《The Reality of it All (Completed)》What is Wrong with the World?
Just a little....psychotic 😳
What do you want, Mason?" I asked impatiently. We were standing on the porch of my mother's house. After breaking up the quarrel between him and Jake, I figured it was best if I talked to him outside.
"Look, I know that I shouldn't have yelled at you at your dinner. By the way, are you dating him now?" He questioned.
"That is none of your business! You suddenly care after screwing your assistant now?" I asked defensively. He sighed and put his hands on his hips.
"You're jealous aren't you?" He asked, smirking. Boy, I wish I could just smack that smirk right off of his face.
"Actually, I'm not. You see, when I saw you and that girl going at it, I realized what a terrible fucker you are," I said naughtily. His eyes got big and he let out a chuckle.
"Okay, I deserved that,"
"Damn right! You deserve every other crappy thing!" I exclaimed. My blood was boiling and I just wanted to get something to eat. All I could think about was food.
"You're getting bigger, now," he said eyeing my stomach. I put my hand on my belly.
"No stuff, Sherlock!"
He looked at me funny and raised an eyebrow.
"You're trying not to curse as much," he noticed. I rolled my eyes. I always did curse around Mason more than necessary. I only stopped doing it for Peanut.
"Yeah, but there are about 3 cursing words I wanna say really badly right now. So can you just tell me why you're here?" I asked, tapping my foot. He stood up straight, fixing his posture.
"Spencer, I never got over you. I know the whole pregnancy situation is a whole different story but I still care for you," he said. What the hell is going on?! Has the world gone mad? Is Mason bipolar?!
"Hold up! Hell to the nah okay? First you reject me and this baby, next I catch you screwing your assistant, then you embarrass me at a public place, and NOW you tell me you want me back?!" I yelled. He stepped forward and put his hands on my shoulders.
"Baby, I'm sorry and I love you, okay? I really just want to move past this point. I think you're just acting out right now," he said, rubbing his hands up and down my shoulders. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down.
"Mason....I'm going to say this once..GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!" I yelled. The front door opened and Jake came out, angry.
"It's time you leave," he said firmly. He was giving Mason the death glare. He dropped his hands from my shoulders and I straightened up.
"Can I just ask her one thing in private?" He asked. Jake was about to refuse when I touched his hand.
"It's okay, I can handle this," I said.
"Are you sure?" He asked with concern. I nodded. He squeezed my hand and walked back inside, after giving Mason one last glare.
"What do you want? You got 10 seconds," I said.
"Get an abortion,"
I froze in my tracks. My mind couldn't process the words that came out of his mouth. Abortion. That means killing which means ending Peanut which means Id never forgive myself meaning I'd probably end up depressed.
"WHAT THE HELL? No!" I responded.
"It's the best thing for you because I am not going to be the daddy to this baby," he reasoned.
"Ohh... Okay! So this is why you're trying to get back together with me! You thought saying you love me would change my mind about this baby?" I asked sarcastically.
He opened his mouth but I put my finger to his lips.
"Lemme just tell you that you are such an idiot. I told you already, keep your God damn money! I don't need it, I can raise this child on my own! Just because you won't be in it's life, doesn't mean he won't have a father. I can guarantee that there will be a male figure present, whether it's my boyfriend or a friend. As you can tell, you are not essential to my life!" I said and started walking towards the door.
"By the way, I can't get an abortion, I'm 5 weeks too late genius. Now get your dirty ass car out the driveway!"
With that, I left Mason speechless and slammed the door. Jake and Paige were in the window, watching Mason pull off. Mom was on the phone.
"I swear to god I hate him," Paige muttered to herself.
"What did he want?" Jake asked, walking towards me. I swallowed hard before telling him.
"Well first he said he wanted to get back together..." I started. Jake's eyebrows rose and I could see disbelief and confusion settle in his face.
"Then he asked me to get an abortion," I said. Jake immediately got angry and Paige's jaw dropped.
"You're kidding, right?" She said hysterically. I shook my head and exhaled.
"Don't worry about him. I'm not expecting him to pay me another visit," I muttered to myself.
I walked over to Jake and gave him a hug. He looked like he wanted to punch a wall in.
