," he said. I fell back and laughed. Extracurricular is the best he could come up with?
"Oh please, don't laugh! You know you've been thinking about it," He said, facing me. I shrugged.
"All day of every day. I just dont feel right with her still in me, ya know?" I said. He nodded and took my hand. Laying back he started playing with my nails and admiring the nail polish. I didn't want to bring up the conversation with Megan and I. I know this is my first good day, and he deserves it too. Besides, its all based on suspicion.
We stayed in my room for the rest of the day, doing nothing but talking. The next morning, I wake up to find him staring at me.
"What?" I asked. He shook his head and kept looking.
"If I have something on my face, just tell me," I said nervously. He shook his head and showed his pearly whites.
"Yeah actually you do. The only thing you have no your face is beauty," he said his blue eyes meeting mine. I instantly blush and put my hand on my face.
"Stop, you look goregous," he said, pulling my hand away. I smiled and sat there looking at his facial features. He really was hot. I can't believe I found him at a Jewel! I immediately looked at his muscles and stared at his shirt. I want to see his abs so bad. I reach over and pull the shirt up, my mouth immediately dropping.
"Oh you sir, have been holding out on me," I said. He chuckled and grabbed my hand.
"I don't want to have sex with Peanut in there. It won't feel right, so no temptations," he said. I rolled my eyes.
"You know, it's not a crime to eye,"
"It is when you're eye raping,"
I slapped his arm as he started laughing.
"I love you," he said and leaned in for a kiss. I immediately tried to back away and ended up falling onto the floor.
"Are you okay?" he asked me, peering down.
"Yeah. I don't kiss in the morning. Not until monster hour is up," I said as I stood up.
"Monster hour?"
"As in the hour I look a hot mess. I need to brush my teeth and shower and actually smell nice," I explained. He started laughing. I walked over to my closet to pick out today's outfit.
"Let's spend the day together," he whispered into my ear. I smirked as he wrapped his arms around my growing waist.
"Sounds like a plan," I responded. I got dressed into my blue sundress I bought the day before. I paired it with my black converse and kept my hair straight. We went out everywhere. First to breakfast then the beach then to a carnival. It was really fun.
We decided to end the day by watching the sun set on the beach.
"I love you," he whispered into my ear.
"I love you, too," I responded. It was a really nice view. It made it all the more better that it was just us two, which makes this harder at the same time. I was just about to ask him about Megan when someone stopped in front of us.
Her eyes were fully focused on Jake when she blurted :
"I'm pregnant with your baby,"
My mouth dropped as all things went to hell.
HEY GUYS! Thank you a bunch for the 600 views I cannot thank you guys enough. 💯
I'm sorry not much interesting happened in this chapter and I know it was shorter compared to the one before. I'll make it up😭
-Lacey will come into play...I mean you never know she could die 😂 nah I'm not that selfish.
-Megan will be more involved in this book from this point on. (OH HELL NAWWW)
-Paige's boyfriend will be in these upcoming chapters...you will find out why soon.
This is not- I repeat- NOT the end of his revenge! Stay tuned and I'll show you just how psychotic he really is 🙆
If you wanna stay posted with this book, don't be afraid to follow😼 otherwise please comment or vote. I won't bite!
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