"Calm down, Jake. It's okay," he hugged me back and I rubbed his back.
"I'm sorry, he just gets me heated. I never knew how persistent the guy was," he said rolling his eyes. I laughed and poked his stomach.
"I'm yours. Don't forget," I said looking up at him. I gave him a kiss on the lips and a small smile.
"Don't worry, I won't,"
I let him go and walked over to see who my mom was talking to. She mouthed Lacey.
"Yeah, here Spencer wants to talk to you!" She said and shoved the phone to my ear. No I don't!
I gave her a 'why?' Expression and she shrugged, walking off.
"Hey lace,"
"Hey! How have you been?" She asked. I hesitated. I guess now is the best time to mention it.
"Good. Actually Lacey, I'm pregnant," there was a pause on the phone and then I eventually heard a wow.
"Congratulations, little sis! How far along are you?" She asked.
"I'm going to be 3 months next week,"
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Because Mason and I broke up. I don't really want get into details right now but it's been hectic," I explained.
"No way! You know what, in coming over to visit next weekend. Tell me the whole story then?" She asked.
"Yeah, great. I'll see YA then!" I said trying to sound happy.
"Bye, Spence,"
I hung up the phone. Lacey didn't sound that enthusiastic when I told her about the baby. I guess she was thinking about how badly she wanted one, too. I'm not so stoked about her seeing me either. Lacey always wants to be here when I fail. She said she'd come over to hear the story, not to see my b
belly. There's a difference.
Typical Lacey.
•. •. •. •.
"Alright Spencer, here is your baby's heartbeat," Dr. Martin said, as she moved the stick around my belly. I looked at the monitor and tears came to my eyes. Baby Peanut was right there. It was so big.
"Now, if you want to know the sex, I can tell you," she said smiling. I exhaled deeply before deciding.
"Yes, what am I going to have?" I asked.
"Your going to be having a baby girl!" She said.
Paige jumped up and down and started squealing. I laughed, shaking my head in disbelief. I was going to be having a mini me running around barefoot!
"OH MY GOSH! THIS IS SO EXCITING!" She yelled. She looked Over at me and I gave her a wide grin. I was beyond happy right now.
"Now, your due date, is June 4. Your baby could be late, Which is common in most cases," she said as she wiped the goo off of my stomach.
I sat up straight and put my long hair to the side.
"Thank you so much!" I said, hugging her.
"Your welcome! Your baby pictures were sent to the printer, I'll be back shortly," she said and left. Paige looked at me with excitement and I couldn't do anything but laugh.
"Wait til Jake finds out!" She said.
"Wait til Mom finds out!" I said with raised eyebrows. She will be stoked! I can see her now planning for the nursery. I just hope she doesn't make everything pink. I honestly hate pink.
The doctor came back and handed me the pictures from the ultrasound. I took them and thanked her one final time before leaving. Today was going to be a good day.
After leaving the doctors office, we drove to Burger King to get a quick snack. For me of course! Appetite continues to increase on a day to day basis. It makes sense, I am 3 months now.
We finally drive back to my Mom's house so I can tell her the news. I get out the car and walk into the house. She was sitting there with the phone in her hands.
"Hey Mom, what's up?" I asked excitedly.
"Oh nothing, Hun! Lacey is on her way. She'll be here tonight!" She said standing Up.
"Oh cool,"
"Why are you so happy?" She asked opening up the fridge.
"Oh- nothing. I'll just tell you later when Lacey gets here," I said. She turned and raised her eyebrows.
"You could just tell me now,"
"Mmm...no. I'll wait until Lacey gets here," I said, smirking, and turned to go up the stairs.
"Too bad!"
I walked up the stairs into my room and closed the door. My room basically consisted of a bed, dresser, TV, and rug. I hadn't necessarily unpacked everything simply because I was lazy. Also because I wanted to leave room open for the baby.
Now that I know the sex, I can start planning. I grabbed my laptop and started saving images of things that I wanted. So far I have about $4,000 saved up for her. I've been saving money from every paycheck I received. I need to be okay when I take that maternity leave.
I eventually get tired of shopping and decide to just watch tv. It had been a good hour when a knock came from the door.
"Your mom is going crazy about this baby. She really just wants to know the sex," Jake exclaimed as he came in. He laid down on the bed beside me, in his suit.
"Guess what?" I asked, facing him. He looked up at me, those blue eyes once again had me hypnotized.
"It's a girl," I said smiling. A smile slowly came to his face as he took it in.
"You're gonna be having a mini you running all over the place!" He said, putting his hand on my thigh. I nodded and he sat up. Pulling me closer, he kissed me.
"Can't wait," he said.
"Just don't tell my mom. I'm telling her when Lacey gets here!" I said, whispering. He nodded and stood up.
"This is for you," he said, pulling a long box out of his pocket. It had dark blue fur on the outside.
"What's this for?" I asked. Please don't tell me he got me something expensive.
"Just open it," he said, winking. I opened the box and the most beautiful bracelet came to view. My mouth dropped as I took it out the box. It was a sky blue and white diamond. It had the numbers 9 1 7 on it.
My mouth dropped and I looked up at him in disbelief. He smiled back at me and sat down on the bed.
"This is absolutely gorgeous!" I awed. He laughed and shook his head.
"Happy 2 month anniversary, babe," he said. I looked at him and sighed.
"BUT I didn't get you anything! If I would've know we were doing this, I would've-"
"No. You don't have to give me anything. I saw it behind the glass at Kay's and I thought of you," he said genuinely.
He looked down and rubbed his neck, nervously.
"Spencer...I love-"
The door bursted open. I snapped my attention to Paige, who looked like she just witnessed a murder. She was out of breath and panting like a bull dog.
I stood up.
"What's wrong?" I asked walking over to her.
"You need to go look at your car...you...too Jake..." She said, panting as she bent over. I gave Jake a look and ran down the stairs. After I opened the door, my jaw dropped.
Someone spray painted 'Bitch' on my black car. The windows were busted, not to mention the door was dented. I walked outside and went around to the other side to see 'kill yourself'. Jake stood behind me with a look of confusion.
"Who would do this?" He asked tugging his hair.
"Miss me?"
I turned around to see a blondie with a golf club and a bottle of spray paint in her hands. I immediately walk over to her.
"What are you looking at?" She yelled in my face. She was smacking some bubble gum really hard, making sure it was visible. My blood was boiling. First she beats my car and now she has the audacity to actually show her face?!
I pulled back my hand and gave her the hardest bitch slap I've ever given anybody. Although she was taller than me, the palm of my hand connected perfectly with her cheek and she yelled in pain. The gum flew out of her mouth and she dropped the golf club.
Jake came up from behind me and pulled me away from her. I let him pull me away only for Peanut's safety.
"Calm down! I got this!" Jake said angrily.
The blonde was still bending over, holding her cheek when Jake turned back to her. He stepped towards her in full confidence.
"What the hell do you want, Megan?"
"Wait, you know her?!" I yelled. He turned and nodded his head. What the heck was going on?!
The blonde stood up with her palm still on her cheek. There were tears strolling down her face.
"YOU LEAVE ME FOR HER?! An Ugly pregnant whale?" She asked.
I was beyond mad.
"SHUT UP!" Jake yelled. He turned around to me.
"Look, ill explain everything to you later. Can you please just wait in the house for me?" He asked, his eyes softening a bit. I honestly didn't want to leave, but for Peanut, I'll go.
I sigh and nod.
"By the way, your face looks like shit. Wanna use some more concealer?" I asked sarcastically. She sent me a glare and I returned the favor. Putting my Hand on my stomach, I walked into the house and closed the door.
I wasn't going to leave completely, just get out of the way. As I looked out the window, Jake seemed to be talking to her. I still couldn't connect the dots with how they knew each other.
Hell, she better not be the sister.
"What happened?" Paige asked as she joined me next to the window. I took a moment to respond.
"The blonde ruined my car and I bitch slapped her," I said angrily. I was holding in some of my anger simply because I couldn't unleash it on the cake faced blondie herself.
"Nice work! Momma taught you well!" Paige said high fiving me. My eyes stayed focus on Jake the entire time. Paige turned me around seeming to have noticed.
"How do you feel? If you're stressed, we need to get outta here," she said. I shook her hands off of my shoulders.
"Would you guys stop treating me like I'm a grenade?! I'm pregnant for Christ sake!" I shouted. She seemed startled by my reaction.
"Wow, okay,"
"I'm sorry Paige. The blondie has really got me heated right now and to be honest, the whole stress checking is getting annoying," I admitted. She turned back towards me and sighed.
"Yeah, I guess it is. I will try and minimize asking you about it ONLY if you tell me when you do feel stressed," she bargained. She had her drug dealer face on.
We shook hands like professionals and turned back to the window, only I wish I hadn't done that. At least not in this moment.
Blondie was kissing Jake.
Jake was standing there and letting her do it. He didn't push her away. He just stood there with his eyes open and lips puckered.
I turned away, blinking back some tears. How can this be happening again? Am I cursed or something, because I feel like I am. Suddenly, I feel some vomit coming up and I made a dash to the bathroom.
I could hear Paige's feet against the floor behind me. I didn't feel like being bothered, so I picked up my speed and slammed the door in her face.
She started banging on the door as I threw up the ice cream from earlier. I hated vomiting. The acid coming up from your stomach does not feel pleasant.
When I was finally done puking, I had nothing left but tears, hatred, and anger. I sat in the bathroom for a good 15 minutes alone.
How can he give me a bracelet and then kiss her?! Unless she was an ex girlfriend. I am not doing this again.
"What the hell do you want?" I heard Paige ask.
"Look I just need to talk to Spencer, I heard Jake say.
"NO! You break her heart and now you wanna talk to her? Get out!"
"Paige please! I didn't mean to hurt her!"
Then the front door slamming shut. Paige's body slid down to the floor against the door.
"Spencer, I know this hurts. Can you please just let me in?" She asked gently. I crawled over to the door and opened it. Seeing her face made me Break down all over again. She wrapped her hands around me and tried to calm me down, but I didn't work.
Worst part about being in a relationship while your pregnant. You never feel good enough.
•. •. •. •.
A week had passed and I was still very well ignoring Jake. He had made many attempts to explain what happened and why but I just wasn't up for it.
No matter how he could spin it, he could've said no. Nothing justifies his actions and I'm tired of men giving me excuses for their behavior. I'm listening to myself here on out.
My mother very well knew what was happening. She tried to give me a talk about relationships during pregnancy but I didn't want to hear that either. I still hadn't manage to tell her the sex of the baby with everything that's been happening.
Lacey had came just in time to see another failure of mine. She was staying at my mothers house in the loft. Longer than I suspected. After filling her in on the glorious details between Mason and I, all she said was wow. There was actually a smirk on her face as she took it all in. I didn't say anything about it, but I am gettin fed up with her.
I was in my room staring at the tv when a knock came from the door. I turned to see Jake standing there.
How did he get past Paige ?
"Jake, I-"
"Her name is Megan. About a year ago, I was basically just promiscuous....if that's how you say it. Anyway, I slept with her one night only to find out she was obsessed with me. I don't know if she has a disorder of some sort, but she was following for about 2 months in Vegas. So, I moved here and I thought she had given up, only she's found me....AGAIN," he explained. He walked over to me and sat on my bed.
"This still doesn't explain-"
"The kiss. I kissed her because she threatened she would hurt you and the baby. To make her stop she settled for a kiss, but I'm pretty sure she's planning on manipulating me. Please believe me, Spencer," he responded. I shook my head trying to avoid those blue eyes as much as possible.
"Why didn't you tell me about her?" I asked. There were tears threatening to come out, now.
"Because I hate who I was and I wanted to bury the past. Bringing up past relationships would do no good and you know it,"
I sat there, thinking of an answer in my head. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to get it out. He was fidgety.
"Spencer, I love you," he said. I looked up to meet his eyes to find them that soft blue.
"I love you, Spencer. I love the way you laugh, because it makes me laugh. I love the way your brown eyes turn to that soft hazel color in the sunlight. I love how you get that one tiny dimple on your cheek when you laugh. I love how you're so focused on giving a good life to the little baby inside of you!" He cried. There were tears forming in his eyes.
I was very well crying. I couldn't believe what he was saying.
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